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Posts posted by sambomb

  1. ****************************************************************************
    static procedure TestaEncode(cTexto)
    * testar codificacao
    * Parametros: cTexto
    * Retorno: Nenhum
    * Autor: Samir
    * 08/05/2015 - 14:42:50
    local aLinhas := {}, aResult := {}
    //Portuguese      850            HB_CODEPAGE_PT850    "PT850"  cppt850.c
    //Portuguese      ISO-8859-1     HB_CODEPAGE_PTISO    "PTISO"  cpptiso.c
       aLinhas := HB_ATokens(cTexto,CRLF)
       aAdd(aResult,{"Normal",aLinhas[3275]} )
       If Sn("Testar 850")
          HB_SetCodePage( "PT850" )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850",aLinhas[3275]} )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850AnsitoOem",     HB_AnsiToOem(aLinhas[3275]) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850OemToAnsi",     HB_OemToAnsi(aLinhas[3275]) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850HB_STRTOUTF8",  HB_STRTOUTF8(aLinhas[3275]) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850HB_UTF8TOSTR",  HB_UTF8TOSTR(aLinhas[3275]) } )
    		aAdd(aResult,{"PT850HB_Translate1", HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850") } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850_AnsitoOem",    HB_AnsiToOem(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850_OemToAnsi",    HB_OemToAnsi(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850_HB_STRTOUTF8", HB_STRTOUTF8(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850_HB_UTF8TOSTR", HB_UTF8TOSTR(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850HB_Translate2", HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PT850","PTISO") } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850-AnsitoOem",    HB_AnsiToOem(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850-OemToAnsi",    HB_OemToAnsi(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850-HB_STRTOUTF8", HB_STRTOUTF8(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PT850-HB_UTF8TOSTR", HB_UTF8TOSTR(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
       If Sn("Testar ISO")
          HB_SetCodePage( "PTISO" )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO",aLinhas[3275]} )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISOAnsitoOem",     HB_AnsiToOem(aLinhas[3275]) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISOOemToAnsi",     HB_OemToAnsi(aLinhas[3275]) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISOHB_STRTOUTF8",  HB_STRTOUTF8(aLinhas[3275]) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISOHB_UTF8TOSTR",  HB_UTF8TOSTR(aLinhas[3275]) } )
    		aAdd(aResult,{"PTISOHB_Translate1", HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850") } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO_AnsitoOem",     HB_AnsiToOem(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO_OemToAnsi",     HB_OemToAnsi(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO_HB_STRTOUTF8",  HB_STRTOUTF8(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO_HB_UTF8TOSTR",  HB_UTF8TOSTR(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISOHB_Translate2", HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PT850","PTISO") } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO-AnsitoOem",     HB_AnsiToOem(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO-OemToAnsi",     HB_OemToAnsi(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO-HB_STRTOUTF8",  HB_STRTOUTF8(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
          aAdd(aResult,{"PTISO-HB_UTF8TOSTR",  HB_UTF8TOSTR(HB_Translate(aLinhas[3275],"PTISO","PT850")) } )
    Return Nil

    Normal, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850AnsitoOem, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850OemToAnsi, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PT850HB_STRTOUTF8, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PT850HB_UTF8TOSTR, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PT850HB_Translate1, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PT850_AnsitoOem, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PT850_OemToAnsi, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PT850_HB_STRTOUTF8, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PT850_HB_UTF8TOSTR, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850HB_Translate2, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850-AnsitoOem, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850-OemToAnsi, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850-HB_STRTOUTF8, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PT850-HB_UTF8TOSTR, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>

    PTISO, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISOAnsitoOem, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISOOemToAnsi, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISOHB_STRTOUTF8, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISOHB_UTF8TOSTR, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISOHB_Translate1, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO_AnsitoOem, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO_OemToAnsi, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO_HB_STRTOUTF8, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO_HB_UTF8TOSTR, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISOHB_Translate2, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO-AnsitoOem, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO-OemToAnsi, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO-HB_STRTOUTF8, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    PTISO-HB_UTF8TOSTR, <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
  2. Estou tentando acessar um webservice que trabalha com encoding="ISO-8859-1"

    O problema é que o arquivo de retorno possui caracteres especiais e está gerando divergência nos dados.

