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Fivewin Brasil


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Everything posted by sistem

  1. kapiaba, veja se vc tem permissao de escrita/leitura para a pasta em que o arquivo zip está sendo criado? ou pode ser que o arquivo temporario esteja travado(bloqueado) por algum motivo, tentou reiniciar o computador e gerar o arquivo novamente?
  2. Local cHtml:="", oOle If !IsInternet() Msgalert("não conectado a internet.", "Aviso!") Return nil Endif Ferase(uRegPath+"\tempgmapdist.html") // uRegPath:= "c:\test" oOle:= CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") oOle:Visible := .t. oOle:ToolBar := .f. oOle:StatusBar := .t. oOle:MenuBar := .f. cHtml := MemoRead(uRegPath+"\gmapdist.html") cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "ORIGEM", Alltrim(Empr->End_Empr)+", "+Alltrim(Empr->Nmr_Empr)+", "+Alltrim(Empr->Cid_Empr)+" - "+Empr->Est_Empr) cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "DESTINO", Alltrim(Clie->End_Clie)+", "+Alltrim(Clie->Nmr_Clie)+" "+Alltrim(Clie->Cid_Clie)+" - "+Clie->Est_Clie) MemoWrit(uRegPath+"\tempgmapdist.html", chtml) oOle:Navigate2(uRegPath+"\tempgmapdist.html") hWnd:=oOle:hWnd ShowWindow(hWnd, 3 ) //SW_MAXIMIZE=3 SW_NORMAL=1 SW_MINIMIZE=6 BringWindowToTop(hWnd) Return nil id=code>id=code>arquivo html => gmapdist.html var map, geocoder; var mapDisplay, directionsService; function initialize() { var myOptions = {zoom: 15,mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), myOptions); geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var enderDe = "ORIGEM"; var enderAte = "DESTINO"; geocoder.geocode( { 'address': enderAte, 'region' : 'BR'},trataLocs); initializeDirections (); calcRota (enderDe, enderAte); } function initializeDirections () { directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); mapDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer(); mapDisplay.setMap(map); mapDisplay.setPanel(document.getElementById("panel")) } function calcRota(endDe, endPara) { var request = { origin:endDe, destination:endPara, travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING }; directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) { if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { mapDisplay.setDirections(response) } }) } function trataLocs (results, status) { var elem = document.getElementById('msg'); if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: results[0].geometry.location }); if (results.length > 1) { var i, txt = ''; elem.innerHTML = 'O endereço exato não foi localizado - há ' + results.length.toString() + ' resultados aproximados. '; for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { txt = txt + ' if (i == 0) txt = txt + ' selected="selected"'; txt = txt + '>' + results.formatted_address + ' ';} txt = txt + '' elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML + txt; } } else elem.innerHTML = 'Erro no tratamento do endereço : ' + status + ''; } id=code> id=code> Editado por - sistem on 27/11/2012 17:33:01
  3. Local cHtml:="", oOle If !IsInternet() Msgalert("não conectado a internet.", "Aviso!") Return nil Endif Ferase(uRegPath+"\tempgmapdist.html") // uRegPath:= "c:\test" oOle:= CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") oOle:Visible := .t. oOle:ToolBar := .f. oOle:StatusBar := .t. oOle:MenuBar := .f. cHtml := MemoRead(uRegPath+"\gmapdist.html") cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "ORIGEM", Alltrim(Empr->End_Empr)+", "+Alltrim(Empr->Nmr_Empr)+", "+Alltrim(Empr->Cid_Empr)+" - "+Empr->Est_Empr) cHtml := StrTran( cHtml, "DESTINO", Alltrim(Clie->End_Clie)+", "+Alltrim(Clie->Nmr_Clie)+" "+Alltrim(Clie->Cid_Clie)+" - "+Clie->Est_Clie) MemoWrit(uRegPath+"\tempgmapdist.html", chtml) oOle:Navigate2(uRegPath+"\tempgmapdist.html") hWnd:=oOle:hWnd