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Baxei aqui na minha maquia e compilei apenas o sqlrdd.

so ficou  6   arquivos que nao conseguir compilar por que nao conseguir encontrar  alguns include  existentes neste arquivos


Depois de compilado conseguir fazer o seguinte teste  com xharbour1.2.3  bcc7 :

   RddSetDefault( "SQLRDD" )
   IF SR_ExistTable( "clientes" )
      USE clientes NEW alias temp VIA "SQLRDD"


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Legal, vou pegar isso pra ver a tarde. Vou tentar compilar pelo xbuild vamos ver 


Mas no geral essa notícia foi fantástica, tomara que migrem o sqlrdd para o Harbour e dê um gás em toda comunidade.


Com o sqlrdd no Harbour não vejo motivo para o projeto xharbour não ser mergeado no Harbour 

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eu tenei compilar tambem em harbour 3.2    e  nao teve muinto erro nao. segue abaixo a lista de erros


Error E2293 firebird3.c 1414: ) expected in function HB_FUN_FBLINEPROCESSED3
*** 1 errors in Compile ***

Error E2209 sqlact.c 15: Unable to open include file 'sqly.h'
*** 1 errors in Compile ***
Error E2209 sqllex.c 16: Unable to open include file 'sqly.h'
Error E2147 sqllex.c 23: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 sqllex.c 31: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 sqllex.c 42: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2451 sqllex.c 71: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 77: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 82: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 93: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 95: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 102: Undefined symbol 'INTEGERVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 107: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 109: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 116: Undefined symbol 'REALVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 142: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 143: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 145: Undefined symbol 'STRINGVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 150: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 163: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 164: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 166: Undefined symbol 'QUOTED_IDENT' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 170: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 180: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 181: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 183: Undefined symbol 'DATEVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 186: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2228 sqllex.c 186: Too many error or warning messages in function sqlyylex
*** 26 errors in Compile ***

Error E2209 oci.h 320: Unable to open include file 'oratypes.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 324: Unable to open include file 'ocidfn.h'
Error E2257 oci.h 1699: , expected
Error E2209 oci.h 1945: Unable to open include file 'oci1.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1949: Unable to open include file 'oro.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1953: Unable to open include file 'ori.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1957: Unable to open include file 'orl.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1961: Unable to open include file 'ort.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1965: Unable to open include file 'ociextp.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1969: Unable to open include file 'ociapr.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1970: Unable to open include file 'ociap.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1977: Unable to open include file 'oci8dp.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1981: Unable to open include file 'ociextp.h'
Error E2209 oci.h 1985: Unable to open include file 'ocixad.h'
Error E2209 ociap.h 168: Unable to open include file 'oratypes.h'
Error E2209 ociap.h 177: Unable to open include file 'ocidfn.h'
Error E2209 ociap.h 181: Unable to open include file 'nzt.h'
Error E2209 ociap.h 189: Unable to open include file 'ort.h'
Error E2293 ociap.h 5869: ) expected
Error E2293 ociap.h 5873: ) expected
Error E2293 ociap.h 5878: ) expected
Error E2293 ociap.h 5882: ) expected
Error E2293 ociap.h 5886: ) expected
Error E2293 ociap.h 5890: ) expected
Error E2293 ociap.h 5893: ) expected
Error E2228 ociap.h 5893: Too many error or warning messages
*** 26 errors in Compile ***

Error E2193 sqlora2.c 643: Too few parameters in call to 'hb_timeEncode' in function HB_FUN_ORACLEGETBINDDATA2
Error E2227 sqlora2.c 869: Extra parameter in call to hb_itemPutCPtr in function SQLO2_FieldGet

Ou seja poucos erros:


Ainda nao fiz teste mas ja me arrisco a dizer que vai funcionar na maioria dos banco de dados! 



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fiz um teste de compilar um pequeno exemplo em harbour mais deu estes erros aqui 

C:\SQLRDD\harbour>c:\bcc7\bin\make -fESOCIAL.mak
MAKE Version 5.41  Copyright (c) 1987, 2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
        c:\bcc7\bin\ilink32 -Gn -aa -Tpe -s @b32_LNK.bc
Turbo Incremental Link 6.70 Copyright (c) 1997-2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SR_DBQUALIFY' referenced from C:\SQLRDD\HARBOUR\LIB\MYSQLRDD.LIB|sqlrdd2
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SR_ESCAPESTRING' referenced from C:\SQLRDD\HARBOUR\LIB\MYSQLRDD.LIB|sqlgen1
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SR_STRTOHEX' referenced from C:\SQLRDD\HARBOUR\LIB\MYSQLRDD.LIB|sqlgen1
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_IS_TIMEFLAG' referenced from C:\SQLRDD\HARBOUR\LIB\MYSQLRDD.LIB|sqlrdd1
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SR_HEXTOSTR' referenced from C:\SQLRDD\HARBOUR\LIB\MYSQLRDD.LIB|utils
Error: Unresolved external '_sr_escapeNumber' referenced from C:\SQLRDD\HARBOUR\LIB\MYSQLRDD.LIB|mysql
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_timeEncStr' referenced from C:\SQLRDD\HARBOUR\LIB\MYSQLRDD.LIB|mysql
Error: Unable to perform link