    Cabeçalho do XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

    Trecho obtido do navegador:
    <nomeSegmento>Cacau em Pó</nomeSegmento>

    <nomeSegmento>Farinha de Linhaça</nomeSegmento>

    Ao criar um TXT com o retorno do XML para tratar:
    <nomeSegmento>Cacau em P?omeSegmento>
    <nomeSegmento>Farinha de Linha?/nomeSegmento>

    Notei que todos os caracteres especiais e os 2 subsequentes são substituidos por uma única interrogação, causando o problema citado acima

    METHOD Comunicar(cTipo, cFiltro) CLASS TAvantFiscal
    * Comunicar no webservice
    * Parametros: cTipo, cFiltro
    * Retorno: lResult
    * Autor: Samir
    * 06/05/2015 - 14:16:50
    local lResult := .T., cUrl := "", nContador := 0
       Default cTipo := ::cTipoFiltro
       //-- Limpar variável de retorno no inicio para caso gere erro não mantenha o anterior
       ::cRetorno := ""
       //-- Seta maiusculo para o tipo
       cTipo := UT(cTipo)
       //-- Preencher a URL do webservice
       cUrl := ::cUrl
       cUrl += "?idIntegracao=" + ::cIdIntegracao
       cUrl += "&idCliente=" + ::cIdCliente
       cUrl += "&token=" + ::cToken
       //-- Verificar o tipo do filtro
       If cTipo = "D" //-- Data
          Default cFiltro := DtoC(::dFiltro)
          cUrl += "&dtFiltro="+cFiltro
       ElseIf cTipo = "E" //-- Ean - Código de Barras
          Default cFiltro := ::cEAN
          cUrl += "&ean="+cFiltro
       ElseIf cTipo = "N" //-- NCM - Nomenclatura Comum Mercosul
          Default cFiltro := ::cNCM
          cUrl += "&ncm="+cFiltro
          Msg("Tipo de filtro inválido, verifique.")
          Return .F.
       //-- Instanciar o objeto do Internet Explorer
          ::oConecta := CreateObject( "MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0" )
             ::oConecta := CreateObject( "MSXML2.XMLHTTP" )
                ::oConecta := CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" )
                Msg("Falha ao criar objeto de conexão."+ CRLF + "Verifique a versão do Internet Explorer e a conexão de internet.","Avant Fiscal")
                Return .F.
       //HB_SetCodePage("PTISO") //-- Não resolveu
       //-- configura os parametros do wsdl
       ::oConecta:open("GET", cUrl, .F.)
       ::oConecta:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type" , "text/xml; charset=utf-8" )
    //   ::oConecta:SetRequestHeader( "Content-Type" , "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1" ) //-- Não resolveu
       //-- envia o request
       CATCH oError
          Msg("Erro ao conectar ao site:;" + ::cUrl + CRLF + "Verifique a versão do Internet Explorer e a conexão de internet.","Avant Fiscal")
          Return .f.
       //-- aguarda alguns segundos a resposta
       While ::oConecta:readyState <> 4
          Barra(UT(nContador)+" de 100")
          //-- Teste para não permitir loop infinito
          If nContador > 100
             Msg("Tempo limite de conexão atingido, verifique.","Avant Fiscal")
             Return .F.
       //-- Gravar o retorno na variável
       ::cRetorno := ::oConecta:responsetext
       //HB_SetCodePage("EN") //-- Não precisa, pois a alteração acima não resolveu
    return lResult
    METHOD TratarRetorno() CLASS TAvantFiscal
    * Tratar retorno do site
    * Parametros:
    * Retorno:
    * Autor: Samir
    * 07/05/2015 - 16:39:02
    local cFileRetorno := "", hHandle := 0, oXml
    //Bulgarian       Windows-1251   HB_CODEPAGE_BG1251   "BG1251" cpbgwin.c
    //Bulgarian       MIK            HB_CODEPAGE_BGMIK    "BGMIK"  cpbgmik.c
    //Croatien        1250           HB_CODEPAGE_HR1250   "HR1250" cphr1250.c
    //Croatien        437            HB_CODEPAGE_HR437    "HR437"  cphr437.c
    //Croatien        852            HB_CODEPAGE_HR852    "HR852"  cphr852.c
    //English         437            none                 "EN"     cp_tpl.c
    //French          850            HB_CODEPAGE_FR       "FR"     cpfrdos.c
    //German          850            HB_CODEPAGE_DE       "DE"     cpgedos.c
