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Everything posted by oribeiro

  1. Valeu Vagner, Para as Dialogs que não tem folder dentro fica legal, mas para as que tem folder, a folder não acompanha o RESIZE16 da dialog e fica super estranho. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  2. Converti minha aplicação de Fw para FwH e notei que todas as janelas Dialogs desenvolvidas com WorkShop ficam sensivelmente menores no FwH comparadas as mesmas janelas no Fw. Assim, os botões ficaram com textos cortados, os listbox não apresentam mais todas as colunas que apresentavam no Fw, ou seja, terei que alterar "todas" as janelas. Tem alguma classe que eu possa alterar para que o FwH seja compatível com o Fw no tamanho das janelas? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  3. Converti minha aplicação de Fw para FwH e notei que todas as janelas Dialogs desenvolvidas com WorkShop ficam sensivelmente menores no FwH comparadas as mesmas janelas no Fw. Assim, os botões ficaram com textos cortados, os listbox não apresentam mais todas as colunas que apresentavam no Fw, ou seja, terei que alterar "todas" as janelas. Tem alguma classe que eu possa alterar para que o FwH seja compatível com o Fw no tamanho das janelas? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  4. Tenho um aqui: www.oasys.itu.nom.br/cepbr.exe É só baixar!!! (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  5. Notei que o TRANSPARENT danifica as bordas nos DIALOGS quando usamos o xpmanifest no Windows XP. Assim, não poderei utilizá-lo. Por outro lado, descobri que se deixar o número do objeto SAY com -1 no recurso, o say fica transparente. Vou usar dessa forma. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  6. Qual é o email do Marcelo Gomes? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  7. Você tem que apertar o botão acesso e depois entra para abrir os botões. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  8. Usei o TRANSPARENT no dialog, sugerido pelo João (kapiaba) e funcionou perfeitamente. Obrigado. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  9. Eu mandei com cópia para você também, no kmt_karinha@pop.com.br. Eu tentei colocar um flag, mas não deu certo. Vamos aguardar uma posição do Paulo. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  10. Não, eu só redefino os campos que haverá interação do usuário: gets, botões, listbox, etc. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  11. Apebas quando uso o Windows XP sem o modo visual é que nas dialogs do sistema, alguns says ficam com fundo branco e outros não. Não consegui encontrar diferenças neles, usam o mesmo objeto SAY. Não acontece isso no Windows 98 nem no XP com os recursos visuais ligados. Sabem o que é? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  12. Apebas quando uso o Windows XP sem o modo visual é que nas dialogs do sistema, alguns says ficam com fundo branco e outros não. Não consegui encontrar diferenças neles, usam o mesmo objeto SAY. Não acontece isso no Windows 98 nem no XP com os recursos visuais ligados. Sabem o que é? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  13. Sim João, É algo parecido, a única diferença é que o Scrllbar está num recurso. Você viu o sistema que lhe enviei? Estranho né? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  14. Mandei um email para o Paulo, obrigado por hora. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  15. O problema todo esse, o MSG está ligado e o scrllbar continua funcionando no fundo. Totalmente doido né? Não encontro onde está o problema, já estou batendo cabeça nisso ha um bom tempo. O mesmo prg compilado em Fivewin não dá esse erro, apenas em xHarbour. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  16. Olá PessoAll, Como é que eu faço para anular o Mousemove dessa classe? Acontece que, no meu sistema, quando eu estou com o msgYesNo("Confirma a gravação") ativado, ou seja, está com a mensagem na tela e o usuário passa o mouse sobre a seta do ScrollBar ele avança registros no arquivo. Já tentei apagar o METHOD MouseMove e também a Função, mas não resolve. A Classe é: #include "FiveWin.ch" #include "Constant.ch" #define SB_HORZ 0 #define SB_VERT 1 #define SB_CTL 2 #define COLOR_SCROLLBAR 0 #define COLOR_WINDOW 5 #ifdef __XPP__ #define Super ::TControl #define New _New #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLASS TScrollBar FROM TControl DATA lVertical, lReDraw, lIsChild, nMin, nMax, nPgStep DATA bGoUp, bGoDown, bGoTop, bGoBottom, bPageUp, bPageDown, bPos DATA bTrack CLASSDATA aProperties INIT { "cVarName", "nMin", "nMax",; "nPgStep", "nTop", "nLeft", "Cargo", "lVertical" } METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth,; nHeight, bUpAction, bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown,; bPos, lPixel, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate,; bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD ReDefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD cToChar() INLINE Super:cToChar( "SCROLLBAR" ) METHOD GetPos() INLINE GetScrollPos( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD GetRange() INLINE GetScrollRange( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) INLINE Super:Initiate( hDlg ), ; ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ),; ::SetPos( ::nMin ) // These two have to be BLOCK METHOD GoUp() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos > ::nMin,; ::SetPos( --nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoUp != nil, Eval( ::bGoUp ),) } METHOD GoDown() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos < ::nMax,; ::SetPos( ++nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoDown != nil, Eval( ::bGoDown ),) } METHOD GoTop() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMin ),; If( ::bGoTop != nil, Eval( ::bGoTop ),) METHOD GoBottom() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMax ),; If( ::bGoBottom != nil, Eval( ::bGoBottom ),) METHOD PageUp() INLINE If( ::bPageUp != nil, Eval( ::bPageUp ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() - ::nPgStep ) METHOD PageDown() INLINE If( ::bPageDown != nil, Eval( ::bPageDown ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() + ::nPgStep ) METHOD SetPage( nSize ) METHOD SetPos( nPos ) INLINE ; SetScrollPos( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ),; nPos, ::lReDraw ) METHOD SetRange( nMin, nMax ) INLINE ; ::nMin := nMin, ::nMax := nMax, ; SetScrollRange( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ), ; if( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ), ; nMin, nMax, ::lReDraw ) METHOD ThumbPos( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bPos != nil, Eval( ::bPos, nPos ),) METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) METHOD ThumbTrack( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bTrack != nil, Eval( ::bTrack, nPos ),) ENDCLASS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth, nHeight,; bUpAct, bDownAct, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, lPixel, nClrText,; nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CLASS TScrollBar #ifdef __XPP__ #undef New #endif DEFAULT nRow := 0, nCol := 0,; nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; oWnd := GetWndDefault(),; lVertical := .t., nWidth := If( lVertical, 16, 100 ),; nHeight := If( lVertical, 100, 17 ),; lPixel := .f.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f., lDesign := .f. ::cCaption = "" ::nTop = nRow * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_H ) //14 ::nLeft = nCol * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_W ) // 8 ::nBottom = ::nTop + nHeight - 1 ::nRight = ::nLeft + nWidth - 1 ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::nStyle = nOR( WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_TABSTOP,; If( lVertical, SBS_VERT, SBS_HORZ ),; If( lDesign, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0 ) ) ::bGoUp = bUpAct ::bGoDown = bDownAct ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. ::lDrag = lDesign ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd ) ::Create( "SCROLLBAR" ) ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ) ::SetPos( ::nMin ) oWnd:AddControl( Self ) else oWnd:DefControl( Self ) endif if lDesign ::CheckDots() endif return Self //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Constructor for non-true ScrollBar Controls // ( when using WS_VSCROLL, WS_HSCROLL styles in a Window ) // They are NOT controls but we consider them as real Objects! METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollBar DEFAULT nMin := 1, nMax := 2, nPgStep := 1, lVertical := .t.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::lIsChild = .t. ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::hWnd = 0 ::SetRange( nMin, nMax ) ::SetPos( nMin ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Redefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollbar DEFAULT nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::nID = nID ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = .f. ::lReDraw = .t. ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. // .t. only for Windows with WS_HSCROLL ¢ WS_VSCROLL style ::lRedraw = .t. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lDrag = .f. ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) oWnd:DefControl( Self ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TScrollBar do case case nMsg == FM_SCROLLUP ::GoUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLDOWN ::GoDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGUP ::PageUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGDN ::PageDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBPOS ::ThumbPos( nWParam ) return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBTRACK ::ThumbTrack( nWParam ) return 0 endcase return Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TScrollBar local nResult := Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) return If( ::lDrag, nResult, nil ) // We want standard behavior !!! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetPage( nSize, lReDraw ) CLASS TScrollBar /* local nFlags DEFAULT lRedraw := .f. if ! Empty( ::hWnd ) nFlags = SB_CTL else if ::lVertical nFlags = SB_VERT else nFlags = SB_HORZ endif endif SetScrollInfo( If( ! Empty( ::hWnd ), ::hWnd, ::oWnd:hWnd ),; nFlags, nSize, lReDraw ) */ return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  17. Olá PessoAll, Como é que eu faço para anular o Mousemove dessa classe? Acontece que, no meu sistema, quando eu estou com o msgYesNo("Confirma a gravação") ativado, ou seja, está com a mensagem na tela e o usuário passa o mouse sobre a seta do ScrollBar ele avança registros no arquivo. Já tentei apagar o METHOD MouseMove e também a Função, mas não resolve. A Classe é: #include "FiveWin.ch" #include "Constant.ch" #define SB_HORZ 0 #define SB_VERT 1 #define SB_CTL 2 #define COLOR_SCROLLBAR 0 #define COLOR_WINDOW 5 #ifdef __XPP__ #define Super ::TControl #define New _New #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLASS TScrollBar FROM TControl DATA lVertical, lReDraw, lIsChild, nMin, nMax, nPgStep DATA bGoUp, bGoDown, bGoTop, bGoBottom, bPageUp, bPageDown, bPos DATA bTrack CLASSDATA aProperties INIT { "cVarName", "nMin", "nMax",; "nPgStep", "nTop", "nLeft", "Cargo", "lVertical" } METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth,; nHeight, bUpAction, bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown,; bPos, lPixel, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate,; bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD ReDefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD cToChar() INLINE Super:cToChar( "SCROLLBAR" ) METHOD GetPos() INLINE GetScrollPos( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD GetRange() INLINE GetScrollRange( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) INLINE Super:Initiate( hDlg ), ; ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ),; ::SetPos( ::nMin ) // These two have to be BLOCK METHOD GoUp() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos > ::nMin,; ::SetPos( --nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoUp != nil, Eval( ::bGoUp ),) } METHOD GoDown() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos < ::nMax,; ::SetPos( ++nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoDown != nil, Eval( ::bGoDown ),) } METHOD GoTop() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMin ),; If( ::bGoTop != nil, Eval( ::bGoTop ),) METHOD GoBottom() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMax ),; If( ::bGoBottom != nil, Eval( ::bGoBottom ),) METHOD PageUp() INLINE If( ::bPageUp != nil, Eval( ::bPageUp ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() - ::nPgStep ) METHOD PageDown() INLINE If( ::bPageDown != nil, Eval( ::bPageDown ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() + ::nPgStep ) METHOD SetPage( nSize ) METHOD SetPos( nPos ) INLINE ; SetScrollPos( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ),; nPos, ::lReDraw ) METHOD SetRange( nMin, nMax ) INLINE ; ::nMin := nMin, ::nMax := nMax, ; SetScrollRange( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ), ; if( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ), ; nMin, nMax, ::lReDraw ) METHOD ThumbPos( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bPos != nil, Eval( ::bPos, nPos ),) METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) METHOD ThumbTrack( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bTrack != nil, Eval( ::bTrack, nPos ),) ENDCLASS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth, nHeight,; bUpAct, bDownAct, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, lPixel, nClrText,; nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CLASS TScrollBar #ifdef __XPP__ #undef New #endif DEFAULT nRow := 0, nCol := 0,; nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; oWnd := GetWndDefault(),; lVertical := .t., nWidth := If( lVertical, 16, 100 ),; nHeight := If( lVertical, 100, 17 ),; lPixel := .f.