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/* */
/* STYLE.H - defines which you can use for .RC files */
/* */

#define WIN_HAS_BORDER 0x00000001L
#define WS_BORDER 0x00000001L
#define WS_DLGFRAME 0x00000001L
#define WIN_DISABLED 0x00000002L
#define WS_DISABLED 0x00000002L
#define WIN_HIDDEN 0x00000004L
#define SHADOW_TOPLEFT 0x00000010L
#define SHADOW_BOTLEFT 0x00000020L
#define SHADOW_TOPRIGHT 0x00000040L
#define WS_POPUP 0x00000100L
#define WS_CHILD 0x00000200L
#define WIN_VSCROLL 0x00001000L
#define WS_VSCROLL 0x00001000L
#define WIN_HSCROLL 0x00002000L
#define WS_HSCROLL 0x00002000L
#define WIN_HAS_SHADOW 0x00004000L
#define WS_SHADOW 0x00004000L
#define WIN_TITLEBAR 0x00020000L
#define WS_CAPTION 0x00020000L
#define WIN_SYSMENU 0x00040000L
#define WS_SYSMENU 0x00040000L
#define WIN_MINMAXBOX 0x00080000L
#define WS_MINMAXBOX 0x00080000L
#define WIN_SIZEBOX 0x00100000L
#define WS_SIZEBOX 0x00100000L
#define WIN_MOVEBOX 0x00200000L
#define WS_MOVEBOX 0x00200000L
#define WS_TABSTOP 0x00400000L
#define WS_GROUP 0x00800000L
#define WS_CLIPSIBLINGS 0x01000000L
#define WS_CLIPCHILDREN 0x08000000L
#define WS_SAVEBITS 0x02000000L
#define WS_SYSCOLOR 0x04000000L
/* edit styles */
#define ES_MULTILINE 0x10000000L
#define ES_AUTOVSCROLL 0x20000000L
#define ES_AUTOHSCROLL 0x40000000L
#define ES_NOECHO 0x80000000L
#define ES_PASSWORD 0x80000000L
#define ES_MARGIN 0x00000001L
#define ES_LEFT 0x00000000L
#define ES_CENTER 0x00000000L
#define ES_RIGHT 0x00000000L
#define ES_NOHIDESEL 0x00000000L
#define SS_TEXT 0x10000000L
#define SS_FRAME 0x20000000L
#define SS_BOX 0x40000000L
#define SS_ICON 0x80000000L
#define BS_DEFAULT 0x10000000L /* TRUE if this is the default button */
#define BS_INVERTED 0x20000000L /* TRUE if it is inverted */
#define BS_HELP 0x40000000L /* TRUE if it generates WM_HELP */
/* Combo Box styles */
#define CBS_SIMPLE     0x10000000L
#define CBS_DROPDOWN     0x20000000L
#define CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 0x30000000L
#define CBS_AUTOHSCROLL 0x40000000L
#define CBS_SORT 0x80000000L
#define CBS_OEMCONVERT 0x0000L
#define CBS_HASSTRINGS 0x0000L
/* ListBox styles */
#define LBS_MULTIPLESEL     0x10000000L
#define LBS_NOREDRAW      0x20000000L
#define LBS_NOTIFY      0x40000000L
#define LBS_SORT      0x80000000L
#define LBS_STANDARD      0xC0000000L
#define LBS_MULTICOLUMN WIN_SYSMENU /* overloaded */
#define LBS_USETABSTOPS WIN_MINMAXBOX /* overloaded */

MS Windows Compatibility defines

/* Button Control Styles */
#define BS_PUSHBUTTON     0x00L
#define BS_CHECKBOX     0x02L
#define BS_RADIOBUTTON     0x04L
#define BS_3STATE     0x05L
#define BS_AUTO3STATE     0x06L
#define BS_GROUPBOX     0x07L
#define BS_USERBUTTON     0x08L
#define BS_PUSHBOX     0x0AL
#define BS_OWNERDRAW     0x0BL

/* Static Control Constants */
#define SS_LEFT      0x00L
#define SS_CENTER     0x01L
#define SS_RIGHT     0x02L
#define SS_ICON      0x03L
#define SS_BLACKRECT     0x04L
#define SS_GRAYRECT     0x05L
#define SS_WHITERECT     0x06L
#define SS_BLACKFRAME     0x07L
#define SS_GRAYFRAME     0x08L
#define SS_WHITEFRAME     0x09L
#define SS_USERITEM     0x0AL
#define SS_SIMPLE     0x0BL