    //German          ISO-8859-1     HB_CODEPAGE_DEWIN    "DEWIN"  cpgewin.c
    //Greek (Dos)     737            HB_CODEPAGE_EL       "EL"     cpeldos.c
    //Greek WIN       ANSI (1253)    HB_CODEPAGE_ELWIN    "ELWIN"  cpelwin.c
    //Hungarian       852            HB_CODEPAGE_HU852    "HU852"  cphu852.c
    //Hungarian       Windows-1250   HB_CODEPAGE_HUWIN    "HUWIN"  cphuwin.c
    //Italian         437            HB_CODEPAGE_IT437    "IT437"  cpit437.c
    //Italian         850            HB_CODEPAGE_IT850    "IT850"  cpit850.c
    //Italian         ISO-8859-1     HB_CODEPAGE_ITISO    "ITISO"  cpitiso.c
    //Italian         ISO-8859-1b    HB_CODEPAGE_ITISB    "ITISB"  cpitisb.c (with BOX chars)
    //Lithuanian      Windows-1257   HB_CODEPAGE_LT       "LT"     cpltwin.c
    //Polish          852            HB_CODEPAGE_PL852    "PL852"  cppl852.c
    //Polish          ISO-8859-2     HB_CODEPAGE_PLISO    "PLISO"  cppliso.c
    //Polish          Mazovia        HB_CODEPAGE_PLMAZ    "PLMAZ"  cpplmaz.c
    //Polish          Windows-1250   HB_CODEPAGE_PLWIN    "PLWIN"  cpplwin.c
    //Portuguese      850            HB_CODEPAGE_PT850    "PT850"  cppt850.c
    //Portuguese      ISO-8859-1     HB_CODEPAGE_PTISO    "PTISO"  cpptiso.c
    //Russian         Windows-1251   HB_CODEPAGE_RU1251   "RU1251" cpruwin.c
    //Russian         866            HB_CODEPAGE_RU866    "RU866"  cpru866.c
    //Russian         KOI-8          HB_CODEPAGE_RUKOI8   "RUKOI8" cprukoi.c
    //Serbian         Windows-1251   HB_CODEPAGE_SRWIN    "SRWIN"  cpsrwin.c
    //Slovenian       852            HB_CODEPAGE_SL852    "SL852"  cpsl852.c
    //Slovenian       ISO-8859-2     HB_CODEPAGE_SLISO    "SLISO"  cpsliso.c
    //Slovenian       Windows-1250   HB_CODEPAGE_SLWIN    "SLWIN"  cpslwin.c
    //Spanish         850            HB_CODEPAGE_ES       "ES"     cpesdos.c
    //Spanish(Modern) ISO-8859-1     HB_CODEPAGE_ESMWIN   "ESMWIN" cpesmwin.c
    //Spanish         ISO-8859-1     HB_CODEPAGE_ESWIN    "ESWIN"  cpeswin.c
    //Ukrainian       Windows-1251   HB_CODEPAGE_UA1251   "UA1251" cpuawin.c
    //Ukrainian       866            HB_CODEPAGE_UA866    "UA866"  cpua866.c
    //Ukrainian       KOI-8U         HB_CODEPAGE_UAKOI8   "UAKOI8" cpuakoi.c
    //-- Nenhum desses tratamentos resolveu
    //   HB_SetCodePage("PTISO")
    //   Debuga HB_LangName()
    //   cFileRetorno := DirExe() + "RetornoAF_ISO"+StrTran(Now(),":")+".xml"
    //   CreateTxt(cFileRetorno, ::cRetorno )
    //   HB_SetCodePage("PT850")
    //   Debuga HB_LangName()
    //   cFileRetorno := DirExe() + "RetornoAF_850"+StrTran(Now(),":")+".xml"
    //   CreateTxt(cFileRetorno, ::cRetorno )
    //   cFileRetorno := DirExe() + "RetornoAF_Translate850EN"+StrTran(Now(),":")+".xml"
    //   CreateTxt(cFileRetorno, HB_Translate(::cRetorno,"PT850","EN") )
    //   cFileRetorno := DirExe() + "RetornoAF_OemtoAnsi"+StrTran(Now(),":")+".xml"
    //   CreateTxt(cFileRetorno, OemToAnsi(::cRetorno ) )
    //   cFileRetorno := DirExe() + "RetornoAF_AnsitoOem"+StrTran(Now(),":")+".xml"
    //   CreateTxt(cFileRetorno, AnsitoOem(::cRetorno ) )
       cFileRetorno := DirExe() + "RetornoAF_"+StrTran(Now(),":")+".xml"
       CreateTxt(cFileRetorno, HB_AnsiToOem(::cRetorno) )
       Msg("Arquivo criado")
       hHandle := FOpen( cFileRetorno )
       IF hHandle == -1
         Msg("Não foi possível abrir o XML!","Avant Fiscal")
          oXml := TXmlDocument():New( hHandle )
          IF oxml:nStatus != HBXML_STATUS_OK
             Msg("Erro ao processar o arquivo:" + CRLF +;
                 "na Linha: " + AllTrim( Str( oxml:nLine ) ) + CRLF +;
                 "Erro: " + HB_XmlErrorDesc( oxml:nError ) + CRLF +;
                 "Erro na Tag: " + oxml:oErrorNode:cName + CRLF +;
                 "Início Tag na linha: " + AllTrim( Str( oxml:oErrorNode:nBeginLine ) ),"Avant Fiscal")
       fClose( hHandle )
       fErase( cFileRetorno )
  3. Segue um exemplo de como eu defino o acesso a um DBF no Fast