ShowWindow(hWnd, 3 ) //SW_MAXIMIZE=3 SW_NORMAL=1 SW_MINIMIZE=6 BringWindowToTop(hWnd) Return nil id=code>id=code>arquivo html => gmapdist.html var map, geocoder; var mapDisplay, directionsService; function initialize() { var myOptions = {zoom: 15,mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), myOptions); geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var enderDe = "ORIGEM"; var enderAte = "DESTINO"; geocoder.geocode( { 'address': enderAte, 'region' : 'BR'},trataLocs); initializeDirections (); calcRota (enderDe, enderAte); } function initializeDirections () { directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); mapDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer(); mapDisplay.setMap(map); mapDisplay.setPanel(document.getElementById("panel")) } function calcRota(endDe, endPara) { var request = { origin:endDe, destination:endPara, travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING }; directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) { if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { mapDisplay.setDirections(response) } }) } function trataLocs (results, status) { var elem = document.getElementById('msg'); if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: results[0].geometry.location }); if (results.length > 1) { var i, txt = ''; elem.innerHTML = 'O endereço exato não foi localizado - há ' + results.length.toString() + ' resultados aproximados. '; for (i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { txt = txt + ' if (i == 0) txt = txt + ' selected="selected"'; txt = txt + '>' + results.formatted_address + ' ';} txt = txt + '' elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML + txt; } } else elem.innerHTML = 'Erro no tratamento do endereço : ' + status + ''; } id=code> id=code> Editado por - sistem on 27/11/2012 17:33:01
  4. kapiaba, minha versão do unidanfe só permite enviar pdf de CCe, meu caso o caminho seria ex: c:\sistem\unidanfe\email\anexos\2012-11\2012-11-23_19-05-02_27624194\23121111522734000157550010000010501000010507_01-cce.pdf não sei que versão vc esta usando. o nome do arquivo que mostra na imagem deve ser arquivo temnporario que nao foi completado com sucesso, já tentou gerar novamente?
  5. amigos o que é o SAT-Fiscal? é só para são paulo? substitui o PAF-ECF? obrigado
  6. '+CRLF cHtml+=' '+CRLF cHtml+='
  7. '+CRLF cHtml+=' '+CRLF cHtml+='
  8. atnsoft RECEBER ARQUIVO Function recebeTxt() local oInternet := TInternet():New() local oFTP := TFTP():New( Alltrim(oApp:FtpServ), oInternet, Alltrim(oApp:FtpUsua), Alltrim(oApp:FtpSenh)) local aFiles, cDirName := Alltrim(oApp:FtpPath)+"/sendsmart/", aTarget:={}, aSource:={} If !Empty( oFTP:hFTP ) aFiles = oFTP:Directory( cDirName+"p?????????.*" ) If Empty(aFiles) MsgAlert( "Nenhum arquivo encontrado.", "Alerta!" ) Return nil Endif For nCount = 1 TO Len(aFiles) aAdd( aSource, Alltrim(oApp:FtpPath)+"/sendsmart/"+Alltrim(aFiles[nCount,1]) ) aAdd( aTarget, oApp:cDir_001+Alltrim(aFiles[nCount,1]) ) Next FtpGetFiles( aSource, aTarget, oFTP) Else MsgAlert( "Falha no Ftp.", "Alerta!" ) Return nil Endif *----------------------------------------- Function FtpGetFiles( aSource, aTarget, oFTP ) Local nBufSize:=4096, n, hTarget, cBuffer, nBytes, oFile, aFiles, aSizes:={} cBuffer:=Space( nBufSize ) For n = 1 to Len( aSource ) aFiles = oFTP:Directory( aSource[ n ] ) If Len( aFiles ) > 0 AAdd( aSizes, aFiles[ 1 ][ 2 ] ) Else AAdd( aSizes, 0 ) Endif Next For n = 1 to Len( aSource ) hTarget = FCreate( aTarget[ n ] ) oFile = TFtpFile():New( aSource[ n ], oFTP ) oFile:OpenRead() Do while ( nBytes := Len( cBuffer := oFile:Read( nBufSize ) ) ) > 0 FWrite( hTarget, cBuffer, nBytes ) Enddo FClose( hTarget ) oFtp:Deletefile(oFile:cFilename) oFile:End() Next Return nil id=code>id=code>ENVIAR ARQUIVO aFiles := Directory(oApp:cDir_Sit+"????"