#define DS_MODALFRAME     0x00L

#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define YELLOW 6
#define WHITE 7
#define INTENSE_BLUE 9
#define INTENSE_GREEN 10
#define INTENSE_CYAN 11
#define INTENSE_RED 12
#define INTENSE_WHITE 15

#define IDOK 1
#define IDCANCEL 2

/* KEYS.H - keystroke codes for the IBM PC */
/* */
/* © COPYRIGHT 1984 Marc Adler All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* Codes 168 - 171, 197, 198, 202, 204, 206 are free */

/************************** UNSHIFTED FUNCTION KEYS ************************/
#define VK_F1 187
#define VK_F2 188
#define VK_F3 189
#define VK_F4 190
#define VK_F5 191
#define VK_F6 192
#define VK_F7 193
#define VK_F8 194
#define VK_F9 195
#define VK_F10 196
#define VK_F11 181
#define VK_F12 182

/************************** SHIFTED FUNCTION KEYS **************************/
#define VK_SH_F1 212
#define VK_SH_F2 213
#define VK_SH_F3 214
#define VK_SH_F4 215
#define VK_SH_F5 216
#define VK_SH_F6 217
#define VK_SH_F7 218
#define VK_SH_F8 219
#define VK_SH_F9 220
#define VK_SH_F10 221
#define VK_SH_F11 179
#define VK_SH_F12 180

/**************************** ALT FUNCTION KEYS *****************************/
#define VK_ALT_F1 232
#define VK_ALT_F2 233
#define VK_ALT_F3 234
#define VK_ALT_F4 235
#define VK_ALT_F5 236
#define VK_ALT_F6 237
#define VK_ALT_F7 238
#define VK_ALT_F8 239
#define VK_ALT_F9 240
#define VK_ALT_F10 241
#define VK_ALT_F11 185
#define VK_ALT_F12 186

/**************************** CTRL FUNCTION KEYS *****************************/
#define VK_CTRL_F1 222
#define VK_CTRL_F2 223
#define VK_CTRL_F3 224
#define VK_CTRL_F4 225
#define VK_CTRL_F5 226
#define VK_CTRL_F6 227
#define VK_CTRL_F7 228
#define VK_CTRL_F8 229
#define VK_CTRL_F9 230
#define VK_CTRL_F10 231
#define VK_CTRL_F11 183
#define VK_CTRL_F12 184

/**************************** KEYPAD FUNCTION KEYS ***************************/
#define VK_ESC 27
#define VK_UP 200
#define VK_DOWN 208
#define VK_LEFT 203
#define VK_RIGHT 205
#define VK_INS 210
#define VK_DEL 211
#define VK_BACKSPACE 8
#define VK_TAB 9
#define VK_RETURN '\r'
#define VK_NEWLINE '\n'
#define VK_BACKTAB 143

/************************* CONTROL FUNCTION KEYS ************************/
#define VK_HOME 199
#define VK_CTRL_HOME 247
#define VK_END 207
#define VK_CTRL_END 245
#define VK_PGUP 201
#define VK_PRIOR 201
#define VK_PGDN 209
#define VK_NEXT 209
#define VK_CTRL_PGUP 132
#define VK_CTRL_PGDN 246
#define VK_CTRL_LEFT 243
#define VK_CTRL_RIGHT 244

/******************** SHIFTED KEYPAD KEYS and PRTSCR KEY *********************/
#define VK_SH_HOME 133
#define VK_SH_UP 134
#define VK_SH_PGUP 135
#define VK_SH_MINUS 136
#define VK_SH_LEFT 137
#define VK_SH_FIVE 138
#define VK_SH_RIGHT 139
#define VK_SH_PLUS 140
#define VK_SH_END 141
#define VK_SH_DOWN 142
#define VK_SH_PGDN 154
#define VK_SH_INS 155
#define VK_SH_DEL 156
#define VK_PRTSCREEN 157