    FUNCTION ImprimeCarne()
    Local cDir := "", lProssegue := .F.
    local bAction
    Private oFrPrn
       //-- Gerar objeto Fast-Report
       cDir := DirExe()
       oFrPrn := frReportManager():new( cDir + "FRSystH.dll" )
       //-- Configurar os campos
       With object oFrPrn
          :SetProperty("NomeEmp.Memo", "Text", pEmp:cFantasia)
          :SetProperty("EnderecoEmp.Memo", "Text",  pEmp:cEndereco + " - " +;
                                                    pEmp:cCidade + " / " +;
          //-- Configurar o preview
          //-- Preview
          //-- Limpa os datasets
          //-- Fecha/Limpa
          //-- Destrói
       Select CARNE
    RETURN .T.
    static Procedure GeraDatabaseFR()
    * Gerar os bancos de dados em aberto no fast report
    * Parametros:
    * Retorno: Nenhum
    * Autor: Samir
    * 21/6/2009 - 08:52:17
    local aDbf := ListaAlias(), x := 0, y := 0, i := 0
       aDbf := ListaAlias()
       x := 10 ; y := 20
       With object oFrPrn
          For i = 1 to Len(aDbf)
             If !:SetProperty( aDbf[i], "TableName", pDir + aDbf[i] + ".DBF")
                :CreateFRObject("TFrxHarbourWorkArea","Data",aDbf[i], x, 10, y, 20)
             //-- Modificar as propiedades do Data Source Estoque
             :SetProperty( aDbf[i], "TableName", pDir + aDbf[i] + ".DBF")
             :SetProperty( aDbf[i], "UserName", aDbf[i])
             :SetProperty( aDbf[i], "Name", aDbf[i])
             :SetProperty( aDbf[i], "Alias", aDbf[i])
             :SetProperty( aDbf[i], "WorkArea", Select(aDbf[i]) )
             //-- Adicionar Data Source ao relatório
             x += 50 ; y += 50
          end//-- For i = 1 to Len(aDbf)
       end//-- With object oFrPrn
    Return nil
    Function ListaAlias()
    * Listar todos os alias em aberto
    * Parametros:
    * Retorno: aAlias
    * Autor: Samir
    * 21/7/2009 - 16:53:12
    local aAlias := {}, i := 0
       i:= 1
       If Empty( Alias( i ) )
          Return aAlias
       While !Empty( Alias( i ) )
          aAdd(aAlias,Upper( AllTrim( Alias( i ) ) ) )
    Return aAlias
  4. Só ponto uma opinião a ser analisada que alguns podem não saber...
    Ele está mudando para a Coréia do Sul para montar uma empresa lá e acho que isso diz bastante sobre a importância que ele está dando a esse projeto...

