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Fivewin Brasil


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Everything posted by cnavarro

  1. ----------------------------------------- NUEVA VERSION 18/03/2018 --------------------------- http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=34903&start=30#p210791
  2. http://wiki.fivetechsoft.com/doku.php?id=fivedit_instalacion
  3. DEFINE FONT oFont[1] NAME "ARIAL" SIZE 0,20 BOLD; NESCAPEMENT 900 http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24696&p=133924&hilit=escapement#p133924
  4. ------------------------------------ New version 16/03/2018 ----------------------------- http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=24025&start=810#p210763
  5. Quizás el problema lo puedes tener al crear la tabla: clausulas NULL o DEFAULT
  6. Dime qué errores tienes al intentar compilar y linkar
  7. --------------------------------- New version 11/03/2018 -------------------- http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=24025&start=795#p210593
  8. Una vez que tienes el fichero con cFile := cGetFile() , puedes utilizar las funciones FSize( cfile ), FDate( cFile ) y FTime( cFile )
  9. Utiliza la misma function que usas para imprimir en pantalla local nX := 180 local nY := 180 local cCode := "20219719443 | 01 | F001 | 00045256 | 25/01/2018 | 18.00 | 118.00 | 6 | 10087302682 |" local oPrn PRINT oPrn NAME "Imprimir QrCode" PREVIEW PAGE hb_zebra_draw( hZebra, { | x, y, w, h | nWidth := x + w, nHeight := y + h, ; FillRect( oPrn:hDCOut, { y, x, y + h, x + w }, hBrush ) }, nX, nY, 11, 11 ) oFontText:Activate( oPrn:hDCOut ) DrawText( oPrn:hDCOut, cCode, { nHeight + 10 , nX - 4, nHeight + 24, nWidth + 4 }, 0 ) oFontText:DeActivate( oPrn:hDCOut ) ENDPAGE ENDPRINT
  10. -------------------------------------- NEW VERSION 06/03/2018 ------------------------------ - Read README file included XHarbour lib no incluida aun http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=34903&start=30#p210452
  11. Para empezar a probar y aprender Sql, usted puede utilizar sus bases de datos dbf con comandos sql http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35157&p=209616&hilit=using+dbf+as+sql#p209614
  12. No veo las imágenes, puedes volver a poner los links?
  13. No ha habido ningún cambio, acabo de probarlo Cuál es el problema?
  14. Intente con este código OF oDlg ACTION ( oBrw:aCols := {}, oBrw:SetArray(aVet) )
  15. Al principio de tu código puedes implementar algo asi #ifdef __HARBOUR__ #xtranslate STRTOHEX( <c> ) => HB_STRTOHEX( <c> ) #xtranslate HEXTOSTR( <c> ) => HB_HEXTOSTR( <c> ) #xtranslate CToT( <c> ) => HB_CToT( <c> ) #xtranslate TToS( <t> ) => HB_TToS( <t> ) #xtranslate DateTime() => HB_DateTime() .../... #endif
  16. Aunque utilizo harbour, xHarbour ( solo para generar librerias compatibles ), habitualmente utilizo Harbour con Borland y VS 2015/2017 Mi programa FivEdit está construído con Harbour y VS sin problema Me gusta utilizar Harbour con VS, es muy estable
  17. Voy a intentar que sea compatible con xharbour para la siguiente version
  18. Hay que modificar el codigo para que ese tipo de expresiones las pueda reconocer ( retu, do whil, etc )
  19. En el fichero hbformat.ini # If true, convert file name to lower case lFCaseLow = no # If yes, converts all tabs to spaces #lNoTabs = yes # If yes, indent code lIndent = yes # If yes, make case conversion lCase = yes # If yes, reformat spaces lSpaces = yes # If yes, indent "Function", "Procedure", "Class", "Method" lIndFunc = no # If yes, indent "Local", "Private", etc. in a function beginning lIndVar = yes # If yes, indent directives lIndDrt = no # If yes, indent "Return" lIndRet = yes # If yes, convert asterisk '*' to '//' lCnvAst = yes # If yes, convert '&&' to '//' lCnvAmp = yes # If yes, convert .NOT. TO ! lCnvNot = yes # Eol: -1 - no change, 0 - OS default, 1 - DOS, 2 - UNIX nEol = 0 # Leftmost indent - amount of spaces nIndLeft = 3 # indent - amount of spaces nIndNext = 3 # Indent for continuation ( after ';' ) lines - amount of spaces nIndCont = 3 # Number of spaces after /* and // comments ( -1 - no change ) nSpaceComment = 1 # Case of commands ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title ) nCaseCmd = 1 # Case of boolean operators ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title ) nCaseBoo = 1 # Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title, 4 - as in pattern ) nCaseFnc = 4 # Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title ) nCaseUnk = -1 # Case of directives ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title ) nCaseDrt = 2 # Number of spaces after # in directives ( -1 - no change ) nSpaceDrt = 0 # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before a function ( procedure,class ) declaration, 2 - remove it nLineFnc = 1 # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before return, 2 - remove it nLineRet = 1 # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before variables declaration, 2 - remove it nLineVar = 1 # -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before code in function, 2 - remove it nLineCode = 1 # Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after a comma nBr4Comma = 8 # Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after/before a bracket nBr4Brac = 8 # Extension for a formatted file ( if empty - replace original ) cExtSave = # Extension for a backup file cExtBack = .bak # List of space separated .hbx files for specifying proper casing of function names cHBXList =
  20. Disculpa, es hbformat.exe Normalmente esa DLL está en la carpeta Bin, si no la tienes, dime para qué compilador ( version ) la necesitas
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