/**************************** CONTROL KEYS < ' ' *****************************/
#define VK_CTRL_A 1
#define VK_CTRL_B 2
#define VK_CTRL_C 3
#define VK_CTRL_D 4
#define VK_CTRL_E 5
#define VK_CTRL_F 6
#define VK_CTRL_G 7
#define VK_CTRL_H 8
#define VK_CTRL_I 9
#define VK_CTRL_J 10
#define VK_CTRL_K 11
#define VK_CTRL_L 12
#define VK_CTRL_M 13
#define VK_CTRL_N 14
#define VK_CTRL_O 15
#define VK_CTRL_P 16
#define VK_CTRL_Q 17
#define VK_CTRL_R 18
#define VK_CTRL_S 19
#define VK_CTRL_T 20
#define VK_CTRL_U 21
#define VK_CTRL_V 22
#define VK_CTRL_W 23
#define VK_CTRL_X 24
#define VK_CTRL_Y 25
#define VK_CTRL_Z 26

/********************************* ALT KEYS *********************************/
#define VK_ALT_A 158
#define VK_ALT_B 176
#define VK_ALT_C 174
#define VK_ALT_D 160
#define VK_ALT_E 146
#define VK_ALT_F 161
#define VK_ALT_G 162
#define VK_ALT_H 163
#define VK_ALT_I 151
#define VK_ALT_J 164
#define VK_ALT_K 165
#define VK_ALT_L 166
#define VK_ALT_M 178
#define VK_ALT_N 177
#define VK_ALT_O 152
#define VK_ALT_P 153
#define VK_ALT_Q 144
#define VK_ALT_R 147
#define VK_ALT_S 159
#define VK_ALT_T 148
#define VK_ALT_U 150
#define VK_ALT_V 175
#define VK_ALT_W 145
#define VK_ALT_X 173
#define VK_ALT_Y 149
#define VK_ALT_Z 172

#define VK_ALT_1 248
#define VK_ALT_2 249
#define VK_ALT_3 250
#define VK_ALT_4 251
#define VK_ALT_5 252
#define VK_ALT_6 253
#define VK_ALT_7 254
#define VK_ALT_8 255
#define VK_ALT_9 128
#define VK_ALT_0 129
#define VK_ALT_MINUS 130
#define VK_ALT_PLUS 131
#define VK_ALT_DOWN 167

#define VK_CTRL_BREAK 256
#define VK_FOREIGN 257
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Conforme o Antonio Liñares, pode usar e ficaria assim:

/* */
/* STYLE.H - defines which you can use for .RC files */
/* */

#define WIN_HAS_BORDER 0x00000001
#define WS_BORDER 0x00000001
#define WS_DLGFRAME 0x00000001
#define WIN_DISABLED 0x00000002
#define WS_DISABLED 0x00000002
#define WIN_HIDDEN 0x00000004
#define SHADOW_TOPLEFT 0x00000010
#define SHADOW_BOTLEFT 0x00000020
#define SHADOW_TOPRIGHT 0x00000040
#define WS_POPUP 0x00000100
#define WS_CHILD 0x00000200
#define WIN_VSCROLL 0x00001000
#define WS_VSCROLL 0x00001000
#define WIN_HSCROLL 0x00002000
#define WS_HSCROLL 0x00002000
#define WIN_HAS_SHADOW 0x00004000
#define WS_SHADOW 0x00004000
#define WIN_TITLEBAR 0x00020000
#define WS_CAPTION 0x00020000
#define WIN_SYSMENU 0x00040000
#define WS_SYSMENU 0x00040000
#define WIN_MINMAXBOX 0x00080000
#define WS_MINMAXBOX 0x00080000
#define WIN_SIZEBOX 0x00100000
#define WS_SIZEBOX 0x00100000
#define WIN_MOVEBOX 0x00200000
#define WS_MOVEBOX 0x00200000
#define WS_TABSTOP 0x00400000
#define WS_GROUP 0x00800000
#define WS_CLIPSIBLINGS 0x01000000
#define WS_CLIPCHILDREN 0x08000000
#define WS_SAVEBITS 0x02000000
#define WS_SYSCOLOR 0x04000000
/* edit styles */
#define ES_MULTILINE 0x10000000
#define ES_AUTOVSCROLL 0x20000000
#define ES_AUTOHSCROLL 0x40000000
#define ES_NOECHO 0x80000000
#define ES_PASSWORD 0x80000000
#define ES_MARGIN 0x00000001
#define ES_LEFT 0x00000000
#define ES_CENTER 0x00000000
#define ES_RIGHT 0x00000000
#define ES_NOHIDESEL 0x00000000
#define SS_TEXT 0x10000000
#define SS_FRAME 0x20000000
#define SS_BOX 0x40000000
#define SS_ICON 0x80000000
#define BS_DEFAULT 0x10000000 /* TRUE if this is the default button */
#define BS_INVERTED 0x20000000 /* TRUE if it is inverted */
#define BS_HELP 0x40000000 /* TRUE if it generates WM_HELP */
/* Combo Box styles */
#define CBS_SIMPLE 0x10000000
#define CBS_DROPDOWN 0x20000000
#define CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 0x30000000
#define CBS_AUTOHSCROLL 0x40000000
#define CBS_SORT 0x80000000
#define CBS_OEMCONVERT 0x0000
#define CBS_HASSTRINGS 0x0000
/* ListBox styles */
#define LBS_MULTIPLESEL 0x10000000
#define LBS_NOREDRAW 0x20000000
#define LBS_NOTIFY 0x40000000
#define LBS_SORT 0x80000000
#define LBS_STANDARD 0xC0000000
#define LBS_MULTICOLUMN WIN_SYSMENU /* overloaded */
#define LBS_USETABSTOPS WIN_MINMAXBOX /* overloaded */