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f., lDesign := .f. ::cCaption = "" ::nTop = nRow * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_H ) //14 ::nLeft = nCol * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_W ) // 8 ::nBottom = ::nTop + nHeight - 1 ::nRight = ::nLeft + nWidth - 1 ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::nStyle = nOR( WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_TABSTOP,; If( lVertical, SBS_VERT, SBS_HORZ ),; If( lDesign, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0 ) ) ::bGoUp = bUpAct ::bGoDown = bDownAct ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. ::lDrag = lDesign ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd ) ::Create( "SCROLLBAR" ) ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ) ::SetPos( ::nMin ) oWnd:AddControl( Self ) else oWnd:DefControl( Self ) endif if lDesign ::CheckDots() endif return Self //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Constructor for non-true ScrollBar Controls // ( when using WS_VSCROLL, WS_HSCROLL styles in a Window ) // They are NOT controls but we consider them as real Objects! METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollBar DEFAULT nMin := 1, nMax := 2, nPgStep := 1, lVertical := .t.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::lIsChild = .t. ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::hWnd = 0 ::SetRange( nMin, nMax ) ::SetPos( nMin ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Redefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollbar DEFAULT nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::nID = nID ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = .f. ::lReDraw = .t. ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. // .t. only for Windows with WS_HSCROLL ¢ WS_VSCROLL style ::lRedraw = .t. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lDrag = .f. ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) oWnd:DefControl( Self ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TScrollBar do case case nMsg == FM_SCROLLUP ::GoUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLDOWN ::GoDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGUP ::PageUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGDN ::PageDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBPOS ::ThumbPos( nWParam ) return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBTRACK ::ThumbTrack( nWParam ) return 0 endcase return Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TScrollBar local nResult := Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) return If( ::lDrag, nResult, nil ) // We want standard behavior !!! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetPage( nSize, lReDraw ) CLASS TScrollBar /* local nFlags DEFAULT lRedraw := .f. if ! Empty( ::hWnd ) nFlags = SB_CTL else if ::lVertical nFlags = SB_VERT else nFlags = SB_HORZ endif endif SetScrollInfo( If( ! Empty( ::hWnd ), ::hWnd, ::oWnd:hWnd ),; nFlags, nSize, lReDraw ) */ return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  18. Olá PessoAll, Como é que eu faço para anular o Mousemove dessa classe? Acontece que, no meu sistema, quando eu estou com o msgYesNo("Confirma a gravação") ativado, ou seja, está com a mensagem na tela e o usuário passa o mouse sobre a seta do ScrollBar ele avança registros no arquivo. Já tentei apagar o METHOD MouseMove e também a Função, mas não resolve. A Classe é: #include "FiveWin.ch" #include "Constant.ch" #define SB_HORZ 0 #define SB_VERT 1 #define SB_CTL 2 #define COLOR_SCROLLBAR 0 #define COLOR_WINDOW 5 #ifdef __XPP__ #define Super ::TControl #define New _New #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLASS TScrollBar FROM TControl DATA lVertical, lReDraw, lIsChild, nMin, nMax, nPgStep DATA bGoUp, bGoDown, bGoTop, bGoBottom, bPageUp, bPageDown, bPos DATA bTrack CLASSDATA aProperties INIT { "cVarName", "nMin", "nMax",; "nPgStep", "nTop", "nLeft", "Cargo", "lVertical" } METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth,; nHeight, bUpAction, bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown,; bPos, lPixel, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate,; bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD ReDefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD cToChar() INLINE Super:cToChar( "SCROLLBAR" ) METHOD GetPos() INLINE GetScrollPos( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD GetRange() INLINE GetScrollRange( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) INLINE