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Everything posted by Frazato

  1. Utilize o chr(002) no início para iniciar as configurações.
  2. Bom dia! é feito em gtwvw usando xharbour! #include "inkey.ch" #include "icbrasil.ch" Function Main() public p_aListObjects := {}, p_nNormalMaxrow := 33, p_nNormalMaxcol := 98 REQUEST DBFCDX RDDSETDEFAULT("dbfcdx") DBSETDRIVER("dbfcdx") wvw_settitle( 0, "...#### JAF DESENVOLVIMENTO - ENVIO DE MENSAGEM ZAP VIA MEGA ( By Frazato )####..." ) Parameters xExecutarRotina If xExecutarRotina==nIL xExecutarRotina := 'SEM PARAMETROS' Endif Iniciar() COR_NORMAL Close all nLista := Directory("c:\temp\Zap\*.jpeg","D") If Len(nLista)<=0 ALERTA('E NECESSARIO COLOCAR OS ARQUIVO *.JPEG NA PASTA C:\TEMP\ZAP') Endif If Len(nLista)>10 ALERTA('CARO AMIGO ACHO EU QUE TEM MUITO ARQUIVO PARA ENVIO, USUARIO NAO GOSTA VERIFIQUE A PASTA C:\TEMP\ZAP') Endif If xExecutarRotina=='ROBO' RoboZap() return nil Endif Sele 1 use MSGZAP alias contato //Exclusive If ! File('msgzap.cdx') index on Nome tag nomes to msgzap index on telefone tag fones to msgzap endif Set index to msgzap Sele Contato OrdSetFocus('nomes') Go top nReg_ok:= nReg_Nt:= nReg_ := 0 Do while ! EOF() If Contato->TemZap=='OK' nReg_ok++ ElseIf Contato->TemZap=='NT' nReg_Nt++ Else nReg_++ Endif Skip+1 Enddo cStatus_banco := Space(3)+; "("+Alltrim(Str(nReg_ok,5))+' OK )'+Space(3)+; "("+Alltrim(Str(nReg_nt,5))+' NT )'+Space(3)+; "("+Alltrim(Str(nReg_ ,5))+' NA )' Go Top @ 00,00 say padc('JAF ENVIO DE WHASPP VIA APP MEGA',MaxCol()) color('nn+/WW+') @ 01,00 say padc('--------------------------------'+xExecutarRotina,MaxCol()) @ 02,00 say padc('INS-NOVO ENTER-ALTERA DEL-EXCLUI SPACE-MARCA/DESMARCA ==> F10-MENU OPCAO',MaxCol()) @ 03,00 say padc('F3-PESQUISA NOME F9-VERIFICA CONTATO ==>'+cStatus_banco,MaxCol()) @ 04,00 TO 04,MaxCol() oTab:=TbrowseDb(05,00,MaxRow()-2,MaxCol()) oTab:ColSep := " ³ " oTab:HeadSep := "___" oTab:ColorSpec := "n/ww+*,B/GR+*,N/w,N/W*+,g+*/ww+*" Coluna1 := TbColumnNew("Telefone ",{ ||Substr(Contato->Telefone,1,12)+' '+Substr(Contato->Nome,1,30)+' '+Contato->Temzap } ) Coluna2 := TbColumnNew("Envio ",{ ||Substr(Contato->DataEnv,1,20)} ) Coluna3 := TbColumnNew("Mensagem ",{ ||Substr(Contato->Msg,1,40) } ) Coluna4 := TbColumnNew("Pedido ",{ ||Contato->DataPed } ) Coluna5 := TbColumnNew("Arquivo ",{ ||Contato->Arquivo } ) Coluna6 := TbColumnNew("Retorno APP",{ ||Contato->Retorno } ) oTab:AddColumn(Coluna1) oTab:AddColumn(Coluna2) oTab:AddColumn(Coluna3) oTab:AddColumn(Coluna4) oTab:AddColumn(Coluna5) oTab:AddColumn(Coluna6) Do While .t. For i:= 1 to 6// 6 oTab:GetColumn(i):ColorBlock := { || { Iif(OrdKeyNo()%2==0,4,3),2 } } Next Do While ! oTab:Stabilize() Enddo nKey := Inkey() If oTab:Stable nKey := Inkey(0) oTab:ForcEstable() Endif If nKey == K_ESC Exit ElseIf nKey == K_ENTER Manutencao(.f.) oTab:Refreshall() ElseIf nKey == K_DEL If op:= Alert('CONFIRMA EXCLUSAO DO CONTATO '+Alltrim(Contato->Telefone),{'SIM','NAO'})==1 Trav_reg() Delete Skip+1 If Bof() Go top Endif oTab:Refreshall() Endif ElseIf nKey == K_INS Manutencao(.t.) oTab:Refreshall() ElseIf nKey == K_F10 ROTINAS() ElseIf nKey == K_F9 If Zap_VerStatus()==.t. Zap_checaContato(Contato->Telefone) Endif ElseIf nKey == K_SPACE If Empty(Contato->DataEnv) IF MSGCONF("Confirma DESMARCACAO ?"+Alltrim(Contato->Nome),"1") == .t. Trav_reg() Repla Contato->DataEnv With DTOC(DATE()) Repla Contato->MSg With '' Repla Contato->Arquivo With '' Endif Else IF MSGCONF("Confirma MARCAO ?"+Alltrim(Contato->Nome),"1") == .t. Trav_reg() Repla Contato->DataEnv With '' Repla Contato->MSg With 'La Villa, Ofertas!' Repla Contato->Arquivo With 'PASTA' Endif Endif oTab:Refreshall() ElseIf nKey == K_F3 // PESQUISA NOME PESQNOME() oTab:Refreshall() ElseIf nKey == K_UP oTab:Up() ElseIf nKey == K_DOWN oTab:Down() ElseIf nKey == K_LEFT oTab:Left() ElseIf nKey == K_RIGHT oTab:Right() ElseIf nKey == K_PGUP oTab:PAGEUP() ElseIf nKey == K_PGDN oTab:PAGEDOWN() ElseIf nKey == K_CTRL_PGUP oTab:goTop() oTab:Refreshall() ElseIf nKey== K_CTRL_PGDN oTab:goBottom() oTab:Refreshall() Endif Enddo Close all return nil ****************** FUNCTION Iniciar() ****************** local lRet := .T. dbsetdriver("DBFCDX") set confirm on set deleted on set bell off set scoreboard off set eventmask to INKEY_ALL set date british set epoch to 1950 set exclusive off Set date format to "DD/MM/YYYY" SET WRAP ON lRet := WVW_SetFont(,'Ms Sans Serif', 24, 11 ) // IDEAL E PADRAO If GetEnv("WINDOWS98")=='S' lRet := WVW_SetFont(,cTipoFonte) Endif If !lRet wvw_messagebox(0, "Fonte não carregada", "JAF Desenv.", 0) lRet := WVW_SetFont(,'Ms Sans Serif', 16, 8 ) // LABORATORIO Endif wvw_noclose() wvw_seticon(, "cxwin.ico" ) wvw_size_ready(.T.) wvw_setmaincoord(.T.) wvw_SetPaintRefresh(0) WVW_SetCodePage(,255) // 250 wvw_SetVertCaret(.F.) wvw_enableshortcuts(0,.T.) * SetInkeyAfterBlock({|nkey| AfterInkey( nkey ) }) wvw_maximize(0) COR_NORMAL Jta(0) * Toolbar(0) * Jta(0) cls lRet := .t. RETURN lRet //------------------------------------------------------- Function Trav_Reg() Local Tela01 := Savescreen(00,00,24,79) Local nTenta := 0 Local nHora1 := Time() Local CorOld := SetColor() Do While (!Rlock()) nTenta++ Centra(24,'Gravando dados no Banco de Dados...'+str(nTenta)) If nTenta >= 150 SetColor("W+*/R") @ 10,10 Clear to 15,60 @ 10,10 to 15,60 Double SetColor("GR+/R") @ 11,11 say padc("Registro Alocado",48) @ 13,11 say "Tentativa n§:" @ 14,11 say " Tempo Gasto:" @ 13,26 say Str(nTenta,10) Color("WW+*/R") @ 14,26 say Elaptime(nHora1,Time()) Endif Enddo Setcolor(CorOld) Centra(24,'') *RestScreen(00,00,24,79,Tela01) Return nil Function Destrava() DbUnlock() //Commit Return nil *********************************************************** FUNCTION WVW_SIZE( nWindow, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ) *********************************************************** local cScreen, maxsavedscrrow, maxsavedscrcol, lNeedReset := .f. if !WVW_SIZE_READY() return NIL endif if nWindow # 0 return NIL endif WVW_SIZE_READY(.F.) do case case wParam == 2 // Maximizar a janela if ( maxcol() # wvw_maxmaxcol() .or. maxrow() # wvw_maxmaxrow() ) maxsavedscrrow := min( min( p_nNormalMaxrow, wvw_maxmaxrow() ), maxrow() ) maxsavedscrcol := min( min( p_nNormalMaxcol, wvw_maxmaxcol() ), maxcol() ) cScreen := savescreen( 0, 0, maxsavedscrrow, maxsavedscrcol ) if setmode( wvw_maxmaxrow()+1, wvw_maxmaxcol()+1 ) restscreen( 0, 0, maxsavedscrrow, maxsavedscrcol, cScreen ) endif endif case wParam == 0 // Restaurar o Tamanho da Janela if ( maxcol() # p_nNormalMaxcol .or. maxrow() # p_nNormalMaxrow ) maxsavedscrrow := min( p_nNormalMaxrow, maxrow() ) maxsavedscrcol := min( p_nNormalMaxcol, maxcol() ) cScreen := savescreen( 0, 0, maxsavedscrrow, maxsavedscrcol ) if setmode( p_nNormalMaxrow+1, p_nNormalMaxcol+1 ) restscreen( 0, 0, maxsavedscrrow, maxsavedscrcol, cScreen ) endif endif otherwise endcase WVW_SIZE_READY(.T.) RETURN NIL // // FUNCAO : WVW_Timer() // PARAMETROS : nWindow - N§ da janela // hWnd - // message - // wParam - // lParam - // DESCRICAO : Funcao chamada ao intervalo definido na funcao WVW_SETTIMER() // RETORNO : // ************************************************************ FUNCTION WVW_TIMER( nWindow, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam ) ************************************************************ WVW_SBSetText(, 2, time() ) RETURN NIL ********************************** STATIC FUNCTION jta(nWindow) local hWndSB := "" wvw_sbdestroy(nWindow) IF ! Empty( wvw_sbCreate() ) .AND. wvw_sbAddPart( , "99:99:99" ) > 0 wvw_SetTimer( , 1000 ) ENDIF *if WVW_SBAddPart(, "99/99/9999" ) > 0 *set century on WVW_SBSetText(nWindow, 1,'CORTEZIA - JAF DESENVOLVIMENTO' ) *WVW_SBSetText(nWindow, 2, time() ) *set century off *endif * if !empty(wvw_SBcreate() ) .and.; * wvw_SBaddPart(, "99:99:99") > 0 * wvw_SetTimer(, 1000) * endif *if WVW_SBAddPart(,"99:99:99") > 0 * WVW_SetTimer(nWindow,1,Time(),1000) *endif WVW_SBSetText(,0,"Programa Licenciado Para :CORTEZIA") return nil //-------------------------------------------------------------- static Function Manutencao(lOp) Local cTelefone := Space(12) Local CCONTATO := Space(40) Local GetList := {} Local Tela := Savescreen(00,00,24,79) Local CorOld := SetColor() If lOp == .f. // Alteracao cTelefone := Contato->Telefone cContato := Contato->Nome Endif setcolor('g/r') @ 11,10 say PADC(Iif(lop==.t.,'NOVO CONTATO','ALTERANDO '+cTelefone),61) COLOR 'GR+/N' @ 12,10 Clear to 15,70 @ 13,11 say 'TELEFONE....' GET CTELEFONE Pict '999999999999' Read If LastKey()#27 Go top OrdsetFocus('Fones') Seek StrZero(val(cTelefone),11) if Found() Alerta('Telefone ja cadastrado '+ Contato->Nome) cContato := Contato->Nome lop := .f. Endif Endif @ 14,11 SAY 'CONTATO.....' GET CCONTATO Pict "@!" Read If LastKey()#27 If Conf := Alert('Confirma INCLUSAO/ALTERACAO',{'Sim','Nao'})== 1 If lop==.t. Append Blank Repla Contato->Telefone With cTelefone Endif Trav_reg() Repla Contato->Nome With cContato Endif Endif SetColor(CorOld) RestScreen(00,00,24,79,Tela) Return