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Fivewin Brasil


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Everything posted by fasi

  1. KAPIABA, Kleyber, Andrade, rochinha, emotta PLEASE STOP I'm sorry for you but you're making a big mistake I do not modify any source I do not sell any sources that I did not create Wuilmer please stop publishing distorted and otherwise incorrect news I do another job, I do not work with computers and software, I not sell software The Tgant 16 class was not created by Arturo Damaya but by Ravendano that Created oldest Tgraph Class and published it into nerwsgroup, then Arturo rename it as Tgant . Arturo made a sample test Egant.prg and published it with graph.obj . Ramon Ravendano sent me the sources through the newsgroup because at that time did not exist the fivetech website. The Tgant 16 Class created by Ravendano did not have controls with the mouse ( mousemove,lbup, ldown ecc) that I actually created with the tplan class. Please stop publishing distorted and otherwise incorrect news I will be forced to request your personal data and logs from this forum and make an international complaint to the owner and staff of this forum as they still does not delete this topic with my name and surname Wuilmer ( compuin) PLEASE STOP
  2. olà I need Sweda functions can you send me this functios to try it : info@eoeo.it thanks
  3. there is an error on dicas I cannot download test from dicas
  4. there is an error on dicas I cannot download test from dicas
  5. fasi

    Help por favor

    I want insert on an array adData[mounth,days] from jannuary to december if I have a occupated room I want search the number of room ( num_camera) on my archive and insert on this array aData the value "1" if the room is occupated , or "2" if the room not is occupated on my dbf I have the number of room = num_camera and the two date date_from and date_to how I can create this function to save it on the array ? thanks in advance
  6. I want insert on an array adData[mounth,days] from jannuary to december if I have a occupated room I want search the number of room ( num_camera) on my archive and insert on this array aData the value "1" if the room is occupated , or "2" if the room not is occupated on my dbf I have the number of room = num_camera and the two date date_from and date_to how I can create this function to save it on the array ? thanks in advance
  7. I have a class for Planning Hotel This class Tbooking use another class called Tplan I not sale the tplan class but i can sale you a lib for this class and the tbooking source. I f you want see how it run write to private email please silvio.falconi@gmail.com
  8. where i can found vailton lib ?
  9. fasi

    HOJA A4

    #include "fivewin.ch" Function Main() Local oDevice oDevice := TPrinter():New( ,.f.,.t. ) VRD(oDevice) return nil Function VRD(oDevice) Local oBar Local oWnd Public oFoglio DEFINE WINDOW oWnd COLOR CLR_BLACK, CLR_HGRAY TITLE "Visual Designer" VSCROLL HSCROLL DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar OF oWnd DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar oFoglio := TMetafile():New( 0, 0, 0, 0, , oWnd,CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE, oDevice:nHorzRes(),oDevice:nVertRes() ) ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd ; return nil why not run ?
  10. fasi

    HOJA A4

    I must not create a printer document!! I want only create a HOja A4 into a window to design on it I need it for a Glassware
  11. fasi

    HOJA A4

    Como puedo mostrar un hoja A4 (TMETAFILE) dentro de un dialogo con su tamaño real en cm y/o pixels y la posibilidad de hacer zoom in-out sobre ella
  12. fasi

    HOJA A4

    Como puedo mostrar un hoja A4 (TMETAFILE) dentro de un dialogo con su tamaño real en cm y/o pixels y la posibilidad de hacer zoom in-out sobre ella
  13. fasi


    How I can make to see from my server all pc link to server ? I want insert on a listbox for each pc the ip number and the name of host and i want link to each pc a read a file txt can i make it ? How I can make ? Have you a small test sample ? ----------- BEST REGARDS
  14. How I can make to see from my server all pc link to server ? I want insert on a listbox for each pc the ip number and the name of host and i want link to each pc a read a file txt can i make it ? How I can make ? Have you a small test sample ? ----------- BEST REGARDS
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