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Solução para indentação em programas


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En el fichero hbformat.ini


# If true, convert file name to lower case
lFCaseLow = no

# If yes, converts all tabs to spaces
#lNoTabs = yes

# If yes, indent code
lIndent = yes

# If yes, make case conversion
lCase = yes

# If yes, reformat spaces
lSpaces = yes

# If yes, indent "Function", "Procedure", "Class", "Method"
lIndFunc = no

# If yes, indent "Local", "Private", etc. in a function beginning
lIndVar = yes

# If yes, indent  directives
lIndDrt = no

# If yes, indent  "Return"
lIndRet  = yes

# If yes, convert asterisk '*' to '//'
lCnvAst = yes

# If yes, convert '&&' to '//'
lCnvAmp = yes

# If yes, convert .NOT. TO !
lCnvNot = yes

# Eol: -1 - no change, 0 - OS default, 1 - DOS, 2 - UNIX
nEol = 0

# Leftmost indent - amount of spaces
nIndLeft = 3

# indent - amount of spaces
nIndNext = 3

# Indent for continuation ( after ';' ) lines - amount of spaces
nIndCont = 3

# Number of spaces after /* and // comments ( -1 - no change )
nSpaceComment = 1

# Case of commands ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
nCaseCmd = 1

# Case of boolean operators ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
nCaseBoo = 1

# Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title, 4 - as in pattern )
nCaseFnc = 4

# Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
nCaseUnk = -1

# Case of directives ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
nCaseDrt = 2

# Number of spaces after # in directives ( -1 - no change )
nSpaceDrt = 0

# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before a function ( procedure,class ) declaration, 2 - remove it
nLineFnc = 1

# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before return, 2 - remove it
nLineRet = 1

# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before variables declaration, 2 - remove it
nLineVar = 1

# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before code in function, 2 - remove it
nLineCode = 1

# Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after a comma
nBr4Comma = 8

# Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after/before a bracket
nBr4Brac = 8

# Extension for a formatted file ( if empty - replace original )
cExtSave =

# Extension for a backup file
cExtBack = .bak

# List of space separated .hbx files for specifying proper casing of function names
cHBXList =


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hbformat.ini para o xHarbour 7.2 e funciona TRY... END TRY.

# $Id: hbformat.ini 18847 2013-02-13 22:33:19Z vszakats $
# Eol: -1 - no change, 0 - OS default, 1 - DOS, 2 - UNIX
 nEol = -1
# If true, convert file name to lower case
 lFCaseLow = no
# If yes, converts all tabs to spaces
 lNoTabs = yes
# If yes, indent code
 lIndent = yes
# If yes, make case conversion
 lCase = yes
# If yes, reformat spaces
 lSpaces = yes
# If yes, indent "Function", "Procedure", "Class", "Method"
 lIndFunc = no
# If yes, indent "Local", "Private", etc. in a function beginning
 lIndVar = yes
# If yes, indent directives
 lIndDrt = no
# If yes, indent "Return"
 lIndRet = yes
# Leftmost indent - amount of spaces
 nIndLeft = 3
# indent - amount of spaces
 nIndNext = 3
# Indent for continuation ( after ';' ) lines - amount of spaces
 nIndCont = 3
# If yes, convert asterisk '*' to '//'
 lCnvAst = yes
# If yes, convert '&&' to '//'
 lCnvAmp = yes
# Number of spaces after /* and // comments ( -1 - no change )
#nSpaceComment = 1
# If yes, convert .NOT. TO !
 lCnvNot = yes
# Case of commands ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
 nCaseCmd = 1
# Case of boolean operators ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
 nCaseBoo = 1
# Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title, 4 - as in pattern )
 nCaseFnc = 4
# Case of functions ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
 nCaseUnk = -1
# Case of directives ( -1 - no change, 1 - upper, 2 - lower, 3 - title )
 nCaseDrt = 2
# Number of spaces after # in directives ( -1 - no change )
 nSpaceDrt = 0
# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before a function ( procedure,class ) declaration, 2 - remove it
 nLineFnc = 1
# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before return, 2 - remove it
 nLineRet = 1
# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before variables declaration, 2 - remove it
 nLineVar = 1
# -1 - no change, 1 - insert empty line before code in function, 2 - remove it
 nLineCode = 1
# Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after a comma
 nBr4Comma = 1
# Max level of nesting in brackets, while space is added after/before a bracket
 nBr4Brac = 2
# Extension for a formatted file ( if empty - replace original )
 cExtSave =
# Extension for a backup file
 cExtBack = bak
# List of space separated .hbx files for specifying proper casing of function names
#cHBXList =


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