nil //---------------------------------------------------------- Function EnviarMsgTexto(cNumero,cMsg,cPDF,lteste,lEnviaJPG) Local i *Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:10248/'// sendfilebase64?' *Local cToken := "demo12345678910" Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:15358/'// sendfilebase64?' Local cToken := "M_CI33zodtF1UisZAD" Local cRetorno :='' Local mTemporal_:= 'c:\temp\' If lEnviaJPG==.t. mTemporal_:= 'c:\temp\zap\' Endif If cMsg=='' *Alerta('sem msg!!') Return .f. Endif if lteste # Nil hHash := Hash() Endif If ! Empty(cPDF) Url += 'sendfilebase64?' Else Url += 'sendmessage?' Endif Url += "token="+cToken *xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmldoc:setTimeouts(1000*60, 1000*60, 0, 0) xmldoc:open("POST", url, .f.) xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8" ) xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "token" , cToKen ) Texto :='{'+; [ "phone": "55]+Alltrim(cNumero)+[",]+; [ "body": "]+Alltrim(cMsg)+["]+; [}] If lEnviaJPG==.t. // envia a pasta c:\temp\zap todos os arquivos If ! Empty(cPDF) If File(cPDF) sContent = Alltrim(MemoRead(cPDF)) sContent = hb_base64encode(sContent,Len(sContent)) cArqBase64 := sContent cPDF:= StrTran(cPDF,mTemporal_) // Limpa o nome Texto := '{'+; [ "phone": "55]+Alltrim(cNumero)+[",]+; [ "body": "data:image/png;base64,]+ALLTRIM(cArqBase64)+[",]+; //application/pdf [ "filename": "]+Alltrim(cPDF)+[",]+; [ "caption": "]+Alltrim(cMsg)+["]+; '}' Endif Endif Else If ! Empty(cPDF) If File(cPDF) sContent = Alltrim(MemoRead(cPDF)) sContent = hb_base64encode(sContent,Len(sContent)) cArqBase64 := sContent cPDF:= StrTran(cPDF,mTemporal) // Limpa o nome Texto := '{'+; [ "phone": "55]+Alltrim(cNumero)+[",]+; [ "body": "data:application/pdf;base64,]+ALLTRIM(cArqBase64)+[",]+; //application/pdf [ "filename": "]+Alltrim(cPDF)+[",]+; [ "caption": "]+Alltrim(cMsg)+["]+; '}' Endif Endif Endif * Alerta(texto) lErroEnvio := .f. Try xmldoc:send(Texto) Catch oError CRLF := '' cErrorTmp :="Error: " + Transform(oError:GenCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubC: " + Transform(oError:SubCode, nil) + CRLF +; "OSCode: " + Transform(oError:OsCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubSystem: " + Transform(oError:SubSystem, nil) + CRLF +; "Mensagem: " + oError:Description *Alert("Erro ao chamar metodo SEND de HttpRequest (Registro envio)"+chr(10)+cErrorTmp ) lErroEnvio := .t. End If lErroEnvio == .t. Centra(24,cErrorTmp) Return .f. // cErrorTmp Endif DO WHILE xmldoc:readyState <> 4 MILLISEC(1000) ENDDO Linha :=xmldoc:responseText Linha2:=xmldoc:ResponseBody() cTxtGerado := StrZero(Int(hb_random(10000)),5) MemoWrit(mTemporal_+'revisao2_'+cTxtGerado+'.txt',Texto) MemoWrit(mTemporal_+'revisao1_'+cTxtGerado+'.txt',Linha2 ) hb_jsondecode( Linha2, @hHash ) IF VALTYPE(hHash) != 'H' *Alert( 'Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF IF len(hHash)<0 *Alert('Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API ou retorno vazio, tente novamente') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF RETURN .t. //------------------------------------------------ Static Function RoboZap() Local nQtdMSgEnviar:= 0 Local nQtdMsgEnviadas:= 0 Local TestaStatus := .t. Close all Sele 1 Use MSGZAP Alias Lista set index to MsgZap Sele Lista OrdSetFocus('nomes') Go top Do while ! Eof() If Empty(Lista->DATAENV) .and. Lista->Temzap=='OK' nQtdMSgEnviar++ Endif Skip+1 enddo Go top lTestaStatus := .t. // teste somente quando der problema Do while .t. hHash := Hash() If Lista->Temzap#"OK" // pula problemas Skip+1;Loop Endif If Empty(Lista->DATAENV) // .AND. !Empty(Lista->TELEFONE) If lTestaStatus==.t. lOkStatus := Zap_VerStatus() Endif * If Zap_VerStatus()==.t. If lOkStatus == .t. lTestaStatus := .f. cNumero := Alltrim(Lista->Telefone) cMsg := Alltrim(Lista->MSG) cPdf := Lista->Arquivo cGrafico:= ' Enviando...'+Str(nQtdMsgEnviadas++,5)+' de '+Str(nQtdMSgEnviar,5) Centra(24,'Enviando Whastapp....'+cNumero+cGrafico) If Alltrim(cPdf)=='PASTA' If Zap_Envia_Pasta(cNumero) ==.f. Centra(24,'Erro Envio.. ') lTestaStatus := .t. Endif Else * IF EnviarMsgTexto(cNumero,cMsg,cPdf) # .T. * Centra(24,'Erro Envio.. ') * Else * IF HHasKey( hHash, 'message' ) * Trav_reg() * Repla Lista->RETORNO With ALLTRIM(hHash['message']) * * Centra(24,'Enviando Whastapp....'+cNumero+' RETORNO....'+ALLTRIM(hHash['message']) ) * ENDIF * * IF HHasKey( hHash, 'accountStatus' ) * Trav_reg() * Repla Lista->DATAENV With Dtoc(Date())+' '+Time() * ENDIF * Destrava() * Inkey(1) * Endif Endif Else Centra(24,'Verifique, Celular nao esta conectado no ZAP!') Endif Endif Skip+1 If LastKey()==27 Exit Endif if Eof() Exit * Go top Endif Enddo Close all Return nil //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function Zap_VerStatus() Local i *Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:10248/status?' ///logout *Local cToken := "demo12345678910" Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:15358/status?'// sendfilebase64?' Local cToken := "M_CI33zodtF1UisZAD" Local cRetorno :='' Local mTemporal:= 'c:\temp\' Url += "token="+cToken xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmldoc:setTimeouts(1000*60, 1000*60, 0, 0) xmldoc:open("GET", url, .f.) xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8" ) *xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "token" , cToKen ) *xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Connection", "Keep-Alive" ) Texto :='' lErroEnvio := .f. Try xmldoc:send(Texto) Catch oError CRLF := '' cErrorTmp :="Error: " + Transform(oError:GenCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubC: " + Transform(oError:SubCode, nil) + CRLF +; "OSCode: " + Transform(oError:OsCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubSystem: " + Transform(oError:SubSystem, nil) + CRLF +; "Mensagem: " + oError:Description *Alert("Erro ao chamar metodo SEND de HttpRequest (Registro envio)"+chr(10)+cErrorTmp ) lErroEnvio := .t. End If lErroEnvio == .t. Return .f. // cErrorTmp Endif DO WHILE xmldoc:readyState <> 4 MILLISEC(1000) ENDDO Linha :=xmldoc:responseText Linha2:=xmldoc:ResponseBody() MemoWrit(mTemporal+'revisao2.txt',Linha2) MemoWrit(mTemporal+'revisao1.txt',Linha ) hHash2 := Hash() hb_jsondecode( Linha,@hHash2 ) IF VALTYPE(hHash2) != 'H' *Alert( 'Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF IF len(hHash2)<0 *Alert('Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API ou retorno vazio, tente novamente') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF IF HHasKey( hHash2, 'accountStatus' ) // True If hHash2['accountStatus'] // True if HHasKey( hHash2, 'state' ) If hHash2['state']=='connected' Return .t. // Concentaro Endif Endif Endif ENDIF RETURN .f. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Function ZAP_PegaQrCodi() Local i *Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:10248/qrcode?' *Local cToken := "demo12345678910" Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:15358/qrcode?'// sendfilebase64?' Local cToken := "M_CI33zodtF1UisZAD" Local cRetorno :='' Local mTemporal:= 'c:\temp\' IF MSGCONF("Confirma a Obtencao QrCodi,Faca logout antes! ","1") == .f. Return nil Endif Url += "token="+cToken Alerta(Url) *xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.5.0") xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmldoc:setTimeouts(1000*60, 1000*60, 0, 0) xmldoc:open("GET", url, .f.) xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8" ) *xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "token" , cToKen ) *xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Connection", "Keep-Alive" ) Texto :='' lErroEnvio := .f. Try xmldoc:send(Texto) Catch oError CRLF := '' cErrorTmp :="Error: " + Transform(oError:GenCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubC: " + Transform(oError:SubCode, nil) + CRLF +; "OSCode: " + Transform(oError:OsCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubSystem: " + Transform(oError:SubSystem, nil) + CRLF +; "Mensagem: " + oError:Description * Alert("Erro ao chamar metodo SEND de HttpRequest (Registro envio)"+chr(10)+cErrorTmp ) lErroEnvio := .t. End If lErroEnvio == .t. Return cErrorTmp Endif DO WHILE xmldoc:readyState <> 4 MILLISEC(1000) ENDDO Linha :=xmldoc:responseText Linha2:=xmldoc:ResponseBody() MemoWrit(mTemporal+'revisao2.txt',Linha2) MemoWrit(mTemporal+'revisao1.txt',Linha ) nInicio := ["qrCode":"data:image/png;base64,] nPos := At(nInicio,Linha) cDados := Substr(Linha,nPos+Len(nInicio),30000) cDados := StrTran(cDados,["}],'') MemoWrit(mTemporal+'revisao1.txt',cDados,.f. ) cDados = hb_base64Decode(cDados) MemoWrit(mTemporal+'QrCodi.jpg',cDados,.f.) ! (mTemporal+'QrCodi.jpg') RETURN .t. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function ZAP_Logout() Local i *Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:10248/logout?' ///logout *Local cToken := "demo12345678910" Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:15358/logout?'