MS Windows Compatibility defines

/* Button Control Styles */
#define BS_PUSHBUTTON 0x00
#define BS_CHECKBOX 0x02
#define BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 0x03
#define BS_RADIOBUTTON 0x04
#define BS_3STATE 0x05
#define BS_AUTO3STATE 0x06
#define BS_GROUPBOX 0x07
#define BS_USERBUTTON 0x08
#define BS_PUSHBOX 0x0A
#define BS_OWNERDRAW 0x0B

/* Static Control Constants */
#define SS_LEFT 0x00
#define SS_CENTER 0x01
#define SS_RIGHT 0x02
#define SS_ICON 0x03
#define SS_BLACKRECT 0x04
#define SS_GRAYRECT 0x05
#define SS_WHITERECT 0x06
#define SS_BLACKFRAME 0x07
#define SS_GRAYFRAME 0x08
#define SS_WHITEFRAME 0x09
#define SS_USERITEM 0x0A
#define SS_SIMPLE 0x0B

#define DS_MODALFRAME 0x00

#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define YELLOW 6
#define WHITE 7
#define INTENSE_BLUE 9
#define INTENSE_GREEN 10
#define INTENSE_CYAN 11
#define INTENSE_RED 12
#define INTENSE_WHITE 15

#define IDOK 1
#define IDCANCEL 2

/* KEYS.H - keystroke codes for the IBM PC */
/* */
/* © COPYRIGHT 1984 Marc Adler All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* Codes 168 - 171, 197, 198, 202, 204, 206 are free */

/************************** UNSHIFTED FUNCTION KEYS ************************/
#define VK_F1 187
#define VK_F2 188
#define VK_F3 189
#define VK_F4 190
#define VK_F5 191
#define VK_F6 192
#define VK_F7 193
#define VK_F8 194
#define VK_F9 195
#define VK_F10 196
#define VK_F11 181
#define VK_F12 182

/************************** SHIFTED FUNCTION KEYS **************************/
#define VK_SH_F1 212
#define VK_SH_F2 213
#define VK_SH_F3 214
#define VK_SH_F4 215
#define VK_SH_F5 216
#define VK_SH_F6 217
#define VK_SH_F7 218
#define VK_SH_F8 219
#define VK_SH_F9 220
#define VK_SH_F10 221
#define VK_SH_F11 179
#define VK_SH_F12 180

/**************************** ALT FUNCTION KEYS *****************************/
#define VK_ALT_F1 232
#define VK_ALT_F2 233
#define VK_ALT_F3 234
#define VK_ALT_F4 235
#define VK_ALT_F5 236
#define VK_ALT_F6 237
#define VK_ALT_F7 238
#define VK_ALT_F8 239
#define VK_ALT_F9 240
#define VK_ALT_F10 241
#define VK_ALT_F11 185
#define VK_ALT_F12 186