+cCod_Vend+".txt")// para todos arq.do diretorio ex: c:\arq If Empty(aFiles) MsgAlert( "Nenhum arquivo encontrado.", "Alerta!" ) Return nil Endif For nCount = 1 TO Len(aFiles) aAdd( aSource, oApp:cDir_Sit+Alltrim(aFiles[nCount,1]) ) aAdd( aTarget, Alltrim(oApp:FtpPath)+"/sendsistem/"+Alltrim(aFiles[nCount,1]) ) Next oInternet := TInternet():New() oFTP := TFTP():New( Alltrim(oApp:FtpServ), oInternet, Alltrim(oApp:FtpUsua), Alltrim(oApp:FtpSenh) ) If Empty( oFTP:hFTP ) MsgStop( "Não foi possivel conectar com FTP", "Aviso!" ) Return nil Endif FtpSendFiles( aSource, aTarget, oFTP ) oInternet:End() oFtp:End() *--------------------------------------------- Static Function FtpSendFiles( aSource, aTarget, oFTP ) Local n, hSource, cBuffer, nBufSize:=2000, nBytes, nFile:=0, oFile cBuffer=Space(nBufSize) For n = 1 to Len( aSource ) If !File( aSource[ n ] ) MsgStop( "Archivo No Encontrado: " + aSource[ n ] ) exit Endif hSource = FOpen( aSource[ n ] ) FClose( hSource ) next For n = 1 to Len( aSource ) hSource = FOpen( aSource[ n ] ) oFile = TFtpFile():New( aTarget[ n ], oFTP ) oFile:OpenWrite() FSeek( hSource, 0, 0 ) nFile := 0 do while ( nBytes := FRead( hSource, @cBuffer, nBufSize ) ) > 0 oFile:Write( SubStr( cBuffer, 1, nBytes ) ) enddo FClose( hSource ) oFile:End() Next Return nil id=code>id=code>Editado por - sistem on 15/11/2012 23:45:24
  9. jhilbert é seguir o exemplo que esta na pasta HarbourBoleto\source oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cCarteira", Alltrim(cCar_Cona)) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "EspecieTit", Alltrim(Cona->Tpd_Cona)) no exemplo hboleto.prg: oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cCarteira", "1") oIni:WriteString("CAB", "EspecieTit", "DM") at+ Editado por - sistem on 15/11/2012 23:29:17
  10. tem esse http://code.google.com/p/fivewin-contributions/downloads/detail?name=webcam.rar&can=2&q=
  11. alterei o exemplo hboleto.prg /* * $Id: SAFRA.prg,v 1.1 2006/09/27 11:57:19 marioargon Exp $ */ /* * Copyright 2006 Mario Simoes Filho mario@argoninformatica.com.br for original * Copyright 2006 Marcelo Sturm for modifications in the original project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site http://www.gnu.org/). * * As a special exception, the Harbour Project gives permission for * additional uses of the text contained in its release of Harbour. * * The exception is that, if you link the Harbour libraries with other * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of * linking the Harbour library code into it. * * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. * * This exception applies only to the code released by the Harbour * Project under the name Harbour. If you copy code from other * Harbour Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of * Harbour, as the General Public License permits, the exception does * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete * this exception notice from them. * * If you write modifications of your own for Harbour, it is your choice * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications. * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice. * */ #include "FiveWin.ch" #xtranslate Default( , ) => IIF( == NIL, , ) Function hboleto(oLbx) Local oFont, oDlg, oBan_Cona, nBan_Cona:=0, oNom_Agen, oCon_Cona, cCon_Cona:=Space(15),; cInst1:=Space(80), cInst2:=Space(80), cInst3:=Space(80), nPercMora:=0, cAce_Cona:=Cona->Ace_Cona, oAce_Cona,; oCar_Cona, cCar_Cona:=Cona->Car_Cona, nMultPosVnc:=0, nProtDias:=0, cTpd_Cona:=Cona->Tpd_Cona, oTpd_Cona DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial" SIZE 0, -12 DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 4, 4 TO 20, 50 TITLE "Informar Banco / Conta Corrente" @ 003, 005 SAY "Agente Cobrador (Banco):" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 80, 08 @ 021, 005 SAY "C.Corrente (CC):" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 041, 005 SAY "Aceite:" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 041, 028 SAY "Carteira:" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 041, 054 SAY "Esp.Doc:" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 041, 085 SAY "Protesto:" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 049, 101 SAY "Dias" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 041, 119 SAY "Multa $:" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 041, 153 SAY "Mora %:" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 062, 005 SAY "Instruções Cobrança:" PIXEL OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 60, 08 @ 010, 005 GET oBan_Cona VAR nBan_Cona PIXEL OF oDlg VALID LkPeAg(StrZero(nBan_Cona,3), oNom_Agen, oBan_Cona) COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 25,10 BITMAP "" PICTURE "999" ACTION PesqAgen( oBan_Cona, oNom_Agen ) @ 010, 032 SAY oNom_Agen VAR Iif(nBan_Cona=0, "", Agen->Nom_Agen) PIXEL OF oDlg UPDATE BORDER FONT oFont COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 145, 10 @ 029, 005 GET oCon_Cona VAR cCon_Cona PIXEL OF oDlg VALID LookupCon(StrZero(nBan_Cona,3), cCon_Cona, oCon_Cona, oNom_Cona ) COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 45, 10 BITMAP "" PICTURE "@!" ACTION PesqCona(oCon_Cona, oNom_Cona, StrZero(nBan_Cona,3)) @ 029, 052 SAY oNom_Cona VAR Iif(Empty(cCon_Cona), "", Cona->Nom_Cona) PIXEL OF oDlg UPDATE BORDER FONT oFont COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 125, 10 @ 048, 006 GET oAce_Cona VAR cAce_Cona PICT "@!" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 10,10 FONT oFont @ 048, 030 GET oCar_Cona VAR cCar_Cona PICT "@!" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 15,10 FONT oFont @ 048, 055 GET oTpd_Cona VAR cTpd_Cona PICT "@!" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 15,10 FONT oFont @ 048, 084 GET nProtDias PICT "999" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 RIGHT SIZE 17,10 FONT oFont @ 048, 118 GET nMultPosVnc PICT "9,999.99" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 RIGHT SIZE 30,10 FONT oFont @ 048, 152 GET nPercMora PICT "999.99%" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 25,10 FONT oFont @ 070, 005 GET cInst1 PICT "@!" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 172,10 FONT oFont @ 082, 005 GET cInst2 PICT "@!" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 172,10 FONT oFont @ 094, 005 GET cInst3 PICT "@!" PIXEL OF oDlg COLOR CLR_GET1,CLR_GET2 SIZE 172,10 FONT oFont oAce_Cona:bGotFocus := {|| RecAceBol(oAce_Cona, cAce_Cona) } oCar_Cona:bGotFocus := {|| RecCarBol(oCar_Cona, cCar_Cona) } oTpd_Cona:bGotFocus := {|| RecTpdBol(oTpd_Cona, cTpd_Cona) } @ 108, 005 BUTTON "&Gerar" PIXEL OF oDlg SIZE 40, 10 ACTION (oDlg:End(), FunctionMainBoleto(oApp:cDir_001+"boleto.ini", StrZero(nBan_Cona,3), cCon_Cona, cInst1, cInst2, cInst3, nPercMora, nMultPosVnc, nProtDias, oLbx, cAce_Cona, cCar_Cona)) oDlg:lHelpIcon := .f. ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED Return Nil *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Function RecAceBol(oAce_Cona, cAce_Cona) oAce_Cona:varput(Cona->Ace_Cona) oAce_Cona:Refresh() Return Nil *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Function RecTpdBol(oTpd_Cona, cTpd_Cona) oTpd_Cona:varput(Cona->Tpd_Cona) oTpd_Cona:Refresh() Return Nil *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Function RecCarBol(oCar_Cona, cCar_Cona) oCar_Cona:varput(Cona->Car_Cona) oCar_Cona:Refresh() Return Nil *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Function FunctionMainBoleto( cFileName, cBan_Cona, cCon_Cona, cInst1, cInst2, cInst3, nPercMora, nMultPosVnc, nProtDias, oLbx, cAce_Cona, cCar_Cona ) LOCAL oIni, oRetIni, oBol LOCAL cDir, cDirRemessa, lPrint, lPreview, lPromptPrint, cBol, nI := 0 CriaIni(cFileName, cBan_Cona, cCon_Cona, cInst1, cInst2, cInst3, nPercMora, nMultPosVnc, nProtDias, cAce_Cona, cCar_Cona) oIni = TIniFile():New(Default(cFilename, 'bol.ini')) oBol := oBoleto(oIni:ReadString("CAB", "Banco")) oBol:lBoleto := oIni:ReadBool("CAB", "lBoleto", .T.) oBol:lRemessa := oIni:ReadBool("CAB", "lRemessa", .F.) oBol:lAnsi := oIni:ReadBool("CAB", "lAnsi", .F.) lPrint := oIni:ReadBool("CAB", "lPrint", .F.) lPreview := oIni:ReadBool("CAB", "lPreview", .F.) lPromptPrint := oIni:ReadBool("CAB", "lPromptPrint", .F.) oBol:nBolsPag := oIni:ReadNumber("CAB", "nBolsPag", 2) oBol:cImageLnk := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "cImageLnk") oBol:Cedente := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "Cedente") oBol:CedenteCNPJ := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "CedenteCNPJ") oBol:cNumCC := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "cNumCC") oBol:cNumAgencia := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "cNumAgencia") oBol:cCarteira := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "cCarteira") oBol:EspecieTit := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "EspecieTit") oBol:cTipoCob := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "cTipoCob") oBol:nMora := oIni:ReadNumber("CAB", "nMora", 0) oBol:nMulta := oIni:ReadNumber("CAB", "nMulta", 0) oBol:nDiasProt := oIni:ReadNumber("CAB", "nDiasProt", 0) cDir := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "cDir") cDirRemessa := oIni:ReadString("CAB", "cDirRemessa") oBol:Open("boleto") //, cDir, cDirRemessa, cDir) // Cria html - Sempre colocar após a definição completa do Cedente, pois // isso influencia na criação do Arquivo Remessa. DO WHILE .T. cBol := "BOL" + LTRIM(STR(++nI)) IF EMPTY(oIni:ReadNumber(cBol, "nValor", 0)) EXIT ENDIF oBol:Sacado := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "Sacado") oBol:Endereco := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "Endereco") oBol:Bairro := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "Bairro") oBol:Cidade := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "Cidade") oBol:Estado := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "Estado") oBol:CEP := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "CEP") oBol:CNPJ := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "CNPJ") oBol:Instrucoes := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "Instrucoes", "") oBol:cNumDoc := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "cNumDoc", "") // seu numero do documento oBol:cNossoNumero := oIni:ReadString(cBol, "cNossoNumero", "") // numero do banco oBol:nValor := oIni:ReadNumber(cBol, "nValor", 0) // valor do boleto oBol:DtEmis := oIni:ReadDate(cBol, "DtEmis", DATE()) oBol:DtVenc := oIni:ReadDate(cBol, "DtVenc", DATE()) oBol:Execute() // monta html Rebb->(DbSkip()) ENDDO oBol:Close() IF lPrint oBol:Print(lPreview, lPromptPrint) // Imprime o boleto */ ENDIF IF oBol:lRemessa .AND. !EMPTY(oBol:oRem:NomeRem) oRetIni = TIniFile():New(Default(cFilename, 'bol.ini') + '.ret') oRetIni:WriteString("RET", "NomeRem", oBol:oRem:NomeRem) oRetIni:WriteString("RET", "Destino", oBol:oRem:Destino) oRetIni:WriteString("RET", "cNumSequencial", oBol:oRem:cNumSequencial) oRetIni:WriteNumber("RET", "nTitLote", oBol:oRem:nTitLote) oRetIni:UpdateFile() ENDIF