// sendfilebase64?' Local cToken := "M_CI33zodtF1UisZAD" Local cRetorno :='' Local mTemporal:= 'c:\temp\' IF MSGCONF("Tem certeza que deseja fazer o Logout do WhastApp(Mega)","1") == .f. Return nil Endif Url += "token="+cToken *xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.5.0") xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmldoc:setTimeouts(1000*60, 1000*60, 0, 0) xmldoc:open("GET", url, .f.) xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8" ) *xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "token" , cToKen ) *xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Connection", "Keep-Alive" ) Texto :='' lErroEnvio := .f. Try xmldoc:send(Texto) Catch oError CRLF := '' cErrorTmp :="Error: " + Transform(oError:GenCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubC: " + Transform(oError:SubCode, nil) + CRLF +; "OSCode: " + Transform(oError:OsCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubSystem: " + Transform(oError:SubSystem, nil) + CRLF +; "Mensagem: " + oError:Description * Alert("Erro ao chamar metodo SEND de HttpRequest (Registro envio)"+chr(10)+cErrorTmp ) lErroEnvio := .t. End If lErroEnvio == .t. Return cErrorTmp Endif DO WHILE xmldoc:readyState <> 4 MILLISEC(1000) ENDDO Linha :=xmldoc:responseText Linha2:=xmldoc:ResponseBody() *MemoWrit(mTemporal+'revisao2.txt',Linha2) *MemoWrit(mTemporal+'revisao1.txt',Linha ) hHash2 := Hash() hb_jsondecode( Linha2, @hHash ) IF VALTYPE(hHash2) != 'H' // Alert( 'Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF IF len(hHash2)<0 // Alert('Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API ou retorno vazio, tente novamente') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF IF HHasKey( hHash2, 'state' ) If ALLTRIM(hHash2['state']) # 'connected' Return .f. Endif ENDIF RETURN .t. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATIC Function ROTINAS() LOCAL OP := 1, TELA01 := SAVESCREEN(00,00,MaxRow(),MaxCol()) Local opcao := 7 Local cZapStatus:= 'OFFLINE-VERIFIQUE CELULAR' do while .t. OPCAO := 10 If Zap_VerStatus()==.t. cZapStatus:= 'ONLINE-PRONTO PARA USO' Endif *AADD( OPCAO,{ "Verificar STATUS Coneccao WhatsApp(Mega) "+cZapStatus,"080" ,{ || Alerta(iif(Zap_VerStatus()==.t.,'Ok-Operando','Offline')) ,'Zap_VerStatus()' } } ) *AADD( OPCAO,{ "Logout Servico Whastapp MEGA "+Space(Len(cZapStatus)),"080" ,{ || ZAP_Logout() ,'ZAP_Logout()' } } ) *AADD( OPCAO,{ "Pegar QRCodi "+Space(Len(cZapStatus)),"080" ,{ || ZAP_PegaQrCodi() ,'ZAP_PegaQrCodi()' } } ) *AADD( OPCAO,{ "Enviar uma Mensagem Teste para o JAF "+Space(Len(cZapStatus)),"080" ,{ || EnviarMsgTexto("14997140865",'JAF, mensagem de teste!','',.t.),[EnviarMsgTexto("14996114611",'JAF, mensagem de teste!','',.t.)] } } ) *AADD( OPCAO,{ "Enviar Mensagem AVulso "+Space(Len(cZapStatus)),"080" ,{ || Zap_avulso(),''} } ) *AADD( OPCAO,{ "Robo de envio de ZAP ( MSGZAP.DBF) "+Space(Len(cZapStatus)),"080" ,{ || RoboZap(),''} } ) *Setcolor('NN*/RB+,Y/GR') setcolor("W/BR+,n+/gr+*,n,n,n/w*") @ 03,05 clear to 23,65 @ 02,04 to 24,66 DOUBLE @ 02,05 say padc('R O T I N A S / F U N C O E S ',61) Color('w/G') @ 03,11 say cZapStatus @ 05,11 prompt '1-Verificar STATUS Coneccao WhatsApp(Mega)' @ 07,11 PROMPT '2-Logout Servico Whastapp MEGA ' @ 09,11 PROMPT '3-Gerar QRcodi ' @ 11,11 PROMPT '4-Enviar uma Mensagem Teste para o JAF ' @ 13,11 PROMPT '5-Enviar Mensagem AVulso ' @ 15,11 PROMPT '6-Robo de envio de ZAP ( MSGZAP.DBF) ' @ 17,11 PROMPT '7-Marca todos os Contatos ' @ 19,11 PROMPT '8-Descamarca todos os Contatos ' @ 21,11 PROMPT '9-Checa todos contato com zap ou sem ' @ 23,11 PROMPT '10-VOLTA MENU ' menu to opcao Do case case opcao==10 Exit case opcao==1 Alerta(iif(Zap_VerStatus()==.t.,'Ok-Operando','Offline')) case opcao==2 ZAP_Logout() case opcao==3 ZAP_PegaQrCodi() case opcao==4 EnviarMsgTexto("14997140865",'JAF, mensagem de teste!','',.t.) case opcao==5 Zap_avulso() case opcao==6 Alerta(iif(Zap_VerStatus()==.t.,'Ok-Operando','Offline')) RoboZap() ALERT('PROCESSO FINALIZADO... ',{'ENTER FINALIZA!'},'W/BR+',10) QUIT case opcao==7 MarcaTodos() case opcao==8 DesMarcaTodos() case opcao==9 ChecaTodosContatos() EndCAse Enddo Restscreen(00,00,MaxRow(),MaxCol(),tela01 ) return nil //------------------------------------------------ Static Function Zap_avulso() Local cMsg := Space(100) Local cNumero := Space(12) Local GetList := {} If Zap_VerStatus()==.f. Alerta('Verifique o celular, não esta online/Conectado!') Return nil Endif CAIXATEXTO(10,5,15,90,"....### MENSAGEM A VULSO ZAP ###...2","BG+/NB+","NN/NN","D") @ 12,06 say 'Nr. Celular com WhatsApp :' Get cNumero pict '999999999999' @ 14,06 say 'Mensagem:' Get cMsg Read IF MSGCONF("Enviar Mensagem ","1") == .t. EnviarMsgTexto(Alltrim(cNumero),Alltrim(cMsg),'',.t.) Endif FechaJanela() Return Nil //------------------------------------------------ Static Function Zap_Envia_Pasta(cNumero) Local nLista := Directory("c:\temp\Zap\*.jpeg","D") Local i Local lok := .t. For i:= 1 To Len(nLista) cArquivo := 'c:\temp\zap\'+nLista[i,1] lok:= EnviarMsgTexto(cNumero,'Ofertas La Villa!!!',cArquivo,.f.,.t.) IF HHasKey( hHash, 'message' ) Trav_reg() Repla Lista->RETORNO With ALLTRIM(hHash['message']) Centra(24,'Enviando Whastapp....'+cNumero+' RETORNO....'+ALLTRIM(hHash['message']) ) ENDIF IF HHasKey( hHash, 'accountStatus' ) Trav_reg() Repla Lista->DATAENV With Dtoc(Date())+' '+Time() ENDIF *Destrava() If lOk == .f. Exit Endif Next Return lok Function Centra(l,c) @ MaxRow(),00 say padc(c,MaxCol()) Color('WW+/RR+') Return Nil Function Alerta(c) Alert(c) return nil Function MSGCONF(c) Local op := 2 If op:= Alert(c,{'SIM','NAO'})==1 Return .t. endif return .f. Function CAIXATEXTO(l1,c1,l2,c2,c) @ l1,c1 clear to l2,c2 @ l1-1,c1 say c return nil Function FechaJanela() return .t. //--------------------------------------------------- Static Function MarcaTodos() Local nQtd := 100 Local nreg := 0 Local TELA01 := SAVESCREEN(00,00,MaxRow(),MaxCol()) Local cMsg := "La Villa, Ofertas!"+SPACE(100) SETCOLOR('W/NN') CLEAR @ 09,10 say padc('PREENCHA DADOS PARA ENVIO ',80) COLOR('W/G+') @ 10,10 SAY 'QUANTIDADE DE CONTATOS POR VEZ?' GET NQTD PICT '999999' @ 10,10 say 'MENSAGEM ==>' @ 12,10 Get cmsg PICT "@S70" READ if lastkey()#27 IF MSGCONF("Confirma MARCAO ! ","1") == .t. Go top Do while !Eof() if ! Empty(Contato->DataEnv) .and. nReg <= nQtd Trav_reg() Repla Contato->DataEnv With '' Repla Contato->MSg With cMsg Repla Contato->Arquivo With 'PASTA' nreg++ Endif Skip+1 Enddo Commit Endif Endif Restscreen(00,00,MaxRow(),MaxCol(),tela01 ) Return nil //--------------------------------------------------- Static Function DesMarcaTodos() IF MSGCONF("Confirma DESMARCACAO DE TODOS ! ","1") == .t. Go top Do while !Eof() Trav_reg() Repla Contato->DataEnv With DTOC(DATE()) Repla Contato->MSg With '' Repla Contato->Arquivo With '' Skip+1 Enddo Commit Endif Return nil //------------------------------------------------------------ Static Function PESQNOME() Local TELA01 := SAVESCREEN(00,00,MaxRow(),MaxCol()) Local cPesquisa:= Space(50) SETCOLOR('W/NN') CLEAR @ 09,10 say padc('PESQUISA POR NOME',80) COLOR('W/G+') @ 10,10 Get cPesquisa PICT "@S70" READ if lastkey()#27 IF MSGCONF("Confirma PESQUISA! ","1") == .t. cPesquisa:= upper(Alltrim(cPesquisa)) Set filter to cPesquisa$Nome Go top Else set filter to Endif Endif Restscreen(00,00,MaxRow(),MaxCol(),tela01 ) Return nil //-------------------------------------------- Function GravaLog(cMsg) Local cFileName := "c:\temp\logzap.txt" Local hFile, cLine := "", n Local cFieldAnt Local CRLF := Chr(13)+Chr(10) //cLine := Dtoc(Date())+' '+Time()+CRLF cLine := cMsg +Time()+CRLF If ! File( cFileName ) // Caso nao tenha cria o arquivo FClose( FCreate( cFileName ) ) Endif Do Whil .T. If ( ( hFile := FOpen( cFileName, 1+16 ) ) # -1 ) FSeek( hFile, 0, 2 ) FWrite( hFile, cLine, Len( cLine ) ) FClose( hFile ) Exit Else Exit Endif Enddo Retu(.T.) //------------------------------------------------------------------ Function Zap_checaContato(cNumero) Local i Local Url :='http://api2.megaapi.com.br:15358/'// sendfilebase64?' Local cToken := "M_CI33zodtF1UisZAD" Local cRetorno :='' Local mTemporal_:= 'c:\temp\' Local cMsg := 'testa contato' hHash := Hash() Url += 'checknumber?' Url += "token="+cToken *xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") xmldoc = CREATEOBJECT("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xmldoc:setTimeouts(1000*60, 1000*60, 0, 0) xmldoc:open("POST", url, .f.) xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8" ) xmldoc:SetRequestHeader( "token" , cToKen ) Texto :='{'+; [ "phone": "55]+Alltrim(cNumero)+["}] lErroEnvio := .f. Try xmldoc:send(Texto) Catch oError CRLF := '' cErrorTmp :="Error: " + Transform(oError:GenCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubC: " + Transform(oError:SubCode, nil) + CRLF +; "OSCode: " + Transform(oError:OsCode, nil) + CRLF +; "SubSystem: " + Transform(oError:SubSystem, nil) + CRLF +; "Mensagem: " + oError:Description * Alert("Erro ao chamar metodo SEND de HttpRequest (Registro envio)"+chr(10)+cErrorTmp ) lErroEnvio := .t. End If lErroEnvio == .t. Return .f. // cErrorTmp Endif DO WHILE xmldoc:readyState <> 4 MILLISEC(1000) ENDDO Linha :=xmldoc:responseText Linha2:=xmldoc:ResponseBody() cTxtGerado := StrZero(Int(hb_random(10000)),5) MemoWrit(mTemporal_+'revisao2_'+cTxtGerado+'.txt',Texto) MemoWrit(mTemporal_+'revisao1_'+cTxtGerado+'.txt',Linha2 ) hb_jsondecode( Linha2, @hHash ) IF VALTYPE(hHash) != 'H' * Alert( 'Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF IF len(hHash)<0 *Alert('Algo deu errado, verifique Endereço/token da API ou retorno vazio, tente novamente') RETURN(.F.) ENDIF IF HHasKey( hHash, 'accountStatus' ) Trav_reg() If hHash['accountStatus']==.f. Repla Contato->retorno With hHash['message'] Repla Contato->Temzap With 'NT' Else Repla Contato->retorno With hHash['message'] Repla Contato->Temzap With 'OK' Endif Endif RETURN .t. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Function ChecaTodosContatos() Local nReg := Reccount() Local nAtu := 1 If Zap_VerStatus()==.f. Alerta('TEM QUE ESTA ATIVO O CELULAR?') Return nil Endif IF MSGCONF("Confirma Analise de todos os contatos ! ","1") == .t. Go top Do while !Eof() If !Empty(Contato->TemZap) Skip+1;Loop Endif Centra(24,'Aguarde.. o termino.....'+Contato->Telefone+' Aguarde...'+Str(natu++,5)+'/'+Str(nReg,5)) Zap_checaContato(Contato->Telefone) Skip+1 Enddo Endif Commit Return nil