    It will belong to a new company that it will be created once I arrive at South Korea (Seoul) very soon.


    Retrieves the current user name or the computer name.


    NetName( [<lInfo>] ) --> cComputerName | cUserName



    If <lInfo> is set to .T. (true), the function returns the user account name, otherwise it returns the computer name. Return

    The function returns a character string containing either the computer name or the user name. If this information cannot be retrieved, an empty string ("") is returned.


    NetName() serves informational purposes and is used when different users log into the same computer, or when multiple computers run the same application in a network.


    See also: Os(), Version()

    Category: Environment functions , Network functions

    Source: rtl\net.c

    LIB: xhb.lib

    DLL: xhbdll.dll

    * Programa ....: DateTime.PRG
    * Autor .......: Samir
    * Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:13
    * Revisado em .: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:13
    * Classe para tratar uma Date e Time em conjunto
    #include 'FiveWin.ch'
    CLASS TDateTime
       //-- Propriedades -----------------------------------------------------//
       //-- Atributos a serem acessados
       DATA Date                AS Date       INIT Date()       READONLY
       DATA Time                AS Character  INIT Time()       READONLY
       DATA Secs                AS Numeric    Init 0            READONLY
       //-- Uso interno da classe
       DATA nSecsMinute         AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
       DATA nSecsHour           AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
       DATA nSecsDay            AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
       DATA nSecsMonth          AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
       DATA nSecsYear           AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
       //-- Métodos ----------------------------------------------------------//
       //-- Construção
       METHOD New(cDateIni,cTimeIni)                            CONSTRUCTOR
       METHOD End()
       METHOD Absolute(dDateReference)
       //-- Uso Interno
       METHOD Verify()                                          HIDDEN
       METHOD UpdateVar()                                       HIDDEN
       //-- Modificar atributos da classe
       METHOD SetDate(dDate) INLINE ( ::Date := dDate )
       METHOD SetTime(cTime) INLINE ( ::Time := cTime, ::Secs := Secs(cTime) )
       //-- Add Time
       METHOD AddHour(nTime)                                    //PUBLIC
       METHOD AddMinute(nMinute)                                //PUBLIC
       METHOD AddSecond(nSecond)                                //PUBLIC
       //-- Add Date
       METHOD AddDay(nDay)                                      //PUBLIC
       METHOD AddMonth(nMonth)                                  //PUBLIC
       METHOD AddYear(nYear)                                    //PUBLIC
       //-- Remove Tempo
       METHOD RemHour(nTime)                                    //PUBLIC
       METHOD RemMinute(nMinute)                                //PUBLIC
       METHOD RemSecond(nSecond)                                //PUBLIC
       //-- Remove Date
       METHOD RemDay(nDay)                                      //PUBLIC
       METHOD RemMonth(nMonth)                                  //PUBLIC
       METHOD RemYear(nYear)                                    //PUBLIC
       //-- Compatibilidade ( Aceitar comandos no plural ) -------------------//
       //-- Add Tempo
       METHOD AddHours(nHour)        INLINE   ::AddHour(nHour)
       METHOD AddMinutes(nMinute)    INLINE   ::AddMinute(nMinute)
       METHOD AddSeconds(nSecond)    INLINE   ::AddSecond(nSecond)
       //-- Add Date
       METHOD AddDays(nDay)          INLINE   ::AddDays(nDay)
       METHOD AddMonths(nMonth)      INLINE   ::AddMonth(nMonth)
       METHOD AddYears(nYear)        INLINE   ::AddYear(nYear)
       //-- Remove Tempo
       METHOD RemHour(nHour)         INLINE   ::RemHour(nHour)
       METHOD RemMinutes(nMinute)    INLINE   ::RemMinute(nMinute)
       METHOD RemSeconds(nSecond)    INLINE   ::RemSecond(nSecond)
       //-- Remove Date
       METHOD RemDays(nDay)          INLINE   ::RemDay(nDay)
       METHOD RemMonths(nMonth)      INLINE   ::RemMonth(nMonth)
       METHOD RemYears(nYear)        INLINE   ::RemYear(nYear)
    METHOD New(xDateIni,cTimeIni) CLASS TDateTime
    * Initiate the object
    * Parametros: Nenhum
    * Retorno: Self (Object)
    * Autor .......: Samir
    * Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:20
       Default xDateIni := Date(), cTimeIni := Time()
