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Fivewin Brasil


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Everything posted by kapiaba

  1. O tema voltou aqui: https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43419&sid=1b3f2fd55712cf396c1499d54c19908a Quem se habilita? abs. Regards, saludos.
  2. o que usa a LIB ou o normal?
  3. Boa tarde Vailtom, porfa, você tem algum SCRIPT para compilar com xHarbour? Gracias, thanks. Regards, saludos.
  4. com qual modelo você gerou?
  5. YES!, você precisa da equivalente a sua versão. Faça uma busca no inter para ver se localiza, ou ente em contacto com o pessoal do xHarbour comercial. abs.
  6. http://www.5volution.com.br/site/ Abs.
  7. http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=12275&p=70615&hilit=Nota+fiscal+Serviço+SP+Servico#p70615 abs.
  8. Fale com o Cara... Rochinha. Ele faz um "precinho" camarada... http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=11682&p=66798&hilit=Nota+fiscal+Serviço+SP+Servico#p66798 Abs
  9. Me passe no skype. Tenho quase finalizado. vai que... kkkkkkkkkkkkkk abs.
  10. https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=42239&p=253843&hilit=GRABAR+IMAGEN&sid=06d293ba843ae6dbf27bbb7727a12518#p253843 https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=39108&hilit=grabar+imagen&sid=06d293ba843ae6dbf27bbb7727a12518 https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=36967&p=220581&hilit=grabar+imagen&sid=06d293ba843ae6dbf27bbb7727a12518#p220581 https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=31218&p=182144&hilit=grabar+imagen&sid=06d293ba843ae6dbf27bbb7727a12518#p182144 https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32803&p=193180&hilit=BAJAR+imagen&sid=06d293ba843ae6dbf27bbb7727a12518#p193180 https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=41069&p=245863&hilit=DOWNLOAD+IMAGE&sid=06d293ba843ae6dbf27bbb7727a12518#p245863 https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=40973&p=245490&hilit=DOWNLOAD+IMAGE&sid=06d293ba843ae6dbf27bbb7727a12518#p245490 Divirta-se, tem muito mais. Digite: "DOWNLOAD IMAGE" Regards, saludos.
  11. https://www.pexels.com/pt-br/procurar/ferramentas/ https://pixabay.com/pt/images/search/ferramentas/ https://br.freepik.com/fotos-vetores-gratis/ferramenta https://pt.vecteezy.com/fotos-gratis/ferramentas
  12. Boma princesos(kkkk), alguém usa essa classes do [x]Harbour para imprimir? Dúvida: É possível imprimir usando @ SAY... LIN, COL como no CLIPPER? // C:\XHBCC74\TESTS\TESTW32P.PRG #define FORM_A4 9 #define PS_SOLID 0 #define RGB( nR,nG,nB ) ( nR + ( nG * 256 ) + ( nB * 256 * 256 ) ) #define BLACK RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x0 ) #define BLUE RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x85 ) #define GREEN RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x0 ) #define CYAN RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x85 ) #define RED RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x0 ) #define MAGENTA RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x85 ) #define BROWN RGB( 0x85,0x85,0x0 ) #define WHITE RGB( 0xC6,0xC6,0xC6 ) FUNCTION Main() LOCAL nPrn :=1, cBMPFile := SPACE( 40 ) LOCAL aPrn := GetPrinters() LOCAL GetList:= {} CLS IF EMPTY( aPrn ) // Nenhuma impressora instalada - NÆo ‚ poss¡vel continuar // Alert( "No printers installed - Cannot continue" ) Alert( "Nenhuma