  3. Utilizo as libs hbhpdf.lib e pdf.lib não e necessario os arquivos includes, esqueci de retirar.. Frazato
  4. Tarde! Uso assim, todos os relatorio gero um Txt e importo para o DBF e gero o PDF. Compilo utilizado a pdf.lib. Frazato #include "inkey.ch" #include "cxwin.ch" #include "jaf.ch" Function Main() setcursor(0) REQUEST DBFCDX RDDSETDEFAULT("dbfcdx") DBSETDRIVER("dbfcdx") cARQ :='c:\temp\rela0008.txt' Sele 1 use c:\temp\Preview alias Preview GERA_PDF(cARQ) Return nil ******************* FUNC GERA_PDF(cARQ,cVisualiza) ******************* Private AMSG, CIMG PRIVATE oDlgHabla:=NIL AMSG := {} set(105,1) set(106,1) IF cARQ=Nil cARQ="TEMP.PRN" Endif centra(24,"Aguarde Gerando Documento PDF...") nSeq := 0 Do While ! Eof() nSeq++ If ! File("p:\temp\JAF_"+StrZero(nSeq,4)+'.PDF') cFILE3 := "p:\temp\JAF_"+StrZero(nSeq,4)+'.PDF' Exit Endif If nSeq >=9999 Alerta("Faca a limpeza da pasta p:\temp\") Endif Enddo Sele Preview nOpcao := AlertJAF("DESTINO"+; ' ',{"### Normal ###",; "### Compactado DRE ###",; "### Romaneio ###" },"WW+/BR+,BB+/N" ) If nOpcao==1 PdfNew(cFile3,nFonte,842,595,1,1,,,) Elseif nopcao ==2 PdfNew(cFile3,nFonte,595,842,1,1,,,) Elseif nopcao ==3 nFonte := 12 PdfNew(cFile3,nFonte,842,595,1,1,,,) Endif //--- Atual ate 07.02.2014 //PdfNew(cFile3,8,842,595,1,1,,,) // - 06-06-2019 //PdfNew(cFile3,7,842,595,1,1,,,) *PdfNew(cFile3,nFonte,842,595,1,1,,,) *Pdfsetfont( _cFont, _nType, _nSize, cId ) cFile := "fundo.jpg" PdfStartPage( {""} , .T. ) //PdfImage(cFile,0,0) dbgotop() cCONT=0 cQuebra:= .f. Do while !eof() *cLinha := Linha // Busca linha de impressao cLinha := l001+l002+l003+l004+l005+l006+l007+l008+l009+l010 cCONT=cCONT+1 cLinha := StrTran(cLinha,'Ä','=') Aadd(AMSG,cLinha) I=0 For I:= 1 to Len(cLinha) //---- Ajusta caracter If Substr(cLinha,i,1)==Chr(12) cQuebra:= .t. Exit Endif Next if cQuebra==.t. PdfDrawPage( AMSG ) PdfEndPage() PdfStartPage( {""} , .T. ) cQuebra:= .f. AMSG := {} // Sei-la para quebra a pagina corretamente conforme o cabecario cCONT=0 ENDIF dbskip() enddo PdfDrawPage( AMSG ) PdfEndPage() PdfEnd() IF oDlgHabla#NIL oDlgHabla:CLOSE() ENDIF *If cVisualiza=="S" * Abre_aqrquivo( cFile3 ) *Else Alerta('Criado arquivo....'+cFile3) Return cFile3 *Endif return nil ******************************************************************************** ***************INCIO DA FUNCAO DE ABRIR ARQUIVOS******************************** ******************************************************************************** // Open help file with associated viewer application FUNCTION Abre_aqrquivo( cHelpFile ) LOCAL nRet, cPath, cFileName, cFileExt HB_FNameSplit( cHelpFile, @cPath, @cFileName, @cFileExt ) nRet := _OpenHelpFile( cPath, cHelpFile ) RETURN nRet #pragma BEGINDUMP // #pragma comment( lib, "shell32.lib" ) #include "hbapi.h" #include <windows.h> HB_FUNC( _OPENHELPFILE ) { HINSTANCE hInst; LPCTSTR lpPath = (LPTSTR) hb_parc( 1 ); LPCTSTR lpHelpFile = (LPTSTR) hb_parc( 2 ); hInst = ShellExecute( 0, "open", lpHelpFile, 0, lpPath, SW_SHOW ); hb_retnl( (LONG) hInst ); return; } #pragma ENDDUMP ******************************************************************************** ***************FIM DA FUNCAO DE ABRIR ARQUIVOS********************************** ********************************************************************************
  5. Tarde! com a Pesquisa em campo com indice e rapido mais pesquisar sem o indice fica lento, cheguei a fazer um tempo a trás mais desistir não tinha muito onde usar e tá lenta mais tinha me ajudado na época. Frazato Function Main() /*By Joao Frazato Jaf Desenvolvimentos Pesquisa Geral - Ta lenta */ REQUEST DBFCDX RDDSETDEFAULT("dbfcdx") DBSETDRIVER("dbfcdx") set confirm On set deleted on set bell off set scoreboard off set date british set epoch to 1950 Set date format to "DD/MM/YYYY" set exclusive off mTemporal := 'c:\temp\' cLocaServ := 'c:\temp\' cLocaServ := 'c:\servidor\dba\' cLocaServ := '' Set Defa to ( cLocaServ ) BuscaGeral('c:\servidor\dba\') Return nil //------------------------------------------------ Function BuscaGeral(cLocal) Local ListaDbf := {} Local cPasta := cLocal Lista := {} cPesq :='PERDIGAO' *cPesq := '53196' Aadd(ListaDbf,'Produto.dbf') Aadd(ListaDbf,'Inventa1.dbf') for i:= 1 to Len(ListaDbf) Close all cArq := cPasta+ListaDbf[i] @ 00,00 say cArq Use (cArq) Alias Tmp sele tmp Go top nTotReg := RecCount() nRegAtu := 0 Do while ! Eof() cString := '' @ 02,00 say 'Aguarde....Termino...'+Str(nRegAtu++/nTotReg*100,7,2)+'%' for x:= 1 to FCount() If FieldType(x)=="C" cString+= FieldGet(x) * ElseIF FieldType(x)=="N" * cString+= Str(FieldGet(x)) Endif Next If cPesq$cString nPosInicial:= At(cPesq,cString) If nPosInicial > 15 nPosInicial := nPosInicial -14 Endif cString2 := SubStr(cString,nPosinicial,50) Aadd(Lista,cArq+'|Reg:'+Str(recno(),11)+'-'+cString2) Endif @ 24,00 say cString Skip+1 Enddo * Lista := {} * *Centra(24,"Selecionando Registro(s) "+Time()) * cPesq := '*'+Alltrim(cPesq) +'*' * cLista:= {} * Do While OrdWildSeek(cPesq,.t.) * Aadd(Lista,Str(recno(),11)+'-'+Tmp->DESCRICAO ) * *Centra(24,"Selecionando Registro(s) "+Str(nReg++,5)) * Enddo nPos := achoice(08,13,23,83,Lista,.t.,,) * * *Dbedit(01,00,24,79) Next Return Nil
  6. Bom dia! Acabei de enviar uma NFe para SP colocando 0.01 no valor total e informando o desconto de 0.01 e o liquido e passou, ufa!
  7. Bom dia! tive esse mesmo problema mais consegui pegar no site os lotes e enviados e apartir deles gerei os arquivos dos cupons com a rotina abaixo: #include "inkey.ch" #INCLUDE "FILEIO.CH" /* Compile usando Hbmk2 desdobra hbct.hbc By Frazato : frazato@ibest.com.br */ Function Main() SetMode(23,80) Clear @ 00,00 say Padc('...### DESDOBRA DE ARQUIVO SAT(Direto Sefaz)###...',MaxCol()) Color('w+/r') @ 01,00 say Padc('...### By Frazato (14) 99714-0865 ###...',MaxCol()) @ 02,00 say replica('_',MaxCol()) mListaArq := Directory("*.xml","N") @ 03,00 say 'Total de Arquivo(s) sefaz.....'+Str(Len(mListaArq),7) nLin := 4 wValorArq := 0 wValorArq := 0 wQtdArq := 0 For i:= 1 to Len(mListaArq) cArquivo := mListaArq[i,1] MostraItens(cArquivo,nLin++) *Delete File to (cArquivo) If nLin >= MaxCol()-2 nLin := 4 Endif Next mListaArqSaidas := Directory("CFe\*.xml","N") cMsg1 := 'Total de Arquivo(s) Gerado(s)..'+Str(Len(mListaArqSaidas),15) Alert('Processo terminado!'+cMsg1) Return nil //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function MostraItens(cFileDanfe,nLinhaTela) cPastaSaida := 'CFe\' nRet := DirMake('CFe') if !file(cFileDanfe) alert('Arquivo nao esta na pasta....'+cFileDanfe) Endif Linha := Memoread(cFileDanfe) nLinhalidas := 0 Linhatotal := Len(Linha) cLinhaTxt := Linha cArqXmlLido := Linha Do While .t. cLidos := PegaDados('CFe',Alltrim(cLinhaTxt),.t.,'CFe' ) Linha := cLidos cArqSaida := PegaNomeXmlChave(cLidos) If cArqSaida#'ERROXML' GravaSaida(cPastaSaida+'CFe'+cArqSaida+'.xml',cLidos) cArquivo_ := cPastaSaida+'CFe'+cArqSaida+'.xml' wQtdArq := PegaValorCupom( PegaDados('total',Alltrim(cLidos),.t.,'total') ) wValorArq += wQtdArq @ nLinhaTela,00 say 'Desdobrando....'+cArquivo_ + Space(10) + Str(wQtdArq,5)+Space(5)+Transf(wValorArq,'@EZ 9999,999.99') @ 03,50 say 'R$ Pasta....'+Transf(wValorArq,'@EZ 9999,999.99') Endif cDadosItem := cLidos If Linha=='0' Exit Endif nSize := Linhatotal-nLinhaLidas cLinha := Right(cLinhaTxt,nSize) cLinhaTxt := cLinha If nLinhaLidas >= Linhatotal Exit Endif Enddo Return nil //------------------------------------------------------ Function GravaSaida(cArq,cTexto) Local Handle := FCreate(cArq) If Ferror() # 0 Alert("Impossivel Criar o Arquivo:"+Chr(10)+; cArq ) Endif Fwrite(Handle,'<CFe'+Alltrim(cTexto)+'</CFe>') FClose(Handle) Return nil //------------------------------------------------------ Function PegaNomeXmlChave(cLinha) Local nPosIni := At([Id="CFe],cLinha) If nPosIni==0 Return 'ERROXML' Endif cRet := Substr(cLinha,nPosIni+7,44) Return ( cRet) //------------------------------------------------------ Function PegaDados(cProc,cLinha,lItem,cTexto2) Local InicioDoDado :=Iif(cTexto2==Nil,"<"+cProc+">" , "<"+cProc ) Local FinalDoDado := Iif(cTexto2==Nil,"</"+cProc+">",'</'+cTexto2+'>') Local nPosIni := At(InicioDoDado,cLinha) Local nPosFim := At(FinalDoDado,cLinha) Local cRet := '0' Local x If nPosIni==0 .or. nPosFim==0 Return cRet Endif cRet := Substr(cLinha,nPosIni+Len(IniciodoDado),nPosFim-nPosIni-Len(FinalDoDado)+1) If lItem ==.t. nLinhalidas += nPosFim Endif Return ( cRet) //------------------------------------------------------------ Static Function PegaValorCupom(cLinha) Local nPos1 := At('<vCFe>',cLinha) Local nPos2 := At('</vCFe>',cLinha) Local cTraco := Substr(cLinha,nPos1+6,nPos2) Return Val(cTraco)