       If ValType(xDateIni) = "C"
          ::Date := cTod(xDateIni)
       elseif ValType(xDateIni) = "D"
          ::Date := xDateIni
          ::Date := Date()
       ::Time := cTimeIni
       ::Secs := Secs(cTimeIni)
       ::nSecsMinute := 60                  //-- FIXO
       ::nSecsHour   := ::nSecsMinute * 60  //-- FIXO
       ::nSecsDay    := ::nSecsHour   * 24  //-- FIXO
       //-- Atualizar Seconds do Month/Year
    return Self
    METHOD End() CLASS TDateTime
    * Release the object from memory
    * Parametros: Nenhum
    * Retorno: Nil
    * Autor .......: Samir
    * Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:20
       Self := Nil
    return nil
    METHOD UpdateVar() CLASS TDateTime
    * Update the second counting vars
    * Parametros:
    * Retorno: Nil
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 13:52:18
       ::nSecsMonth   := ::nSecsDay    * LastDay(::Date)
       ::nSecsYear    := ::nSecsDay    * If ( IsBissexto(::Date), 366, 365 )
    return nil
    METHOD Verify() CLASS TDateTime
    * Verify if happen and Date update based on the Seconds
    * Parametros: Nenhum
    * Retorno: Nil
    * Autor .......: Samir
    * Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:20
    Local lRewind := .F.
       //-- Verify if is negative or positive
       If ::Secs < 0
          lRewind := .T.
          ::Secs := Abs(::Secs)
       //-- Increase
       If !lRewind
          //-- Verify if increase one Day
          While ::Secs > ::nSecsDay
             ::Secs -= ::nSecsDay
          //-- Update time with the rest
          ::Time := TString(::Secs)
       //-- Decrease
          //-- Verify if decrease one Day
          While ::Secs > ::nSecsDay
             ::Secs -= ::nSecsDay
          //-- If time is negative, make reference to the last day
          //-- Update time with the rest
          ::Time := TString(::nSecsDay - ::Secs)
    return nil
    METHOD AddHour(nHour) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Hour
    * Parametros: nHour
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:33:57
       Default nHour := 1
       ::Secs += nHour * ::nSecsHour
    return nil
    METHOD AddMinute(nMinute) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Minute
    * Parametros: nMinute
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30
       Default nMinute := 1
       ::Secs += nMinute * ::nSecsMinute
    return nil
    METHOD AddSecond(nSecond) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Second
    * Parametros: nSecond
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58
    local Result := nil
       Default nSecond := 1
       ::Secs += nSecond
    return nil
    METHOD AddDay(nDay) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Day
    * Parametros: nDay
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:37:46
    local Result := nil, nMax := 0, nEndMonth := 0, nAux := 0, cAux := ""
       Default nDay := 1
       ::Date := ::Date + nDay
    return nil
    METHOD AddMonth(nMonth) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Month
    * Parametros: nMonth
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30
    local Result := nil
       Default nMonth := 1
       ::Date := IncMonth(::Date,nMonth)
    return nil
    METHOD AddYear(nYear) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Year
    * Parametros: nYear
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58
    local Result := nil, nDayAux := 0, nMonthAux := 0, nYearAux := 0, cDateAux := ""
       Default nYear := 1
       nDayAux      := Day(  ::Date())
       nMonthAux    := Month(::Date())
       nYearAux     := Year( ::Date())
       nYearAux += nYear
       cDateAux += StrZero(nDayAux,2)   + "/"
       cDateAux += StrZero(nMonthAux,2) + "/"
       cDateAux += StrZero(nYearAux,4)
       ::Date := CtoD(cDateAux)
    return nil
    METHOD RemHour(nHour) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Hour
    * Parametros: nHour
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:33:57
    local Result := nil
       Default nHour := 1
       ::Secs -= nHour * ::nSecsHour
    return nil
    METHOD RemMinute(nMinute) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Minute
    * Parametros: nMinute
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30
    local Result := nil
       Default nMinute := 1
       ::Secs -= nMinute * ::nSecsMinute
    return nil
    METHOD RemSecond(nSecond) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Second
    * Parametros: nSecond
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58
    local Result := nil
       Default nSecond := 1
       ::Secs -= nSecond
    return nil