impressora instalada - NÆo ‚ poss¡vel continuar" ) QUIT ENDIF WHILE .NOT. EMPTY( nPrn ) CLS // Win32Prn() Programa de teste de classe. Escolha uma impressora para testar // @ 1,0 SAY 'Win32Prn() Class test program. Choose a printer to test' @ 1,0 SAY 'Win32Prn() Escolha uma impressora para testar' // @ 2,0 SAY 'Bitmap file name' GET cBMPFile PICT '@!K' // READ cBMPFile := "TESTE.BMP" // *.JPG NAO IMPRIME // @ 2, 0 TO maxRow(),maxCol() @ 4, 0 TO maxRow(),maxCol() @ 5, 2 SAY 'Impressora Disponiveis:' // 3, 1 nPrn := ACHOICE( 7, 2, maxRow()-1, maxCol()-1, aPrn, .T.,, nPrn ) IF .NOT. EMPTY( nPrn ) PrnTest( aPrn[nPrn], cBMPFile ) CLEAR SCREEN EXIT ENDIF ENDDO RETURN NIL STATIC FUNCTION PrnTest(cPrinter, cBMPFile) LOCAL oPrinter := Win32Prn():New(cPrinter), aFonts, x, nColFixed, nColTTF, ; nColCharSet oPrinter:Landscape:= .F. oPrinter:FormType := FORM_A4 oPrinter:Copies := 1 IF .NOT. oPrinter:Create() // NÆo ‚ Poss¡vel Criar Impressora // Alert( "Cannot Create Printer" ) Alert( "NÆo ‚ Poss¡vel Criar Impressora" ) ELSE // Win32Prn(Nome do documento nas Propriedades da impressora // IF .NOT. oPrinter:startDoc('Win32Prn(Doc name in Printer Properties)') IF .NOT. oPrinter:startDoc('Nome do documento nas Propriedades da impressora)') // Alert( "StartDoc() failed" ) Alert( "StartDoc() Falhou" ) ELSE oPrinter:SetPen( PS_SOLID, 1, RED ) oPrinter:Bold(800) FOR x:= 1 TO 8 // Pulos de Linhas oPrinter:NewLine() NEXT x oPrinter:TextOut( oPrinter:PrinterName+': MaxRow() = '+STR(oPrinter:MaxRow(),4)+' MaxCol() = '+STR(oPrinter:MaxCol(),4)) oPrinter:Bold(0) // Normal oPrinter:NewLine() oPrinter:TextOut(' Partial list of available fonts that are available for OEM_') oPrinter:NewLine() oPrinter:UnderLine(.T.) oPrinter:Italic(.T.) // oPrinter:SetFont('Courier New',7,{3,-50}) // Compressed print nColFixed:= 40 * oPrinter:CharWidth nColTTF := 48 * oPrinter:CharWidth nColCharSet := 60 * oPrinter:CharWidth oPrinter:TextOut('FontName') oPrinter:SetPos(nColFixed) oPrinter:TextOut('Fixed?') oPrinter:SetPos(nColTTF) oPrinter:TextOut('TrueType?') oPrinter:SetPos(nColCharset) oPrinter:TextOut('CharSet#',.T.) oPrinter:NewLine() oPrinter:Italic(.F.) oPrinter:UnderLine(.F.) aFonts:= oPrinter:GetFonts() oPrinter:NewLine() FOR x:= 1 TO LEN(aFonts) STEP 2 oPrinter:CharSet(aFonts[x,4]) IF oPrinter:SetFont(aFonts[x,1]) // Could use "IF oPrinter:SetFontOk" after call to oPrinter:SetFont() IF oPrinter:FontName == aFonts[x,1] // Make sure Windows didn't pick a different font oPrinter:TextOut(aFonts[x,1]) oPrinter:SetPos(nColFixed) oPrinter:TextOut(IIF(aFonts[x,2],'Yes','No')) oPrinter:SetPos(nColTTF) oPrinter:TextOut(IIF(aFonts[x,3],'Yes','No')) oPrinter:SetPos(nColCharSet) oPrinter:TextOut(STR(aFonts[x,4],5)) oPrinter:SetPos(oPrinter:LeftMargin, oPrinter:PosY + (oPrinter:CharHeight*2)) // Could use "oPrinter:NewPage()" to start a new page IF oPrinter:PRow() > oPrinter:MaxRow() - 10 EXIT ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF oPrinter:Line(0, oPrinter:PosY+5, 2000, oPrinter:PosY+5) NEXT x oPrinter:SetFont('Lucida Console',8,{3,-50}) // Alternative Compressed print oPrinter:CharSet(0) // Reset default charset oPrinter:Bold(800) oPrinter:NewLine() oPrinter:TextOut('This is on line'+STR(oPrinter:Prow(),4)+', Printed bold, ' ) oPrinter:TextOut(' finishing at Column: ') oPrinter:TextOut(STR(oPrinter:Pcol(),4)) oPrinter:SetPrc(oPrinter:Prow()+3, 