  8. http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17940
  9. Boa tarde!!! Tenho um menu onde tenho as funções gerada no executável e gostaria de saber como vcs fazem pra chegar a existencia da mesma no arquivo HRB e executar apartir o HRB! Como uso Gtwvw fiz da seguinte maneira: 1 - Crie um arquivo INI contendo as funções a serem usada pelo HRB 2- Carrego no inicio do sistema todos os HRB 3 - Quando vou montar os menus chego o INI e tendo a nova função não monto o menu, crio um novo menu com as atualizações ( Isso tá tosco ainda) e uso função com nome diferente no HRB, tipo cadcliente(), HRB_cadcliente() a minha parte de usar o mesmo menu do sistema para executar a função do HRB da muito ruim, mais indo. Gostaria de saber como vcs fazem ou uma outra maneira de pensar. Mais já tá a meu contento. Obrigado, Frazato
  10. Como você faz para tratar isso em tempo de execução, tipo quando executar um "HRB" ou rotina compilada em vosso sistema? Frazato
  11. Existe alguma maneira de usar os arquivo.ch sem ter que colocar dentro do PRG? Frazato
  12. Ufa ! consegui fazer funcionar do jeito que eu queria( Até agora), de dentro do programa principal executar crie uma funcao que executa __HrbLoad( fileHRB ) e boa já era agora quero criar uma situação para trocar em tempo de execução uma rotina, tipo caso exista uma rotina/arquivo executa ao inves de usar o existente no arquivo.exe Obrigado, vou lutando!!!! Frazato
  13. Legal!! e possível eu criar um prg com todas as funções/rotinas e carregar antes do prg com a minha função especifica? Frazato
  14. Bom dia!! Fiz o teste usando funções simples de alert() funciona, mais como faço para usar uma rotina de relatorio, onde as funções de telas, *.ch, e funções de perguntas estão em outro PRG, tenho que colocar todas as funções e *.ch dentro do mesmo prg pra compilar? Frazato
  15. Já tentei mudar a um tempo atrás para mysql mais não tive sucesso, hoje uso alguns acesso via mysql mais o grosso do sistema e dbf, utilizo acesso remoto usando o Go-Global com velocidade local, por curiosidade tenho aqui no mercado uma frente de caixa da Gz sistemas que era em CLIPPER/DOS/DBF ( avião de rapido) hoje tá em linux/Java/Mysql ta uma carroça, a me desanima para tentar mudar novamente! Frazato
  16. Eu tenho essa usando ACBR, de uma olhada pra ver se ajuda! //--------------------------------------------- Static Function Manifestacao() Local cNumero := Space(44) Local cTitulo := '...### MANIFESTACAO DO DESTINATARIO ###...' //Alerta("em desenvolvimento!") //cNumero := "31130623643315009451550030005460011692218633" CAIXATEXTO(06,10,20,90,cTitulo,"G/GR+","BG+/NB+","NN/NN","N") @ 07,11 SAY 'Nr. Chave NFe:' Get cNumero Read If LastKey()==27 .or. Empty(cNumero) FechaJanela() Return nil Endif If MSGCONF("Gera Evento de manifestacao ?","1") == .F. FechaJanela() Return nil Endif //---- Consultando nota Centra(24,'Consulta Chave Nr. '+cNumero) cCmd := 'NFE.ConsultarNfe("'+cNumero+'")' Grava_Acbr(cCmd) cRetornoStatus := Ler_Ecf(0.3) cStatusConsulta := '' If Substr(cRetornoStatus,1,2)#'OK' ALERTA('Erro na Consulta :'+Chr(10)+; cRetornoStatus) FechaJanela() Return nil Else cStatusConsulta := cRetornoStatus Endif if '[EVENTO001]' $ cStatusConsulta Alerta("ja houve um evento com esta nota") @ 08,11 say "Situacao NFe (Envento):"+cStatusConsulta Else @ 08,11 say "Situacao NFe :"+Substr(cRetornoStatus,1,2) Endif nop := 1 tipoper := '' ajustific := '' vetnum := {'210200' , '210210' , '210220' , '210240' } cDescEnvento := '' @ 12,11 prompt "1-"+hb_ansitooem('Confirmação da Operação') @ 13,11 prompt "2-"+hb_ansitooem('Ciência da Operação') @ 14,11 Prompt "3-"+hb_ansitooem('Desconhecimento da Operação') @ 15,11 prompt "4-"+hb_ansitooem('Operação não Realizada') Menu to nOp Do Case Case nOp==1 cDescEnvento :='Confirmação da Operação' tipoper:='210200' Case nOp==2 cDescEnvento :='Ciência da Operação' tipoper:='210210' Case nOp==3 cDescEnvento :='Desconhecimento da Operação' tipoper:='210220' Case nOp==4 cDescEnvento :='Operação não Realizada' tipoper:='210240' EndCase If nop==3 .or. nop==4 ajustific:=space(800) @ 18,11 say "Justificativa:" @ 19,11 Get ajustific Pict '@!S35' Read Endif oidlote := 1 oseqevent := 1 Centra(24,'Gerando nova sequencia de envento.....') cCnpj := Lerparam("CGC_EMPRESA") cCnpj := StrTran(cCnpj,'.','') cCnpj := StrTran(cCnpj,'-','') cCnpj := StrTran(cCnpj,'/','') while 'EVENTO NUMERO '+strzero(oseqevent,3) $ cStatusConsulta oseqevent++ end fll := '' fll += 'NFE.ENVIAREVENTO("[EVENTO]'+crlf fll += 'idLote='+ltri(str(oidlote))+crlf fll += '[EVENTO001]'+crlf fll += 'chNFe='+cNumero+crlf fll += 'cOrgao=91'+crlf fll += 'CNPJ='+cCnpj+crlf set century off fll += 'dhEvento='+dtoc(Date())+' '+time()+crlf set century on fll += 'tpEvento='+tipoper+crlf // 210200 fll += 'cOrgao=91'+crlf fll += 'nSeqEvento='+strzero(oseqevent,2)+crlf fll += 'versaoEvento=1.00'+crlf fll += 'descEvento= '+hb_oemtoansi(cDescEnvento) + if(!strzero(nop,2) $ '03 04','")','')+crlf fll += if(strzero(nop,2) $ '03 04','xJust='+hb_oemtoansi(trim(ajustific))+'")','')+crlf //Alerta(fll) cCmd := fll Grava_Acbr(cCmd) cRetornoStatus := Ler_Ecf(0.3) cStatusConsulta := '' lErronoEvendo := .f. If Substr(cRetornoStatus,1,2)#'OK' Alerta('Erro na envio do EVENTO'+chr(10)+; cRetornoStatus) lErronoEvendo := .t. Endif //---- Pegando xml e colocando na pasta de importacao If lErronoEvendo==.f. Centra(24,'Baixando Xml da chave...'+cNumero) cCmd := 'NFE.DownLoadNfe('+cCnpj+','+cNumero+')' Grava_Acbr(cCmd) cRetornoStatus := Ler_Ecf(0.3) if '[NFE001]' $ cRetornoStatus Grava_xml_Pasta_Lerdanfe(cNumero,cRetornoStatus) Else Alerta('Problema no DownLoad do Xml') Endif Endif FechaJanela() Return Nil //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Static Function Grava_Acbr(WTXT) Function Grava_Acbr(WTXT) Local RET := .T. Local cCmdLimpa:= WTXT Local nBytes := Len(cCmdLimpa) Local WARQ := cPastaACBR+'Ent'+cTerminalNfe+'.txt' If lComSocket // Via Socket TCP-Ip InetSetTimeout( sSOCKET, 3000 ) // Timeout de Recepção 3 seg // If inetsendall( sSocket,cCmdLimpa+CR+LF+'.'+CR+LF) <= 0 Alerta('ERRO: Nao foi possivel transmitir dados para o ACBrMonitor'+chr(10)+; '('+AllTrim(Str(InetErrorCode( sSOCKET )))+') '+Chr(10)+; InetErrorDesc( sSOCKET ) + ETX ) Endif Else // Via Txt Padrao Centra(24,'Apagando Arquivo de Comunicacao...'+WARQ) Do While .t. If File (cPastaACBR+'Sai'+cTerminalNfe+'.txt') Delete File (cPastaACBR+'Sai'+cTerminalNfe+'.txt') Endif If ! File (cPastaACBR+'Sai'+cTerminalNfe+'.txt') Exit Endif Enddo Centra(24,'Enviando Comando... ACBrNFe'+WTXT) HANDLE := fcreate(WARQ, FC_NORMAL ) if HANDLE > 0 fwrite(HANDLE, WTXT + chr(13) + chr(10) ) RET := (ferror() = 0) fclose(HANDLE) endif Endif RETURN (Ret) //------------------------------------------ //Static Function Ler_Ecf(nTime) Function Ler_Ecf(nTime) Local RET_IMP := '' Local ESPERA := 5 Local TENTA := .t. Local mArqLocal := cPastaACBR+"Sai"+cTerminalNfe+".txt" Local Arquivo := mArqLocal Local nTempo := 0 Local nTimeOut := 1000 //30 Local Erro := .f. Local mString := "ATIVO" If lComSocket lSair := .f. InetSetTimeout( sSOCKET, 500 ) TINI := Seconds() do while (right(RET_IMP,1) <> ETX) .or. lSair BLOCO := space(64) Centra(24,'Aguarde...'+Trim(str(TINI + ESPERA - seconds(),2)) ) BYTES := inetrecv(sSOCKET, @BLOCO, 64) RET_IMP += left(BLOCO,BYTES) if Seconds() > (TINI + 5) lSair:= .t. endif if Seconds() > (TINI + ESPERA) if ! TENTA RET_IMP := 'ERRO: Sem resposta do ACBrNFeMonitor em '+alltrim(str(ESPERA))+; ' segundos (TimeOut)' + ETX endif endif enddo Return (RET_IMP) Else // Via Txt Normal Cores() Inkey(nTime) nJanGet:= CAIXATEXTO(15,20,18,50,"Comunicando AcbrNFeMonitor","BG+/NB+","NN/NN","N") If ! file(mArqLocal) Do While .t. Centra(24,"Aguarde...."+Alltrim(Str(nTempo,5))+" Tentativa(s)") @ 16,21 say "Aguarde...."+Alltrim(Str(nTempo,5))+" Tentativa(s)" If nTempo >= nTimeOut Erro:=.t. Exit Endif //Inkey(0.2) Millisec(1000) nTempo++ If File(Arquivo) //Inkey(0.5) Millisec(100) Exit Endif Enddo Endif If Erro==.t. mString := "NAO ATIVO" Else mString := MemoRead(mArqLocal) Endif @ 17,21 say mString FechaJanela(nJanGet) Return (mString) Endif Return Nil