** error 2 ** deleting JAIR.EXE


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só pra ficar registrado aqui e ajudar alguem que também estava com este problema.

eu já tinha instalado o gnu BISON mas ele estava no meu drive C

a compilação do projeto eu estava fazendo no drive G

então só precisei copiar a pasta c:\GnuWin32 para g:\GnuWin32 de forma que o arquivo g:\GnuWin32\bin\bison.exe fosse encontrado pelo xBuildw e gerou o sqly.h


agora estou com outros problemas que estou investigando

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Em 17/08/2023 at 11:32, emotta disse:

só pra ficar registrado aqui e ajudar alguem que também estava com este problema.

eu já tinha instalado o gnu BISON mas ele estava no meu drive C

a compilação do projeto eu estava fazendo no drive G

então só precisei copiar a pasta c:\GnuWin32 para g:\GnuWin32 de forma que o arquivo g:\GnuWin32\bin\bison.exe fosse encontrado pelo xBuildw e gerou o sqly.h


agora estou com outros problemas que estou investigando

coloca ai este arquivo sqly.h      para mim fazer um teste 

Compilando   com  este esta linha de comando   aqui :  hbmk2 -xhb sqlrdd.hbp 

Error E2209 sqllex.c 16: Unable to open include file 'sqly.h'
Error E2147 sqllex.c 23: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 sqllex.c 31: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 sqllex.c 42: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2451 sqllex.c 71: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 77: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 82: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 93: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 95: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 102: Undefined symbol 'INTEGERVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 107: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 109: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 116: Undefined symbol 'REALVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 142: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 143: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 145: Undefined symbol 'STRINGVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 150: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 163: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 164: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 166: Undefined symbol 'QUOTED_IDENT' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 170: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 180: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 181: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 183: Undefined symbol 'DATEVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 186: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 194: Undefined symbol 'BINDVAR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 201: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 203: Undefined symbol 'OPERATOR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 208: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 210: Undefined symbol 'OPERATOR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 215: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 217: Undefined symbol 'ASTERISK' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 222: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 224: Undefined symbol 'OPERATOR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 234: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 236: Undefined symbol 'EQUALS' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 243: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 245: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 247: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 249: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 256: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 258: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 262: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 264: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 266: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 268: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 275: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 277: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 279: Undefined symbol 'NOT' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 284: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2228 sqllex.c 284: Too many error or warning messages in function sqlyylex
*** 51 errors in Compile ***
hbmk2[sqlrdd]: Erro: Executando compilador C/C++. 2
bcc32.exe -c -q -CP437 -d -O2 -OS -Ov -Oc -Oi -6  -tWM -w -Q -w-sig- -n.hbmk\win\bcc -Ic:\bcc7\Include -Ic:\bcc7\Include\dinkumware -Ic:\bcc7\Include\windows\crtl -Ic:\bcc7\Include\windows\rtl -Ic:\bcc7\Include\windows\sdk -IC:\harbour32\include -I.hbmk\win\bcc -I. sqlact.c sqllex.c


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Em 20/08/2023 at 18:59, infosys2 disse:

coloca ai este arquivo sqly.h      para mim fazer um teste 

Compilando   com  este esta linha de comando   aqui :  hbmk2 -xhb sqlrdd.hbp 

Error E2209 sqllex.c 16: Unable to open include file 'sqly.h'
Error E2147 sqllex.c 23: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 sqllex.c 31: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2147 sqllex.c 42: 'YYSTYPE' cannot start a parameter declaration
Error E2451 sqllex.c 71: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 77: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 82: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 93: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 95: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 102: Undefined symbol 'INTEGERVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 107: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 109: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 116: Undefined symbol 'REALVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 142: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 143: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 145: Undefined symbol 'STRINGVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 150: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 163: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 164: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 166: Undefined symbol 'QUOTED_IDENT' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 170: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 180: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 181: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 183: Undefined symbol 'DATEVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 186: Undefined symbol 'ERRORVAL' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 194: Undefined symbol 'BINDVAR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 201: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 203: Undefined symbol 'OPERATOR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 208: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 210: Undefined symbol 'OPERATOR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 215: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 217: Undefined symbol 'ASTERISK' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 222: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 224: Undefined symbol 'OPERATOR' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 234: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 236: Undefined symbol 'EQUALS' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 243: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 245: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 247: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 249: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 256: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 258: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 262: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 264: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 266: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 268: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 275: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 277: Undefined symbol 'COMPARE' in function sqlyylex
Error E2451 sqllex.c 279: Undefined symbol 'NOT' in function sqlyylex
Error E2288 sqllex.c 284: Pointer to structure required on left side of -> or ->* in function sqlyylex
Error E2228 sqllex.c 284: Too many error or warning messages in function sqlyylex
*** 51 errors in Compile ***
hbmk2[sqlrdd]: Erro: Executando compilador C/C++. 2
bcc32.exe -c -q -CP437 -d -O2 -OS -Ov -Oc -Oi -6  -tWM -w -Q -w-sig- -n.hbmk\win\bcc -Ic:\bcc7\Include -Ic:\bcc7\Include\dinkumware -Ic:\bcc7\Include\windows\crtl -Ic:\bcc7\Include\windows\rtl -Ic:\bcc7\Include\windows\sdk -IC:\harbour32\include -I.hbmk\win\bcc -I. sqlact.c sqllex.c


não adianta eu mandar o meu, ele tem que gerar corretamente, quem gera o BISON. Mas ainda estou trabalhando pra conseguir compilar xharbour open source e sqlrdd de acordo com o repositório que o ron postou no git


quando conseguir vou ver se consigo clarear um pouco esse trabalho de compilação que é bem complexo.

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1 hora atrás, infosys2 disse:

Ja compilei com harbour   e bcc7    nao preciza nem mesmo do bison 

show de bola, mas é estranho pois o sqlrdd precisa do BISON pra gerar o parse de comandos sql.

vc conseguiu conectar no banco de dados e executar os comandos, por exemplo: :exec ou :execute ?


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O Marcos gambeta adicionou ao seu repositório do hb++, e  dá pra ser compilado com o harbour 3.2 e 3.4, assim como também já removeu a dependência do bison pra compilar o mesmo, e disse que pretende remover a dependência de usar o xhb.hbp na compilação, o que seria ideal também.
Está caminhando, em breve acredito que vai estar no repositório do harbour na pasta contrib.


Baixe os fontes já corrigidos para  harbour  aqui neste link:


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6 minutos atrás, infosys2 disse:

O Marcos gambeta adicionou ao seu repositório do hb++, e  dá pra ser compilado com o harbour 3.2 e 3.4, assim como também já removeu a dependência do bison pra compilar o mesmo, e disse que pretende remover a dependência de usar o xhb.hbp na compilação, o que seria ideal também.
Está caminhando, em breve acredito que vai estar no repositório do harbour na pasta contrib.


Baixe os fontes já corrigidos para  harbour  aqui neste link:


fantástico !

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  • 3 weeks later...

- clonar repositório - c:\git clone https://github.com/ronpinkas/xharbour.git

- instalar visual studio Community - https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/pt-br/downloads/

- compilar com comandos abaixo:

cd c:\xharbour
set HB_DIR_ADS=c:\acesdk\acesdk
make_vc all && cd c:\xharbour\xHarbourBuilder\xHarbour-Builder && xbldfull.bat -all   

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3 horas atrás, emotta disse:

- clonar repositório - c:\git clone https://github.com/ronpinkas/xharbour.git

- instalar visual studio Community - https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/pt-br/downloads/

- compilar com comandos abaixo:

cd c:\xharbour
set HB_DIR_ADS=c:\acesdk\acesdk
make_vc all && cd c:\xharbour\xHarbourBuilder\xHarbour-Builder && xbldfull.bat -all   

Por gentileza, pode esclarecer esta path, o que precisa estar instalado ?

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Instale o visual Studio conforme escrito e o acesdk (esse pede pra alguém do fórum não estou com minha máquina)

- instalar visual studio Community - https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/pt-br/downloads/


Dps execute as instruções


Importante fazer o clone do xharbour a partir da raiz do drive C: ficando c:\xharbour 


Dps é só executar os comando que descrevi no final 


Demora uns 10 minutos pra compilar a primeira vez, até parece q travou, mas não interrompa.

Outra coisa é que eventualmente, ao compilar algumas libs da erro, é só dar enter e prosseguir.


Os binários serão gerados dentro de c:\xharbour\bin\vc e tb em c:\xb\bin


As libs estão tb em c:\xharbour\lib e na xhb tb, é só procurar SQL.lib em alguma dessas pastas 


Depois de gerado esses binários, pra compilar é só direcionar pra esses paths e tudo será compilado 



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