Super:Initiate( hDlg ), ; ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ),; ::SetPos( ::nMin ) // These two have to be BLOCK METHOD GoUp() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos > ::nMin,; ::SetPos( --nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoUp != nil, Eval( ::bGoUp ),) } METHOD GoDown() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos < ::nMax,; ::SetPos( ++nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoDown != nil, Eval( ::bGoDown ),) } METHOD GoTop() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMin ),; If( ::bGoTop != nil, Eval( ::bGoTop ),) METHOD GoBottom() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMax ),; If( ::bGoBottom != nil, Eval( ::bGoBottom ),) METHOD PageUp() INLINE If( ::bPageUp != nil, Eval( ::bPageUp ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() - ::nPgStep ) METHOD PageDown() INLINE If( ::bPageDown != nil, Eval( ::bPageDown ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() + ::nPgStep ) METHOD SetPage( nSize ) METHOD SetPos( nPos ) INLINE ; SetScrollPos( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ),; nPos, ::lReDraw ) METHOD SetRange( nMin, nMax ) INLINE ; ::nMin := nMin, ::nMax := nMax, ; SetScrollRange( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ), ; if( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ), ; nMin, nMax, ::lReDraw ) METHOD ThumbPos( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bPos != nil, Eval( ::bPos, nPos ),) METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) METHOD ThumbTrack( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bTrack != nil, Eval( ::bTrack, nPos ),) ENDCLASS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth, nHeight,; bUpAct, bDownAct, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, lPixel, nClrText,; nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CLASS TScrollBar #ifdef __XPP__ #undef New #endif DEFAULT nRow := 0, nCol := 0,; nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; oWnd := GetWndDefault(),; lVertical := .t., nWidth := If( lVertical, 16, 100 ),; nHeight := If( lVertical, 100, 17 ),; lPixel := .f.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f., lDesign := .f. ::cCaption = "" ::nTop = nRow * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_H ) //14 ::nLeft = nCol * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_W ) // 8 ::nBottom = ::nTop + nHeight - 1 ::nRight = ::nLeft + nWidth - 1 ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::nStyle = nOR( WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_TABSTOP,; If( lVertical, SBS_VERT, SBS_HORZ ),; If( lDesign, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0 ) ) ::bGoUp = bUpAct ::bGoDown = bDownAct ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. ::lDrag = lDesign ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd ) ::Create( "SCROLLBAR" ) ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ) ::SetPos( ::nMin ) oWnd:AddControl( Self ) else oWnd:DefControl( Self ) endif if lDesign ::CheckDots() endif return Self //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Constructor for non-true ScrollBar Controls // ( when using WS_VSCROLL, WS_HSCROLL styles in a Window ) // They are NOT controls but we consider them as real Objects! METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollBar DEFAULT nMin := 1, nMax := 2, nPgStep := 1, lVertical := .t.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::lIsChild = .t. ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::hWnd = 0 ::SetRange( nMin, nMax ) ::SetPos( nMin ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Redefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollbar DEFAULT nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::nID = nID ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = .f. ::lReDraw = .t. ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. // .t. only for Windows with WS_HSCROLL ¢ WS_VSCROLL style ::lRedraw = .t. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lDrag = .f. ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) oWnd:DefControl( Self ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TScrollBar do case case nMsg == FM_SCROLLUP ::GoUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLDOWN ::GoDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGUP ::PageUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGDN ::PageDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBPOS ::ThumbPos( nWParam ) return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBTRACK ::ThumbTrack( nWParam ) return 0 endcase return Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TScrollBar local nResult := Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) return If( ::lDrag, nResult, nil ) // We want standard behavior !!! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetPage( nSize, lReDraw ) CLASS TScrollBar /* local nFlags DEFAULT lRedraw := .f. if ! Empty( ::hWnd ) nFlags = SB_CTL else if ::lVertical nFlags = SB_VERT else nFlags = SB_HORZ endif endif SetScrollInfo( If( ! Empty( ::hWnd ), ::hWnd, ::oWnd:hWnd ),; nFlags, nSize, lReDraw ) */ return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  19. Olá PessoAll, Como é que eu faço para anular o Mousemove dessa classe? Acontece que, no meu sistema, quando eu estou com o msgYesNo("Confirma a gravação") ativado, ou seja, está com a mensagem na tela e o usuário passa o mouse sobre a seta do ScrollBar ele avança registros no arquivo. Já tentei apagar o METHOD MouseMove e também a Função, mas não resolve. A Classe é: #include "FiveWin.ch" #include "Constant.ch" #define SB_HORZ 0 #define SB_VERT 1 #define SB_CTL 2 #define COLOR_SCROLLBAR 0 #define COLOR_WINDOW 5 #ifdef __XPP__ #define Super ::TControl #define New _New #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLASS TScrollBar FROM TControl DATA lVertical, lReDraw, lIsChild, nMin, nMax, nPgStep DATA bGoUp, bGoDown, bGoTop, bGoBottom, bPageUp, bPageDown, bPos DATA bTrack CLASSDATA aProperties INIT { "cVarName", "nMin", "nMax",; "nPgStep", "nTop", "nLeft", "Cargo", "lVertical" } METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth,; nHeight, bUpAction, bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown,; bPos, lPixel, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate,; bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD ReDefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD cToChar() INLINE Super:cToChar( "SCROLLBAR" ) METHOD GetPos() INLINE GetScrollPos( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD GetRange() INLINE GetScrollRange( If( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ) ) METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) METHOD Initiate( hDlg ) INLINE Super:Initiate( hDlg ), ; ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ),; ::SetPos( ::nMin ) // These two have to be BLOCK METHOD GoUp() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos > ::nMin,; ::SetPos( --nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoUp != nil, Eval( ::bGoUp ),) } METHOD GoDown() BLOCK { | Self, nPos | nPos := ::GetPos(),; if( nPos < ::nMax,; ::SetPos( ++nPos ), ),; If( ::bGoDown != nil, Eval( ::bGoDown ),) } METHOD GoTop() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMin ),; If( ::bGoTop != nil, Eval( ::bGoTop ),) METHOD GoBottom() INLINE ::SetPos( ::nMax ),; If( ::bGoBottom != nil, Eval( ::bGoBottom ),) METHOD PageUp() INLINE If( ::bPageUp != nil, Eval( ::bPageUp ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() - ::nPgStep ) METHOD PageDown() INLINE If( ::bPageDown != nil, Eval( ::bPageDown ),),; ::SetPos( ::GetPos() + ::nPgStep ) METHOD SetPage( nSize ) METHOD SetPos( nPos ) INLINE ; SetScrollPos( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ),; If( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ),; nPos, ::lReDraw ) METHOD SetRange( nMin, nMax ) INLINE ; ::nMin := nMin, ::nMax := nMax, ; SetScrollRange( if( ::lIsChild, ::oWnd:hWnd, ::hWnd ), ; if( ::lIsChild, If( ::lVertical, SB_VERT, SB_HORZ ), SB_CTL ), ; nMin, nMax, ::lReDraw ) METHOD ThumbPos( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bPos != nil, Eval( ::bPos, nPos ),) METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) METHOD ThumbTrack( nPos ) INLINE If( ::bTrack != nil, Eval( ::bTrack, nPos ),) ENDCLASS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, nWidth, nHeight,; bUpAct, bDownAct, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, lPixel, nClrText,; nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, bWhen, bValid, lDesign ) CLASS TScrollBar #ifdef __XPP__ #undef New #endif DEFAULT nRow := 0, nCol := 0,; nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; oWnd := GetWndDefault(),; lVertical := .t., nWidth := If( lVertical, 16, 100 ),; nHeight := If( lVertical, 100, 17 ),; lPixel := .f.