  17. Meus sinceros pêsames a família, tive pouco contato com ele mais era uma pessoa fantástica.
  18. Bom dia! tenho um processo igual ao que vc esta tentando montar mais não compartilho a impressora, fiz um programa que roda como serviço na maquina em que está instalado a impressora fisica que fica monitorando um pasta onde estão os arquivos txt pronto e simplesmente copio para impressora, no meu caso tenho impressora diferentes em portas diferentes ai direciono de acordo com o formato e o tipo de saída. Fiz usando o xharbour 99.7 e gtwvw. Obs : Coloque a o servidor como serviço para evitar que o usuário feche o programa e no caso de rede o serviço não enxerga compartilhamento ou seja você terá que copiar o arquivo na maquina servidor ( sofri muito até descobrir..rs) Frazato
  19. Boa tarde! Edvaldo, gostaria de saber ser você consegui fazer uso da função da clisitef para pegar o número do cartão ( Trilhas), estou tentando aqui e estou tendo o mesmo problema que você teve de não retornar nada e nem acionar o visor, desde já agradeço a ajuda. Frazato frazato@ibest.com.br
  20. Bom dia! tem este código que utilizo, porem por algum motivo ele não funciona para mais de 10 locais, de uma olhada se ajuda qualquer coisa me avise. <head> <title>Mapa Rota:coloque o titulo </title> <style type="text/css"> #mapa{width:1200px; height:1000px} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var map = null; function carregar(){ var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-22.9874,-49.8659); var myOptions = { zoom: 14, center: latlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("mapa"), myOptions); var endereco1="R. VEREADOR FELISMINO VIEIRA, 20, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco1}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio1 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOAO APARECIDO FRAZATO - TESTE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOAO APARECIDO FRAZATO - TESTE</strong><br>R. VEREADOR FELISMINO VIEIRA, 20, JD. SANTA FE IV<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio1, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio1);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco2="AV. GASTAO VIDIGAL, 725, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco2}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio2 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"CARLOS ALBERTO PASTRELO- ME MICROMEC", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>CARLOS ALBERTO PASTRELO- ME MICROMEC</strong><br>AV. GASTAO VIDIGAL, 725, JD. MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio2, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio2);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco3="R: MARIO ANTONIO BACILLI, 111, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco3}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio3 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ELISANGELA F.M. CUNHA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ELISANGELA F.M. CUNHA</strong><br>R: MARIO ANTONIO BACILLI, 111, VL OPERARIA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio3, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio3);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco4="R. SILVA JARDIM, 3534708 OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco4}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio4 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ENDOSON CENTRO ENDOSCOPIA LTDA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ENDOSON CENTRO ENDOSCOPIA LTDA</strong><br>R. SILVA JARDIM, 3534708 3534708 VL MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio4, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio4);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco5="R MARIA PACHECO CHAVES 633, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco5}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio5 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LUIZ ANTONIO BUZINHANE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LUIZ ANTONIO BUZINHANE</strong><br>R MARIA PACHECO CHAVES 633, 0, PACHECO CHAVES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio5, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio5);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco6="AV ALTINO ARANTES 1078, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco6}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio6 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"RICARDO KATSUMI YAMAJI- ME", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>RICARDO KATSUMI YAMAJI- ME</strong><br>AV ALTINO ARANTES 1078, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio6, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio6);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco7="RUA DR MARIO CINTRA LEITE 270, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco7}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio7 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ADEMIR PEREIRA DE ANDRADE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ADEMIR PEREIRA DE ANDRADE</strong><br>RUA DR MARIO CINTRA LEITE 270, 0, JD ELDORADO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio7, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio7);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco8="RUA PAULO DUZI, 1012, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco8}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio8 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANGELA MARIA DE OLIVEIRA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANGELA MARIA DE OLIVEIRA</strong><br>RUA PAULO DUZI, 1012, JD GUAPORE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio8, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio8);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco9="R. CLORIVALDO MIGLIARI, 133, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco9}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio9 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANISIO DONIZETI DE BASTIANI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANISIO DONIZETI DE BASTIANI</strong><br>R. CLORIVALDO MIGLIARI, 133, N.OURINHOS<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio9, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio9);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco10="R. DOUTOR ARLINDO VIVEIRO FIGUEIREDO, 65, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco10}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio10 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"APARECIDA MARIA MIRANDA DE SOUZA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>APARECIDA MARIA MIRANDA DE SOUZA</strong><br>R. DOUTOR ARLINDO VIVEIRO FIGUEIREDO, 65, JD.MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio10, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio10);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco11="R. PASCHOAL PAGANI, 665, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco11}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio11 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"CLAUDINEI EVANGELISTA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>CLAUDINEI EVANGELISTA</strong><br>R. PASCHOAL PAGANI, 665, JD.EUROPA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio11, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio11);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco12="R VICENTE ERNESTO DE LUCCA 372, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco12}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio12 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"DORCAS NOGUERIA CANDIDO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>DORCAS NOGUERIA CANDIDO</strong><br>R VICENTE ERNESTO DE LUCCA 372, 0, JD ANCHIETA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio12, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio12);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco13="RUA JORGE TIBIRICA, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco13}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio13 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"DORLY MARCHESANY", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>DORLY MARCHESANY</strong><br>RUA JORGE TIBIRICA, VL MARAGRIDA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio13, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio13);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco14="R ANTONIO GUILHERME DA SILVA, 106, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco14}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio14 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ELENICE CARRER", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ELENICE CARRER</strong><br>R ANTONIO GUILHERME DA SILVA, 106, VL S JOSE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio14, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio14);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco15="R JOSE GERALDO BELTRANI NUM 4, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco15}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio15 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ELIANA OBATA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ELIANA OBATA</strong><br>R JOSE GERALDO BELTRANI NUM 4, 0, JD ESTORIL<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio15, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio15);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco16="R SETE DE SETEMBRO 530, 530, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco16}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio16 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"IVONE APARECIDA S BORGES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>IVONE APARECIDA S BORGES</strong><br>R SETE DE SETEMBRO 530, 530, VL MARGARIDA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio16, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio16);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco17="AV ALTINO ARANTES 1020 AP 111, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco17}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio17 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOAO MONTEIRO PEREIRA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOAO MONTEIRO PEREIRA</strong><br>AV ALTINO ARANTES 1020 AP 111, 0, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio17, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio17);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco18="R. ARI BARROSO, 450, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco18}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio18 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOSE AUGUSTO DA S NETO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOSE AUGUSTO DA S NETO</strong><br>R. ARI BARROSO, 450, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio18, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio18);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco19="RUA QUINZE DE NOVEMBRO 194, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco19}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio19 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOSENITA F DA S GUICHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOSENITA F DA S GUICHO</strong><br>RUA QUINZE DE NOVEMBRO 194, 0, VL MARGARIDA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio19, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio19);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco20="R. ARTURO CASSIOLATO, 346, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco20}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio20 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LEONICE DE BASTIANI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LEONICE DE BASTIANI</strong><br>R. ARTURO CASSIOLATO, 346, JD.MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio20, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio20);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco21="R. JOSE DE PAULA VIEIRA, 322, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco21}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio21 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LILIAN MAFRA VIDAL HIDAKA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LILIAN MAFRA VIDAL HIDAKA</strong><br>R. JOSE DE PAULA VIEIRA, 322, JD S.SILVESTRE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio21, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio21);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco22="PRACA DR. HERMELINO AGNES DE LEAO 719, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco22}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio22 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ASSOPRAMI - ASSOC PROT MATERN E INFANCIA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ASSOPRAMI - ASSOC PROT MATERN E INFANCIA</strong><br>PRACA DR. HERMELINO AGNES DE LEAO 719, VILA MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio22, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio22);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco23="R. JOAO VILLAR PERES, 620, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco23}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio23 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LUCIMARA RIBEIRO FONTEQUE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LUCIMARA RIBEIRO FONTEQUE</strong><br>R. JOAO VILLAR PERES, 620, JD.ESTORIL<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio23, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio23);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco24="RUA REINALDO AZEVEDO, 395, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco24}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio24 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LUISA HELENA DO PRADO MENDES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LUISA HELENA DO PRADO MENDES</strong><br>RUA REINALDO AZEVEDO, 395, JD PAULISTA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio24, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio24);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco25="R ANTONIO ZAKI ABUCHAM 596, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco25}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio25 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARIA AUREA DA SILVA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARIA AUREA DA SILVA</strong><br>R ANTONIO ZAKI ABUCHAM 596, 0, JD O FINO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio25, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio25);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco26="RUA SILVA JARDIM 944, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco26}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio26 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARIA DE FATIMA RIBEIRO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARIA DE FATIMA RIBEIRO</strong><br>RUA SILVA JARDIM 944, 0, VILA MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio26, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio26);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco27="RUA RICARDO OTERO, 1214, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco27}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio27 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARIA DE JESUS TREGUES DINIZ", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARIA DE JESUS TREGUES DINIZ</strong><br>RUA RICARDO OTERO, 1214, JD SÃO SILVESTR<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio27, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio27);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco28="R FRANCISCO ROBLES GODOY, 61, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco28}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio28 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARILDA C O RODRIGUES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARILDA C O RODRIGUES</strong><br>R FRANCISCO ROBLES GODOY, 61, JD OURO VERDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio28, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio28);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco29="R ELIAS GARDIM 147, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco29}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio29 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARISA SANTOS BACHIEGA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARISA SANTOS BACHIEGA</strong><br>R ELIAS GARDIM 147, 0, JD NAZARETHI<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio29, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio29);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco30="R ORLANDO MIGLIARI 111, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco30}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio30 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"NELSON A FERRAZOLI SILVA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>NELSON A FERRAZOLI SILVA</strong><br>R ORLANDO MIGLIARI 111, 0, JD O VERDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio30, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio30);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco31="R JOSE JUSTINO DE CARVALHO, 740, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco31}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio31 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ODILIA NUNES FARIA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ODILIA NUNES FARIA</strong><br>R JOSE JUSTINO DE CARVALHO, 740, JD MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio31, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio31);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco32="ALAMEDA PAITI ITO, 135, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco32}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio32 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ROBINSON DOS SANTOS MULFORD", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ROBINSON DOS SANTOS MULFORD</strong><br>ALAMEDA PAITI ITO, 135, JD SANTA FÉ I<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio32, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio32);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco33="R OILIVIO MINUCCI 638, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco33}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio33 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ROQUE CORREA FILHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ROQUE CORREA FILHO</strong><br>R OILIVIO MINUCCI 638, 0, JD AMERICA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio33, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio33);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco34="AV HENRIQUE MIGLIARI 1005, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco34}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio34 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"SONIA REGINA B DE OLIVEIRA FERRONE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>SONIA REGINA B DE OLIVEIRA FERRONE</strong><br>AV HENRIQUE MIGLIARI 1005, 0, VL B ESPERANCA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio34, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio34);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco35="RUA IPAUSSU 200, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco35}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio35 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"VALQUIRIA DA VILA S. ROMANI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>VALQUIRIA DA VILA S. ROMANI</strong><br>RUA IPAUSSU 200, MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio35, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio35);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco36="ANTONIO ZAQUE ABUCHAN, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco36}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio36 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"VILMA APARECEIDA DIAS LAVACHIS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>VILMA APARECEIDA DIAS LAVACHIS</strong><br>ANTONIO ZAQUE ABUCHAN, VL ADALZISA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio36, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio36);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco37="XX, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco37}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio37 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ESC. CENTRAL DE ARRE. E DISTR.- ECAD", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ESC. CENTRAL DE ARRE. E DISTR.