    METHOD RemDay(nDay) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Day
    * Parametros: nDay
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:37:46
    local nMax := 0
       Default nDay := 1
       ::Date := ::Date - nDay
    return nil
    METHOD RemMonth(nMonth) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Month
    * Parametros: nMonth
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30
       Default nMonth := 1
       ::Date := DecMonth(::Date,nMonth)
    return nil
    METHOD RemYear(nYear) CLASS TDateTime
    * Add Year
    * Parametros: nYear
    * Retorno: NIL
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58
    local nDayAux := 0, nMonthAux := 0, nYearAux := 0, cDateAux := ""
       Default nYear := 1
       nDayAux      := Day(::Date())
       nMonthAux    := Month(::Date())
       nYearAux     := Year(::Date())
       nYearAux -= nYear
       cDateAux += StrZero(nDayAux,2)   + "/"
       cDateAux += StrZero(nMonthAux,2) + "/"
       cDateAux += StrZero(nYearAux,4)
       ::Date := CtoD(cDateAux)
    return nil
    METHOD Absolute(dDateReferencia) CLASS TDateTime
    * Obter um valor absoluto em Seconds da Date mais Time
    * Parametros: dDateReferencia
    * Retorno: nValorAbsoluto
    * Autor: Samir
    * 17/11/2010 - 10:51:08
    local nValorAbsoluto := 0, nDays := 0
       Default dDateReferencia := cTod("01/01/1920")
       nDays := Abs( ::Date - dDateReferencia)
       nValorAbsoluto := nDays * ::nSecsDay
       nValorAbsoluto += ::Secs
    return nValorAbsoluto
    static function IsBissexto(xDate)
    * Verificar se um ano é bissexto ou não
    * Parametros: xDate
    * Retorno: lResult
    * Autor: Samir
    * 2/3/2010 - 11:15:02
    local lResult := .T., nYear := 0
       If ValType(xDate) = "D"
          nYear := Year(xDate)
       elseif ValType(xDate) = "N"
          nYear := xDate
       elseif ValType(xDate) = "C"
          If IsDigit(xDate)
             If Len(xDate) = 2 .or. Len(xDate) = 4
                nYear := Val(xDate)
                lResult := .F.
             lResult := .F.
          lResult := .F.
       If lResult
          If nYear % 4 = 0 .and. nYear % 100 != 0
             lResult := .T.
          Elseif nYear % 100 = 0 .and. nYear % 400 = 0
             lResult := .T.
             lResult := .F.
          MsgInfo("Invalid Date parameter")
    Return lResult
    function LastDay( dDateVal )
    Local nLastDay, nMonthNum, nNumDays
       If dDateVal = NIL
          dDateVal := Date()
       ElseIf Valtype( dDateVal ) == 'N' 
          nMonthNum := dDateVal
       ElseIf Valtype( dDateVal ) == 'D'
          nMonthNum := Month( dDateVal )
          Return 0
       nNumDays  := 31
       Do Case
          Case nMonthNum = 4 .or. nMonthNum = 6 .or. nMonthNum = 9 .or. ;
             nMonthNum = 11
             nNumDays := 30
          Case nMonthNum = 2
             If Year( dDateVal ) % 4 = 0 .and. Year( dDateVal ) % 100 != 0
                nNumDays := 29
             Elseif Year( dDateVal ) % 100 = 0 .and. Year( dDateVal ) % 400 = 0
                nNumDays := 29
                nNumDays := 28
    Return( nNumDays )
    function IncMonth(dDate, nMonth)
    local Result := dDate, nDia := 0, nAno := 0, nMes := 0, cData := ""
       nDia := Day(dDate)
       nMes := Month(dDate)
       nAno := Year(dDate)
       nMes += nMonth
       nMonth := nMes
       if nMes > 12
          if nMes % 12 == 0
             nMes := 12
             nMes := nMes % 12
             nAno += Trunc(nMonth / 12,0)
       if (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) $ "4,6,9,11") .and. nDia >= 30
          nDia := 30
       elseif (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) == "2") .and. nDia >= 28
          nDia := 28
       cData := AllTrim(Str(nDia,2,0)) + '/' + AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) + '/' + ;
       if Empty(CTOD(cData))
       Result := CtoD(cData)
    Return Result
    function DecMonth(dDate, nMonth)
    local Result := dDate, nDia := 0, nAno := 0, nMes := 0, cData := ""
       nDia := Day(dDate)
       nMes := Month(dDate)
       nAno := Year(dDate)
       nAno -= Trunc(nMonth / 12,0)
       nMes -= ( nMonth % 12 )
       if nMes <= 0
          if nMonth % 12 == 0
             //nMes := 12
             nMes := Month(dDate)
             nAno -= 1
             nMes += 12
       if (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) $ "4,6,9,11") .and. nDia = 31
          nDia := 30
       elseif (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) == "2") .and. nDia >= 29
          nDia := 28
       cData := AllTrim(Str(nDia,2,0)) + '/' + AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) + '/' + ;
       Result := CtoD(cData)
    Return Result