0) oPrinter:Bold(0) oPrinter:TextOut("Notice: UNDERLINE only prints correctly if there is a blank line after",.T.) oPrinter:TextOut(" it. This is because of ::LineHeight and the next line",.T.) oPrinter:TextOut(" printing over top of the underline. To avoid this happening",.T.) oPrinter:TextOut(" you can to alter ::LineHeight or use a smaller font") oPrinter:NewLine() oPrinter:NewLine() oPrinter:SetFont('Lucida Console',18, 0) // Large print oPrinter:SetColor( GREEN ) oPrinter:TextOut("Finally some larger print") oPrinter:Box( 0, oPrinter:PosY+100, 100, oPrinter:PosY+200) oPrinter:Arc(200, oPrinter:PosY+100, 300, oPrinter:PosY+200) oPrinter:Ellipse(400, oPrinter:PosY+100, 500, oPrinter:PosY+200) oPrinter:FillRect(600, oPrinter:PosY+100, 700, oPrinter:PosY+200, RED) // To print a barcode; // Replace 'BCod39HN' with your own bar code font or any other font // oPrinter:TextAtFont( oPrinter:MM_TO_POSX( 30 ) , oPrinter:MM_TO_POSY(60 ), '1234567890', 'BCod39HN', 24, 0 ) PrintBitMap( oPrinter, cBMPFile ) // Pena: somente imprime .BMP oPrinter:EndDoc() ENDIF oPrinter:Destroy() ENDIF RETURN NIL PROCEDURE PrintBitMap( oPrn, cBitFile ) LOCAL oBMP IF EMPTY( cBitFile ) * ELSEIF .NOT. FILE( cBitFile ) Alert( cBitFile + ' not found ' ) ELSE oBMP:= Win32BMP():new() IF oBmp:loadFile( cBitFile ) // oBmp:Draw( oPrn, { 200,200, 2000, 1500 } ) // COL LIN LARG ALT E # DO FIVEWIN. oBmp:Draw( oPrn, { 200, 000, 0500, 500 } ) // Note: Can also use this method to print bitmap // oBmp:Rect:= { 200,2000, 2000, 1500 } // oPrn:DrawBitMap( oBmp ) ENDIF oBMP:Destroy() ENDIF RETURN NIL // FIN / END - kapiabafwh@gmail.com Regards, saludos.
  13. https://mega.nz/file/BAV10C4C#GA42Kq5Jdw7eqsjLZY9gtOWBn0jOTZa0Uv7OfHpG3MM https://mega.nz/file/cdkXkYqb#57cUNmXXIXTVEazBaRuUcjhpCGpHJ72zLQxLS9vMzOA Abs.
  14. Veja se ajuda: http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13227&p=77488&hilit=Datasus#p77488 Download: http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/download/file.php?id=1560 Abs.
  15. Perfect, // Testing Groups #include "FiveWin.ch" #include "WColors.ch" #Define CLR_ORANGE nRGB( 255, 165, 000 ) //-> Orange - Laranja //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// FUNCTION Main() LOCAL oDlg, oBrush, oGroup, oFont, cText := "Hello" // DEFINE BRUSH oBrush FILE "..\bitmaps\bricks.bmp" DEFINE BRUSH oBrush FILE "..\bitmaps\sea.bmp" RESIZE DEFINE FONT oFont NAME 'MS Sans Serif' SIZE 0, -8 BOLD DEFINE DIALOG oDlg NAME "Test" BRUSH oBrush REDEFINE GET cText ID 102 OF oDlg // REDEFINE GROUP oGroup ID 101 COLOR GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT ) OF oDlg ; // FONT oFont PROMPT "Modified Group Caption" REDEFINE GROUP oGroup ID 101 COLOR CLR_HBLUE, CLR_ORANGE OF oDlg ; FONT oFont PROMPT "Modified Group Caption" REDEFINE BUTTON ID 103 OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End() ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg ON INIT ( SetWindowTheme( oGroup:hWnd, "", "" ), .T. ) RELEASE BRUSH oBrush RELEASE FONT oFont RETURN NIL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// // IN BUILDX.BAT /* IF EXIST %1.rc %bcdir%\bin\brc32.exe -r -I%bcdir%\include -I%bcdir%\include\windows\sdk %1 // MANIFEST DE WINDOWS. %bcdir%\bin\BRC32.Exe -R XPLOOK.RC */ Regards, saludos.
  16. https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43298&sid=2b62faea5ae2cd784e5472638859f243 Regards, saludos.