- ECAD</strong><br>XX, XX<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio37, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio37);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco38="RUA: MAURICIO BIONDO NETO 613, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco38}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio38 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"SERGIO TOALHARES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>SERGIO TOALHARES</strong><br>RUA: MAURICIO BIONDO NETO 613, 0, COHAB<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio38, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio38);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco39="RUA JACAREZINHO 58, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco39}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio39 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LIGIA MARIA DE CASTRO CESAR", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LIGIA MARIA DE CASTRO CESAR</strong><br>RUA JACAREZINHO 58, 0, JD MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio39, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio39);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco40="R FERNANDO NATALE 129, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco40}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio40 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOSE NILTON ALVES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOSE NILTON ALVES</strong><br>R FERNANDO NATALE 129, 0, JD STOS DUMONT<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio40, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio40);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco41="R PARANA, 276, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco41}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio41 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JULIANA HELENA FARIA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JULIANA HELENA FARIA</strong><br>R PARANA, 276, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio41, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio41);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco42="AL MANOEL ANGELO MINUCI, 151, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco42}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio42 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"BENEDITO DOS SANTOS DA SILVA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>BENEDITO DOS SANTOS DA SILVA</strong><br>AL MANOEL ANGELO MINUCI, 151, JD GABRIELA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio42, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio42);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco43="R ROQUE DE CARVALHO 224, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco43}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio43 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JAISE ELAINE BATISTA VILA REAL", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JAISE ELAINE BATISTA VILA REAL</strong><br>R ROQUE DE CARVALHO 224, 0, JD ITAMARATY<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio43, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio43);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco44="R. HERMINIA BONETTI SANDANO, 115, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco44}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio44 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"HELENA MARIA NEVES JORGE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>HELENA MARIA NEVES JORGE</strong><br>R. HERMINIA BONETTI SANDANO, 115, V.SANDANO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio44, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio44);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco45="R EMILIA TERCARIOL TOCALINO 155, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco45}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio45 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"GERSON ROLIN PORENZA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>GERSON ROLIN PORENZA</strong><br>R EMILIA TERCARIOL TOCALINO 155, 0, PRQ M GERAIS<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio45, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio45);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco46="R JOAO ANTONIO SMANIA, 11, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco46}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio46 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"SANDRA CRISTINA DE ABREU COSTA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>SANDRA CRISTINA DE ABREU COSTA</strong><br>R JOAO ANTONIO SMANIA, 11, JD BRILHANTE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio46, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio46);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco47="RUA EUCLIDES DA CUNHA 231, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco47}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio47 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARCELO ABUHAMAD ME", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARCELO ABUHAMAD ME</strong><br>RUA EUCLIDES DA CUNHA 231, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio47, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio47);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco48="R ONOFRE ALVES MOREIRA 130, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco48}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio48 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"EDILSON BERNARDINHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>EDILSON BERNARDINHO</strong><br>R ONOFRE ALVES MOREIRA 130, 0, PRQ P CHAVES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio48, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio48);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco49="R RAFAEL CASSETARI 94, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco49}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio49 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"OSWALDO FRANCISCO DE FREITAS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>OSWALDO FRANCISCO DE FREITAS</strong><br>R RAFAEL CASSETARI 94, 0, VL SANDANO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio49, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio49);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco50="R. ALVARO FERREIRA DE MORAES, 46, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco50}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio50 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ALCIDES GILBERTO MORAES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ALCIDES GILBERTO MORAES</strong><br>R. ALVARO FERREIRA DE MORAES, 46, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio50, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio50);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco51="RUA 13 DE MAIO 300, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco51}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio51 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ASSO. DE PAIS E AMIGOS DO BAILADO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ASSO. DE PAIS E AMIGOS DO BAILADO</strong><br>RUA 13 DE MAIO 300, VILA PERINO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio51, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio51);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco52="DISTRITO INDUSTRIAL S/N, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco52}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio52 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"BUNGE ALIMENTOS S.A", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>BUNGE ALIMENTOS S.A</strong><br>DISTRITO INDUSTRIAL S/N, D.IND.DR.HELIO SILVA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio52, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio52);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco53="R SILVA JARDIM, 3534708 OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco53}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio53 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"DALTON OLIVEIRA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>DALTON OLIVEIRA</strong><br>R SILVA JARDIM, 3534708 3534708 VL EMILIA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio53, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio53);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco54="R.9 DE JULHO, 528, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco54}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio54 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"DIRETORIA DE ENSINO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>DIRETORIA DE ENSINO</strong><br>R.9 DE JULHO, 528, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio54, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio54);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco55="R. DOM PEDRO I, 643, 3534708 OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco55}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio55 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"EDER CARVALHO SOUZA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>EDER CARVALHO SOUZA</strong><br>R. DOM PEDRO I, 643, 3534708 3534708 V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio55, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio55);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco56="R GRACIANO RACANELO, 197, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco56}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio56 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"FERNANDO CELSO BESSA DE OLIVEIRA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>FERNANDO CELSO BESSA DE OLIVEIRA</strong><br>R GRACIANO RACANELO, 197, JD TROPICAL<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio56, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio56);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco57="R. GOVERNADOR ARMANDO SALES, 295, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco57}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio57 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"FERNANDO ARTURO DIEZ PEREZ LUMIE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>FERNANDO ARTURO DIEZ PEREZ LUMIE</strong><br>R. GOVERNADOR ARMANDO SALES, 295, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio57, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio57);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco58="AV. ANTONIO ALMEIDA LEITE, 170, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco58}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio58 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JAIR BERNADILLI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JAIR BERNADILLI</strong><br>AV. ANTONIO ALMEIDA LEITE, 170, JD.PAUL.<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio58, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio58);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco59="R PARANA 830 BL A AP22, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco59}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio59 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOSE NUNES FARIA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOSE NUNES FARIA</strong><br>R PARANA 830 BL A AP22, 0, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio59, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio59);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco60="R. ALVARO FERREIRA DE MORAES, 16, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco60}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio60 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LUIS TEIXEIRA CABRAL", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LUIS TEIXEIRA CABRAL</strong><br>R. ALVARO FERREIRA DE MORAES, 16, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio60, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio60);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco61="R. SALIM ABUHAMAD 530, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco61}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio61 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MIRIAM BUENO CORREA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MIRIAM BUENO CORREA</strong><br>R. SALIM ABUHAMAD 530, 0, JD.OURO VERDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio61, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio61);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco62="R. ALVARO FERREIRA DE MORAES, 183, 3534708 OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco62}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio62 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARCIO NACIF", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARCIO NACIF</strong><br>R. ALVARO FERREIRA DE MORAES, 183, 3534708 3534708 V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio62, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio62);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco63="R. GOVERNADOR ARMANDO SALES, 429, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco63}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio63 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"NEY TOMATSU ANABUKI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>NEY TOMATSU ANABUKI</strong><br>R. GOVERNADOR ARMANDO SALES, 429, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio63, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio63);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco64="R. EUCLIDES DA CUNHA, 1111, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco64}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio64 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"PAULO ROBERTO DE ALCANTARA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>PAULO ROBERTO DE ALCANTARA</strong><br>R. EUCLIDES DA CUNHA, 1111, JD.MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio64, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio64);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco65="R. EUCLIDES DA CUNHA, 1147, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco65}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio65 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"RENASCENDO RESIDENCIA IDOSOS LTDA ME", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>RENASCENDO RESIDENCIA IDOSOS LTDA ME</strong><br>R. EUCLIDES DA CUNHA, 1147, VL. MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio65, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio65);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco66="R. ANGELO SILVA, 537, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco66}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio66 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"SEBASTIAO BRAS GUERRA JACINTO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>SEBASTIAO BRAS GUERRA JACINTO</strong><br>R. ANGELO SILVA, 537, N.OURINHOS<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio66, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio66);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco67="R. CARDOSO RIBEIRO, 1040, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco67}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio67 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"APARECIDO VIEIRA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>APARECIDO VIEIRA</strong><br>R. CARDOSO RIBEIRO, 1040, V.BOA ESPERANCA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio67, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio67);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco68="ALAMEDA ORLANDO SILVESTRINI 69, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco68}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio68 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"PAULO ROGERIO R PEROZI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>PAULO ROGERIO R PEROZI</strong><br>ALAMEDA ORLANDO SILVESTRINI 69, 0, JD DA PAINEIRAS<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio68, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio68);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco69="R. MANOEL DA SILVA MANO, 816, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco69}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio69 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ELZA AP CUNHA TOALHARES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ELZA AP CUNHA TOALHARES</strong><br>R. MANOEL DA SILVA MANO, 816, V.SOARES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio69, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio69);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco70="R. PARANA, 911, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco70}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio70 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"CARLOS ORTEGA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>CARLOS ORTEGA</strong><br>R. PARANA, 911, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio70, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio70);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco71="R. JOSE FERREIRA FILHO, 33, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco71}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio71 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"EGIDIO BRESSANIN", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>EGIDIO BRESSANIN</strong><br>R. JOSE FERREIRA FILHO, 33, V.SANDANO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio71, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio71);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco72="R. JOSE PEDROSO 240, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco72}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio72 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"BENEDITA IZABEL DE SOUZA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>BENEDITA IZABEL DE SOUZA</strong><br>R. JOSE PEDROSO 240, 0, PQ.MINAS GERAI<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio72, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio72);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco73="VIELA ANTONIO CRUZ 15, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco73}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio73 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOAO CARLOS RODRIGUES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOAO CARLOS RODRIGUES</strong><br>VIELA ANTONIO CRUZ 15, 0, JD SAO FRCO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio73, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio73);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco74="R. APULCO TAVARES DE SOUZA, 38, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco74}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio74 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ATALIBA TEODORO DAMASCENO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ATALIBA TEODORO DAMASCENO</strong><br>R. APULCO TAVARES DE SOUZA, 38, V.S.JOSE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio74, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio74);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco75="TRAV. ZULMIRA FERNANDES BELTRAMI, 84, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco75}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio75 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANTONIO DE SOUZA FILHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANTONIO DE SOUZA FILHO</strong><br>TRAV. ZULMIRA FERNANDES BELTRAMI, 84, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio75, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio75);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco76="R. ANGELO PERUCI, 379, OURINHOS - "; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco76}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio76 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"CELSO CHAGAS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>CELSO CHAGAS</strong><br>R. ANGELO PERUCI, 379, CJ.RES.CIZIRA SANDAN<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio76, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio76);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco77="RUA JOSE DAS NEVES JUNIOR 520, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco77}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio77 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"CORNELIO DOS SANTOS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>CORNELIO DOS SANTOS</strong><br>RUA JOSE DAS NEVES JUNIOR 520, 0, JD MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio77, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio77);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco78="R. LIBERDADE, 339, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco78}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio78 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"IRENE DONATO DO REGO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>IRENE DONATO DO REGO</strong><br>R. LIBERDADE, 339, V.ODILON<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio78, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio78);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco79="MANOEL COSTA DUCA, 118, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco79}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio79 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANGELA LUDVINSK", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANGELA LUDVINSK</strong><br>MANOEL COSTA DUCA, 118, JD.IND.