/**************************** CTRL FUNCTION KEYS *****************************/
#define VK_CTRL_F1 222
#define VK_CTRL_F2 223
#define VK_CTRL_F3 224
#define VK_CTRL_F4 225
#define VK_CTRL_F5 226
#define VK_CTRL_F6 227
#define VK_CTRL_F7 228
#define VK_CTRL_F8 229
#define VK_CTRL_F9 230
#define VK_CTRL_F10 231
#define VK_CTRL_F11 183
#define VK_CTRL_F12 184

/**************************** KEYPAD FUNCTION KEYS ***************************/
#define VK_ESC 27
#define VK_UP 200
#define VK_DOWN 208
#define VK_LEFT 203
#define VK_RIGHT 205
#define VK_INS 210
#define VK_DEL 211
#define VK_BACKSPACE 8
#define VK_TAB 9
#define VK_RETURN '\r'
#define VK_NEWLINE '\n'
#define VK_BACKTAB 143

/************************* CONTROL FUNCTION KEYS ************************/
#define VK_HOME 199
#define VK_CTRL_HOME 247
#define VK_END 207
#define VK_CTRL_END 245
#define VK_PGUP 201
#define VK_PRIOR 201
#define VK_PGDN 209
#define VK_NEXT 209
#define VK_CTRL_PGUP 132
#define VK_CTRL_PGDN 246
#define VK_CTRL_LEFT 243
#define VK_CTRL_RIGHT 244

/******************** SHIFTED KEYPAD KEYS and PRTSCR KEY *********************/
#define VK_SH_HOME 133
#define VK_SH_UP 134
#define VK_SH_PGUP 135
#define VK_SH_MINUS 136
#define VK_SH_LEFT 137
#define VK_SH_FIVE 138
#define VK_SH_RIGHT 139
#define VK_SH_PLUS 140
#define VK_SH_END 141
#define VK_SH_DOWN 142
#define VK_SH_PGDN 154
#define VK_SH_INS 155
#define VK_SH_DEL 156
#define VK_PRTSCREEN 157

/**************************** CONTROL KEYS < ' ' *****************************/
#define VK_CTRL_A 1
#define VK_CTRL_B 2
#define VK_CTRL_C 3
#define VK_CTRL_D 4
#define VK_CTRL_E 5
#define VK_CTRL_F 6
#define VK_CTRL_G 7
#define VK_CTRL_H 8
#define VK_CTRL_I 9
#define VK_CTRL_J 10
#define VK_CTRL_K 11
#define VK_CTRL_L 12
#define VK_CTRL_M 13
#define VK_CTRL_N 14
#define VK_CTRL_O 15
#define VK_CTRL_P 16
#define VK_CTRL_Q 17
#define VK_CTRL_R 18
#define VK_CTRL_S 19
#define VK_CTRL_T 20
#define VK_CTRL_U 21
#define VK_CTRL_V 22
#define VK_CTRL_W 23
#define VK_CTRL_X 24
#define VK_CTRL_Y 25
#define VK_CTRL_Z 26

/********************************* ALT KEYS *********************************/
#define VK_ALT_A 158
#define VK_ALT_B 176
#define VK_ALT_C 174
#define VK_ALT_D 160
#define VK_ALT_E 146
#define VK_ALT_F 161
#define VK_ALT_G 162
#define VK_ALT_H 163
#define VK_ALT_I 151
#define VK_ALT_J 164
#define VK_ALT_K 165
#define VK_ALT_L 166
#define VK_ALT_M 178
#define VK_ALT_N 177
#define VK_ALT_O 152
#define VK_ALT_P 153
#define VK_ALT_Q 144
#define VK_ALT_R 147
#define VK_ALT_S 159
#define VK_ALT_T 148
#define VK_ALT_U 150
#define VK_ALT_V 175
#define VK_ALT_W 145
#define VK_ALT_X 173
#define VK_ALT_Y 149
#define VK_ALT_Z 172

#define VK_ALT_1 248
#define VK_ALT_2 249
#define VK_ALT_3 250
#define VK_ALT_4 251
#define VK_ALT_5 252
#define VK_ALT_6 253
#define VK_ALT_7 254
#define VK_ALT_8 255
#define VK_ALT_9 128
#define VK_ALT_0 129
#define VK_ALT_MINUS 130
#define VK_ALT_PLUS 131
#define VK_ALT_DOWN 167

#define VK_CTRL_BREAK 256
#define VK_FOREIGN 257

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