  17. ZIP esse fivewin, o Harbour/xHarbour e o BCC dessa versão, hospede no: https://mega.nz/ E me envie os links para download que eu baixo e testo aqui. E você pode usar a Versão 6.12 do Fivewin que é grátis para compilar no lugar dessa "relíquia" ai. Regards, saludos.
  18. 2003? Esse é o FIVEWIN que você usa atualmente? ai meu amigo, não tem como te ajudar, eu não tenho esse FiveWin e muito menso o HARBOUR, meu PRIMEIRO FIVEWIN, foi a versão 2.7(2007) que ganhei do master Gilmer. Regards, saludos.
  19. Pronto. Veja como é simples: // C:\FWH..\SAMPLES\OLIVEIRO.PRG #include "FiveWin.ch" #include "hbcompat.ch" FUNCTION Main() LOCAL cRet MsgRun( "AGUARDE... VERIFICANDO RECEITA FEDERAL DO DF.", ; "Por Favor, Espere Abertura. Pode Demorar. ", ; { || WinExec( AbrirURL() ), 3 } ) RETURN NIL Function AbrirURL() Local oOle, cURL // cURL := "https://receita.fazenda.df.gov.br.com.br" //ERRADO // //https://receita.fazenda.df.gov.br/ cURL := "https://receita.fazenda.df.gov.br/" oOle:= TOleAuto():NEW( "InternetExplorer.Application" ) oOle:Visible := .T. oOle:ToolBar := .F. oOle:StatusBar := .F. oOle:MenuBar := .F. oOle:FullScreen := .F. oOle:Invoke( "Navigate", cURL ) // OU: // oOle:Navigate( cURL ) // OU: // oOle:Navigate2( cURL ) While oOle:ReadyState <> 4 SysRefresh() SysWait( .5 ) Enddo RETURN( .T. ) // FIN / END Regards, saludos.
  20. Enquanto eu altero a sua rotina, USE ESTA: // C:\FWH..\SAMPLES\FBM1994.PRG #include "FiveWin.ch" #include "hbcompat.ch" FUNCTION Oliveiros() // GOTOPA() LOCAL cRet MsgRun( "AGUARDE... VERIFICANDO RECEITA FEDERAL DO DF.", ; "Por Favor, Espere Abertura. Pode Demorar. ", ; { || WinExec( PegaSefaz() ), 3 } ) RETURN NIL FUNCTION PegaSefaz() LOCAL OOLE, CDIA, CMES, CANO, CDATA, CHORA LOCAL cRet := "", cPagina LOCAL cTexto := "Local time in Brasilia" IF ( oOle := Cria_OLE( "InternetExplorer.Application", , .T. ) ) == NIL RETURN( .F. ) ENDIF cPagina := "https://receita.fazenda.df.gov.br/" oOle:Visible := .T. oOle:ToolBar := .F. oOle:StatusBar := .F. oOle:MenuBar := .F. oOle:Navigate( cPagina ) WHILE oOle:ReadyState() != 4 // Aguarda página ser carregada, mesmo q não seja visualizado no Navegador (opão Visible := F ou T) SysWait( .5 ) ENDDO Return( cRet ) FUNCTION Cria_OLE( cObj_OLE, cMsg, lGetActiveObj ) /* Cria objeto Ole */ LOCAL oObj_OLE := NIL cMsg := 'Erro ao Tentar Carregar Pagina...Tente Novamente' lGetActiveObj := .F. IF lGetActiveObj TRY oObj_OLE := GetActiveObject( cObj_OLE ) CATCH TRY oObj_OLE := CREATEOBJECT(cObj_OLE) CATCH Alert(cMsg) RETURN oObj_OLE END END ELSE TRY oObj_OLE := CREATEOBJECT(cObj_OLE) CATCH Alert( cMsg ) RETURN oObj_OLE END ENDIF RETURN( oObj_OLE ) // FIM Regards, saludos.
  21. https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43268&sid=1a0758d2fa3dab0f7955ceb9e8af4e2a#p260411 Regards, saludos.
  22. Este é o FASTREPORT.NET, não o FAST REPORT para XHARBOUR. o Site que o JmSilva postou, é o correto. Para .NET o Master Navarro está desenvolvendo uma versão .NET do FASTREPORT.NET veja: https://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=43098&sid=af556d5fb17459a69e86f542f3498d78 Regards, saludos.
  23. Esse Rochinhassssssss, eu não sei não hein?! kkkkkkkkkk http://www.pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=19350&p=124810&hilit=GNRE#p124810 Regards, saludos.
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