<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio79, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio79);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco80="R. DO EXPEDICIONARIO, 1585, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco80}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio80 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ROBSON SELAS JORGE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ROBSON SELAS JORGE</strong><br>R. DO EXPEDICIONARIO, 1585, JD.MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio80, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio80);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco81="R.REVERENDO MANOEL ALVES DE BRITO, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco81}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio81 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANTONIO CARLOS MARTINS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANTONIO CARLOS MARTINS</strong><br>R.REVERENDO MANOEL ALVES DE BRITO, JD OURO VERDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio81, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio81);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco82="RUA DUQUE DE CAXIAS, 441 FUNDOS, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco82}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio82 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"WAGNER RODRIGUES DA COSTA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>WAGNER RODRIGUES DA COSTA</strong><br>RUA DUQUE DE CAXIAS, 441 FUNDOS, VILA RECREIO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio82, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio82);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco83="R. PADRE RUI CANDIDO DA SILVA, 579, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco83}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio83 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ARMANDO FERNANDES FILHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ARMANDO FERNANDES FILHO</strong><br>R. PADRE RUI CANDIDO DA SILVA, 579, V.ODILON<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio83, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio83);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco84="R. MONSENHOR CORDOVA, 191, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco84}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio84 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARIA LUIZA DE ALMEIDA DANDREA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARIA LUIZA DE ALMEIDA DANDREA</strong><br>R. MONSENHOR CORDOVA, 191, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio84, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio84);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco85="R JOAO VILAR PEREZ, 616, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco85}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio85 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"CLARICE TEREZINHA AZEVEDO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>CLARICE TEREZINHA AZEVEDO</strong><br>R JOAO VILAR PEREZ, 616, VILLAR VILLE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio85, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio85);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco86="AV. PRESIDENTE GETULIO VARGAS, 678, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco86}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio86 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"CELIO GUIMARAES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>CELIO GUIMARAES</strong><br>AV. PRESIDENTE GETULIO VARGAS, 678, JD.MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio86, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio86);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco87="R JUSTINA BORTOLATO CASSIOLATO, 107, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco87}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio87 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOSE ROBERTO MARIGO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOSE ROBERTO MARIGO</strong><br>R JUSTINA BORTOLATO CASSIOLATO, 107, JD MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio87, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio87);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco88="JOSE CAMPOS DE AZEVEDO 197, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco88}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio88 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ROSANA LOPES DE MATOS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ROSANA LOPES DE MATOS</strong><br>JOSE CAMPOS DE AZEVEDO 197, 0, JD.NAZARETH<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio88, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio88);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco89="R JOSE CAMPOS DE AZEVEDO 197, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco89}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio89 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LUIS CARLOS CAPASSO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LUIS CARLOS CAPASSO</strong><br>R JOSE CAMPOS DE AZEVEDO 197, 0, JD NAZARETH<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio89, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio89);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco90="AYRTON SENNA DA SILVA, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco90}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio90 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"VALDENISIA OLIVEIRA DA ROCHA PORTILHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>VALDENISIA OLIVEIRA DA ROCHA PORTILHO</strong><br>AYRTON SENNA DA SILVA, CJ.HAB.OURINHOS CAIU<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio90, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio90);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco91="PRACA ARQUIPO MATACHANA, 35, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco91}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio91 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"SILVANA DE LIMA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>SILVANA DE LIMA</strong><br>PRACA ARQUIPO MATACHANA, 35, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio91, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio91);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco92="R DOMINGOS BELLEI 203, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco92}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio92 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANTONIO ANGELO FILHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANTONIO ANGELO FILHO</strong><br>R DOMINGOS BELLEI 203, 0, VL N S FATIMA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio92, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio92);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco93="R.EMILIA TERCARIOL TOCALINO, 152, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco93}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio93 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MOACIR KAMAGUSO JAMAICO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MOACIR KAMAGUSO JAMAICO</strong><br>R.EMILIA TERCARIOL TOCALINO, 152, PQ.MINAS GERAIS<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio93, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio93);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco94="VICENTE DO AMARAL, 133, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco94}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio94 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"MARIA AP RODRIGUES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>MARIA AP RODRIGUES</strong><br>VICENTE DO AMARAL, 133, JD MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio94, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio94);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco95="DISTRITO INDUSTRIAL S/N, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco95}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio95 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOELSO MANTOVANI MARTINS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOELSO MANTOVANI MARTINS</strong><br>DISTRITO INDUSTRIAL S/N, D.IND.DR.HELIO SILVA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio95, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio95);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco96="RICIERI OTAVIO ARGENTA 941, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco96}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio96 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"PAULO ROQUE DA SILVA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>PAULO ROQUE DA SILVA</strong><br>RICIERI OTAVIO ARGENTA 941, 0, V.S.LUIZ<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio96, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio96);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco97="ANTONIO SALADINI 246 AP 124, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco97}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio97 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"EDNA EMIKO KANASHIRO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>EDNA EMIKO KANASHIRO</strong><br>ANTONIO SALADINI 246 AP 124, 0, JD PAULISTA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio97, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio97);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco98="R. FRANCISCA ROBLES MADEIRA, 251, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco98}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio98 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANGELA BRUDER MARTINS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANGELA BRUDER MARTINS</strong><br>R. FRANCISCA ROBLES MADEIRA, 251, V.S.SILVESTRE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio98, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio98);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco99="AV MILTON MACHADO 117, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco99}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio99 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"DENIVAL XAVIER DE CARVALHO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>DENIVAL XAVIER DE CARVALHO</strong><br>AV MILTON MACHADO 117, CJ.RES.FLAMBOYANT<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio99, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio99);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco100="R. REINALDO AZEVEDO, 300, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco100}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio100 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ANTONIO FRANCISCO RONSSI CORREA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ANTONIO FRANCISCO RONSSI CORREA</strong><br>R. REINALDO AZEVEDO, 300, JD.PAUL.<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio100, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio100);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco101="R. GONCALVES LEDO, 481, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco101}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio101 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ADAO PESSOA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ADAO PESSOA</strong><br>R. GONCALVES LEDO, 481, PQ.MINAS GERAIS<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio101, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio101);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco102="R. REVERENDO MANOEL ALVES DE BRITO, 500, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco102}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio102 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"APARECIDA ANDRADE DIAS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>APARECIDA ANDRADE DIAS</strong><br>R. REVERENDO MANOEL ALVES DE BRITO, 500, JD.OURO VERDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio102, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio102);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco103="R. GOVERNADOR ARMANDO SALES, 393, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco103}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio103 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOSE CARLOS ROSINE", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOSE CARLOS ROSINE</strong><br>R. GOVERNADOR ARMANDO SALES, 393, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio103, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio103);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco104="R. RICARDO OTERO, 1190, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco104}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio104 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JANDIRA TOALHARES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JANDIRA TOALHARES</strong><br>R. RICARDO OTERO, 1190, V.S.SILVESTRE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio104, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio104);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco105="MACHADO FLORENCE 332, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco105}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio105 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"LENICE BATTISTETTI FIORENTINO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>LENICE BATTISTETTI FIORENTINO</strong><br>MACHADO FLORENCE 332, 0, V.BOA ESPERANCA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio105, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio105);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco106="AV HORACIO SOARES 1494, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco106}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio106 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOAO FRANCISCO HOLMO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOAO FRANCISCO HOLMO</strong><br>AV HORACIO SOARES 1494, 0, JD PAULISTA<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio106, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio106);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco107="RUA PADRE RUY CANDIDO DA SILVA, 1346, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco107}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio107 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"INES MORENO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>INES MORENO</strong><br>RUA PADRE RUY CANDIDO DA SILVA, 1346, VL ADILON<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio107, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio107);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco108="RUA JANDYRA GOMES DE OLIVEIRA, 70, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco108}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio108 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JOSE DONIZETE RIBEIRO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JOSE DONIZETE RIBEIRO</strong><br>RUA JANDYRA GOMES DE OLIVEIRA, 70, VL SAO SILVESTR<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio108, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio108);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco109="R. MIGUEL VITA, 47, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco109}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio109 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"FRANCISCO MARQUES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>FRANCISCO MARQUES</strong><br>R. MIGUEL VITA, 47, V.MORAES<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio109, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio109);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco110="R JOSE GERALDO BELTRAMI 51, 0, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco110}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio110 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"VERA LUCIA CANDIDO GALLO", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>VERA LUCIA CANDIDO GALLO</strong><br>R JOSE GERALDO BELTRAMI 51, 0, JD ESTORIL<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio110, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio110);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco111="R. PARANA, 830 AP-92, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco111}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio111 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"JULIO CESAR BURATI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>JULIO CESAR BURATI</strong><br>R. PARANA, 830 AP-92, CENTRO<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio111, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio111);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco112="R.JOSEFA CORONATO DOS SANTOS , 341, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco112}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio112 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"REGINA SAXURI HISAMURA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>REGINA SAXURI HISAMURA</strong><br>R.JOSEFA CORONATO DOS SANTOS , 341, JD SAO SILVESTR<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio112, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio112);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco113="JOAQUIM GARCIA LEAL, 48, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco113}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio113 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ERIK NILSON DE SOUZA BARROS", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ERIK NILSON DE SOUZA BARROS</strong><br>JOAQUIM GARCIA LEAL, 48, N.OURINHOS<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio113, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio113);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco114="RUA PROF JOSE AUGUSTO DE OLIVEIRA, 455, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco114}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio114 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"SANDRA MARIA DA SILVA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>SANDRA MARIA DA SILVA</strong><br>RUA PROF JOSE AUGUSTO DE OLIVEIRA, 455, JD BEATRIZ<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio114, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio114);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco115="R VALENTIM GENTIL, 45, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco115}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio115 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"URCILIO C. PEREIRA", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>URCILIO C. PEREIRA</strong><br>R VALENTIM GENTIL, 45, BOA ESPERANCA I<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio115, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio115);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco116="R. LINO BLISI, 130, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco116}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio116 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"ALTAIR MATSAKURA YAMASI", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>ALTAIR MATSAKURA YAMASI</strong><br>R. LINO BLISI, 130, VILAR VILLI<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio116, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio116);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco117="RUA MIGUEL VIEIRA DA SILVA, OURINHOS - SP"; geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode({"address":endereco117}, function(results, status){ if( status = google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK){ latlng = results[0].geometry.location; markerInicio117 = new google.maps.Marker({position: latlng,map: map, title:"REGINALDO CANDIDO SOARES", icon: "lupa.bmp"}); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: '<strong>REGINALDO CANDIDO SOARES</strong><br>RUA MIGUEL VIEIRA DA SILVA, JD MATILDE<BR>STATUS: VISITADO'}); google.maps.event.addListener(markerInicio117, "click", function(event) { infowindow.open(map,markerInicio117);}); map.setCenter(latlng); } }); var endereco118="R. 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  21. Bom dia! você poderia me informar em qual campos se informa os valores de outras, fazendo um favor.
  22. Boa tarde! Estou fazendo uma rotina para envio de arquivo xml de nota fiscal eletronica usando CDO.MESSAGE baseado nesta rotina e funciona para BOL/IBEST/HOTMAIL os demais não tive como testar, so que tenho alguns problemas não envia email em todas as maquinas, tive que desabilitar o antivirus e não consigo enviar varios email para destinatarios diferentes e de vez en quando ela não funciona, se alguem tiver uma ideia para me ajudar agradeço. Frazato Frazato
  23. Aqui no mercado tem Pdv da Gz sistema e nele tem a opção de utilizar senha de fiscal no Caixa, aqui a coisa e bem mais simples, pois se o leitor for serial não se consegui fazer a leitura sem ser pelo sistema, caso seja teclado até é possivel ver a senha sendo digitada. no sistema e montado apenas um Get com que não mostra oque esta sendo digitado e no cartao nao imprimi o codigo em numeros apenas as barras, mais oque garante que o usuario nao digite a senha e simples, o cartao tem que esta sempre com o fiscal e tudo que feito no cartao fica gravado em arquivos de log de alteração, caso pegue algum alteração feita pelo operador sem a leitura do cartao, manda embora ( isso resolve), cheguei a trabalhar com PDV unisys que tinha teclado com chaves e as operadoras passavam a perna, ate vc começar a mandar embora. Frazato Frazato
  24. Bom dia a um tempo atras tive que fazer algo para o microterminal Wilbor usando socket, de uma olhada. http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7934 frazato Frazato
  25. Bom dia! tenho uma rotina que faz a leitura do XML e importa para o meu sistema de ERP. já cheguei a testar a rotina do Lailton mais após mudar o endereço do Sefaz não uso mais, hj uso um programa da SIM consultoria que faz a captura do XML pelo site do SEFAZ sem ter que digitar o CAPTCHA com quase 100% de retorno dos dados ( claro sem o PIS e Cofins). segue o link. http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=9528&hilit=lerdanfe Frazato Frazato
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