Rebb->(DbGoTop()) oLbx:SetFocus() oLbx:Refresh() RETURN NIL /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC FUNCTION CriaIni( cFileName, cBan_Cona, cCon_Cona, cInst1, cInst2, cInst3, nPercMora, nMultPosVnc, nProtDias, cAce_Cona, cCar_Cona ) Local cInstru, nVlrMora, nNumBols:=0 LOCAL oIni Ferase(cFileName) oIni = TIniFile():New(Default(cFilename, 'bol.ini')) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "Banco", cBan_Cona) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cImageLnk", "") oIni:WriteBool("CAB", "lBoleto", .T.) oIni:WriteBool("CAB", "lRemessa", .T.) oIni:WriteBool("CAB", "lAnsi", .T.) oIni:WriteBool("CAB", "lPrint", .T.) oIni:WriteBool("CAB", "lPreview", .T.) oIni:WriteBool("CAB", "lPromptPrint", .T.) oIni:WriteNumber("CAB", "nBolsPag", 2) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "Cedente", Alltrim(Cona->Nom_Cona)) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "CedenteCNPJ", Alltrim(Empr->Cgc_Empr)) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cNumCC", Alltrim(cCon_Cona)) // "100778-3") oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cNumAgencia", Alltrim(Cona->Age_Cona)) // "1748-5") oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cCarteira", Alltrim(cCar_Cona)) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "EspecieTit", Alltrim(Cona->Tpd_Cona)) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cTipoCob", "5") oIni:WriteNumber("CAB", "nMora", nPercMora) oIni:WriteNumber("CAB", "nMulta", nMultPosVnc) oIni:WriteNumber("CAB", "nDiasProt", nProtDias) oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cDir", "") oIni:WriteString("CAB", "cDirRemessa", "") dbSelectArea( "Rebb" ) Rebb->(DbGoTop()) Do While !Rebb->(Eof()) dbSelectArea( "Rece" ) Rece->(DbSeek(Rebb->Cod_Rebb)) dbSelectArea( "Rebb" ) nNumBols++ cInstru:=Alltrim(cInst1)+" "+Alltrim(cInst2)+" "+Alltrim(cInst3) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "Sacado", Clie->Nom_Clie+" - "+Clie->Cod_Clie) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "Endereco", alltrim(Clie->Enc_Clie)+", "+alltrim(Clie->Nmc_Clie)+" "+alltrim(Clie->Cmc_Clie)) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "Bairro", alltrim(Clie->Bac_Clie)) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "Cidade", alltrim(Clie->Cic_Clie)) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "Estado", alltrim(Clie->Esc_Clie)) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "CEP", alltrim(Clie->Cec_Clie)) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "CNPJ", Iif(Clie->pfj_clie, alltrim(Clie->Cgc_Clie), alltrim(Clie->Cpf_Clie)) ) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "Instrucoes", cInstru ) oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "cNumDoc", Alltrim(Rece->Cod_Rece)) // seu numero do documento oIni:WriteString("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "cNossoNumero", NOVOCOD("NossoNumero"+Cona->Cod_Cona+".dat", 10, "rece")) // numero do banco oIni:WriteNumber("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "nValor", Rece->Tpg_Rece) // valor do boleto oIni:WriteDate("BOL"+Alltrim(Str(nNumBols)), "DtVenc", Rece->Ven_Rece) // vencimento Rebb->(DbSkip()) Enddo RETURN oIni:UpdateFile() id=code>id=code>ainda estou testando tem outros exemplos sem usar arquivo .ini at+
  12. compilei os seguintes arquivos (fwh1205 xharbour BCC582) ACENTO.PRG HBOLETO.PRG HTMLPRINT.PRG INIFILES.PRG OBOLETO.PRG OREMESSA.PRG ORETORNO.PRG XHBRUN.PRG e comentei as seguintes linhas do arquivo XHBRUN.PRG // #IFNDEF __PLATFORM__Linux // #ENDIF e testei o exemplo: hboleto.prg Abraços,
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