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f., lDesign := .f. ::cCaption = "" ::nTop = nRow * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_H ) //14 ::nLeft = nCol * If( lPixel, 1, SCRL_CHARPIX_W ) // 8 ::nBottom = ::nTop + nHeight - 1 ::nRight = ::nLeft + nWidth - 1 ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::nStyle = nOR( WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_TABSTOP,; If( lVertical, SBS_VERT, SBS_HORZ ),; If( lDesign, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, 0 ) ) ::bGoUp = bUpAct ::bGoDown = bDownAct ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. ::lDrag = lDesign ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd ) ::Create( "SCROLLBAR" ) ::SetRange( ::nMin, ::nMax ) ::SetPos( ::nMin ) oWnd:AddControl( Self ) else oWnd:DefControl( Self ) endif if lDesign ::CheckDots() endif return Self //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Constructor for non-true ScrollBar Controls // ( when using WS_VSCROLL, WS_HSCROLL styles in a Window ) // They are NOT controls but we consider them as real Objects! METHOD WinNew( nMin, nMax, nPgStep, lVertical, oWnd, bUpAction,; bDownAction, bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollBar DEFAULT nMin := 1, nMax := 2, nPgStep := 1, lVertical := .t.,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lVertical = lVertical ::lReDraw = .t. ::lIsChild = .t. ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::hWnd = 0 ::SetRange( nMin, nMax ) ::SetPos( nMin ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Redefine( nID, nMin, nMax, nPgStep, oWnd, bUpAction, bDownAction, ; bPgUp, bPgDown, bPos, nClrText, nClrBack, cMsg,; lUpdate, bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TScrollbar DEFAULT nMin := 0, nMax := 0, nPgStep := 1,; nClrText := GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ),; nClrBack := GetSysColor( COLOR_SCROLLBAR ),; lUpdate := .f. ::nID = nID ::nMin = nMin ::nMax = nMax ::nPgStep = nPgStep ::lVertical = .f. ::lReDraw = .t. ::bGoUp = bUpAction ::bGoDown = bDownAction ::bPageUp = bPgUp ::bPageDown = bPgDown ::bPos = bPos ::oWnd = oWnd ::lIsChild = .f. // .t. only for Windows with WS_HSCROLL ¢ WS_VSCROLL style ::lRedraw = .t. ::oWnd = oWnd ::lDrag = .f. ::lCaptured = .f. ::cMsg = cMsg ::lUpdate = lUpdate ::bWhen = bWhen ::bValid = bValid ::SetColor( nClrText, nClrBack ) oWnd:DefControl( Self ) return Self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TScrollBar do case case nMsg == FM_SCROLLUP ::GoUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLDOWN ::GoDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGUP ::PageUp() return 0 case nMsg == FM_SCROLLPGDN ::PageDown() return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBPOS ::ThumbPos( nWParam ) return 0 case nMsg == FM_THUMBTRACK ::ThumbTrack( nWParam ) return 0 endcase return Super:HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TScrollBar local nResult := Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) return If( ::lDrag, nResult, nil ) // We want standard behavior !!! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetPage( nSize, lReDraw ) CLASS TScrollBar /* local nFlags DEFAULT lRedraw := .f. if ! Empty( ::hWnd ) nFlags = SB_CTL else if ::lVertical nFlags = SB_VERT else nFlags = SB_HORZ endif endif SetScrollInfo( If( ! Empty( ::hWnd ), ::hWnd, ::oWnd:hWnd ),; nFlags, nSize, lReDraw ) */ return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  20. Certo Gilmer, Mas eu gostaria de ter a facilidade de rodar a mesma versão que possuo do Fwh com releases mais novos do xHarbour, sem ter que fazer upgrade do Five. Acho que deve haver uma forma de regerar as libs do five para um novo xhb. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  21. Vou pegar o xHarbour lá. Obrigado. (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  22. Usei o Build.bat e modifiquei nele os paths para compilar o projeto Eu.prg que vem junto com o vMsg32 (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  23. Obrigado, Mas o meu problema está com o FiveHC.lib, como recriá-lo com a nova versão do xHarbour? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  24. Olá PessoAll, Baixei uma versão mais nova do xHarbour e quando compilo a minha aplicação dá o seguinte erro: Error: Unresolved external '_hb_objHasMessage' referenced from C:\FWH\LIB\FIVEHC.LIB|FFDLGPRC 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved. Recriei a (FiveHx.lib) usando o HARB2LIB.EXE mas parece que o problema está com a (FiveHc.lib). Como faço para recriar essa lib? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  25. Olá PessoAll, Baixei uma versão mais nova do xHarbour e quando compilo a minha aplicação dá o seguinte erro: Error: Unresolved external '_hb_objHasMessage' referenced from C:\FWH\LIB\FIVEHC.LIB|FFDLGPRC 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved. Recriei a (FiveHx.lib) usando o HARB2LIB.EXE mas parece que o problema está com a (FiveHc.lib). Como faço para recriar essa lib? (OASyS) Oscar Ribeiro Fwh2.7+xHb0.99.60+BCC551+WorkShop
  • Create New...