    Com o método Absolute() você tem o tempo em segundos e pode comparar o tempo de duas instâncias da classe, exemplo:

    oDataHoraNFE := TDateTime():New(dDataNFE,cHoraNFE)

    oDataHoraAtual := TDateTime():New()

    nDiferenca := oDataHoraAtual:Absolute() - oDataHoraNFE:Absolute()

    If nDiferenca > ( 24*60*60 ) //24 horas, 60 minutos, 60 segundos

    ?"Diferença maior que um dia"


  7. Estou tentando gerar um .BAT para repassar o arquivo .RC para .RES que será compilado posteriormente pelo meu executável

    Arquivo .RC

    // RESOURCE SCRIPT generated by "Pelles C for Windows, version 7.00".
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <commctrl.h>
    #include <richedit.h>
    FILEVERSION 9,15,1,19
    PRODUCTVERSION 9,15,1,19
      BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
        BLOCK "041604B0"
          VALUE "Comments", "Homologado com a versão 01.10 do PAF-ECF\0"
          VALUE "CompanyName", "RCA Sistemas LTDA\0"
          VALUE "FileDescription", "RCAPAF RCA - Programa de gerenciamento de farmácias\0"
          VALUE "FileVersion", "\0"
          VALUE "InternalName", "RCAPAF.EXE\0"
          VALUE "LegalCopyright", "RCA Sistemas LTDA 2014\0"
          VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "RCA Sistemas\0"
          VALUE "OriginalFilename", "RCAPAF\0"
          VALUE "ProductName", "RCA DROGARIA\0"
          VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
      BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
        VALUE "Translation", 0x416, 0x4B0

    Já coloquei o caminho no Path do windows:


    Não funcionou e copiei a pasta include para dentro da pasta bin do BCC e me retornou:

    C:\Compiladores\bcc582\Bin>C:\Compiladores\bcc582\Bin\brc32.exe -r C:\Versoes\Farma\RCAPAF.RC

    Borland Resource Compiler Version 5.40
    Copyright © 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Error prsht.h 1085 1: '#endif' before '#if'
    C:\Compiladores\bcc582\Bin>cd C:\SVN\Fivewin\Ramos\2150\Farma
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