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Posts posted by cnavarro


    Utiliza la misma function que usas para imprimir en pantalla

       local nX       := 180
       local nY       := 180
       local cCode    := "20219719443 | 01 | F001 | 00045256 | 25/01/2018 | 18.00 | 118.00 | 6 | 10087302682 |"
       local oPrn
       PRINT oPrn NAME "Imprimir QrCode" PREVIEW
          hb_zebra_draw( hZebra, { | x, y, w, h | nWidth :=  x + w, nHeight := y + h, ;
                                   FillRect( oPrn:hDCOut, { y, x, y + h, x + w }, hBrush ) }, nX, nY, 11, 11 )
          oFontText:Activate( oPrn:hDCOut )
          DrawText( oPrn:hDCOut, cCode, { nHeight + 10 , nX - 4, nHeight + 24, nWidth + 4 }, 0 ) 
          oFontText:DeActivate( oPrn:hDCOut )


  2. Al principio de tu código puedes implementar algo asi


    #ifdef __HARBOUR__
       #xtranslate STRTOHEX( <c> ) => HB_STRTOHEX( <c> )
       #xtranslate HEXTOSTR( <c> ) => HB_HEXTOSTR( <c> )
       #xtranslate CToT( <c> )     => HB_CToT( <c> )
       #xtranslate TToS( <t> )     => HB_TToS( <t> )
       #xtranslate DateTime()      => HB_DateTime()


  3. 2 hours ago, sambomb said:

    Estou pensando em migrar do fivewin 10.6 com xHarbour e BCC para Fivewin 18.1 com Harbour e MSVC.

    Quais os principais empecilhos? Alguma dica para fazer esse processo?

    Alguém já está conseguiu compilar com o Visual Studio ?

    Aunque utilizo harbour, xHarbour ( solo para generar librerias compatibles ), habitualmente utilizo Harbour con Borland y VS 2015/2017

    Mi programa FivEdit está construído con Harbour y VS sin problema

    Me gusta utilizar Harbour con VS, es muy estable

  4. En el fichero hbformat.ini


    # If true, convert file name to lower case
    lFCaseLow = no

    # If yes, converts all tabs to spaces
    #lNoTabs = yes

    # If yes, indent code
    lIndent = yes

    # If yes, make case conversion
    lCase = yes

    # If yes, reformat spaces
    lSpaces = yes

    # If yes, indent "Function", "Procedure", "Class", "Method"
    lIndFunc = no

    # If yes, indent "Local", "Private", etc. in a function beginning
    lIndVar = yes

    # If yes, indent  directives
    lIndDrt = no

    # If yes, indent  "Return"
    lIndRet  = yes

    # If yes, convert asterisk '*' to '//'
    lCnvAst = yes

    # If yes, convert '&&' to '//'
    lCnvAmp = yes

    # If yes, convert .NOT. TO !
    lCnvNot = yes

    # Eol: -1 - no change, 0 - OS default, 1 - DOS, 2 - UNIX
    nEol = 0

    # Leftmost indent - amount of spaces
    nIndLeft = 3

    # indent - amount of spaces
    nIndNext = 3

    # Indent for continuation ( after ';' ) lines - amount of spaces
    nIndCont = 3

    # Number of spaces after /* and // comments ( -1 - no change )
    nSpaceComment = 1

    # Case of commands ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
    nCaseCmd = 1

    # Case of boolean operators ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
    nCaseBoo = 1

    # Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title, 4 - as in pattern )
    nCaseFnc = 4

    # Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
    nCaseUnk = -1

    # Case of directives ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
    nCaseDrt = 2

    # Number of spaces after # in directives ( -1 - no change )
    nSpaceDrt = 0

    # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before a function ( procedure,class ) declaration, 2 - remove it
    nLineFnc = 1

    # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before return, 2 - remove it
    nLineRet = 1

    # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before variables declaration, 2 - remove it
    nLineVar = 1

    # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before code in function, 2 - remove it
    nLineCode = 1

    # Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after a comma
    nBr4Comma = 8

    # Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after/before a bracket
    nBr4Brac = 8

    # Extension for a formatted file ( if empty - replace original )
    cExtSave =

    # Extension for a backup file
    cExtBack = .bak

    # List of space separated .hbx files for specifying proper casing of function names
    cHBXList =


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