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  1. Olá, Gostaria de um exemplo funcional com a Classe TSPLITTER. Encontrei na documentação alguns exemplos com um ou 2 splitter VERTICAL. O que preciso é de uma Windows com um Splitter VERTICAL e outro HORIZONTAL. Isso é possível? Eu não consegui codificar, um sempre fica remontando sobre o outro. Obrigado, Birô 2000. xHB + FWH 2.7 April 2006 + Pelles C + WinVista;
  2. Olá, Gostaria de um exemplo funcional com a Classe TSPLITTER. Encontrei na documentação alguns exemplos com um ou 2 splitter VERTICAL. O que preciso é de uma Windows com um Splitter VERTICAL e outro HORIZONTAL. Isso é possível? Eu não consegui codificar, um sempre fica remontando sobre o outro. Obrigado, Birô 2000. xHB + FWH 2.7 April 2006 + Pelles C + WinVista;
  3. Pessoal, Parabéns por mais esse encontro de programadores FW. O evento é sempre muito produtivo, tanto pelas palestras quanto pelo networking. Pena que não deu pra tomar cerveja dessa vez, mas fica para o próximo encontro. Luciano
  4. Pessoal, Parabéns por mais esse encontro de programadores FW. O evento é sempre muito produtivo, tanto pelas palestras quanto pelo networking. Pena que não deu pra tomar cerveja dessa vez, mas fica para o próximo encontro. Luciano
  5. Pessoal, Parabéns por mais esse encontro de programadores FW. O evento é sempre muito produtivo, tanto pelas palestras quanto pelo networking. Pena que não deu pra tomar cerveja dessa vez, mas fica para o próximo encontro. Luciano
  6. Alberto, Bom dia, Tentei fazer as alterações que você me orientou, mas a versão da minha TcBrowse está diferente da sua. Estou utilizando o FiveWin 2.7, de Abril de 2006. Não me recordo de ter esse problema nas versões anteriores do Fivewin. Estou tendo com o Five 2.7. Segue o código da TcBrowse, se você puder me dizer qual o trecho você alterou eu agradeço: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Fivewin.ch" #include "Report.ch" #include "TcBrowse.ch" #define K_BS 8 #define LINES_3D 3 #ifdef __XPP__ #define Super ::TWBrowse #define New _New #endif // #define USE_CONTEXT // comment out if not using TWAContext() object //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// CLASS TCBrowse FROM TWBrowse CLASSDATA lRegistered AS LOGICAL CLASSDATA aProperties AS ARRAY ; INIT { "aColumns", "cVarName", "nTop", "nLeft", "nWidth", "nHeight" } DATA aColumns, aArray AS ARRAY DATA lNoHScroll, lNoLiteBar, lNoGrayBar, lLogicDrop AS LOGICAL DATA nAdjColumn AS NUMERIC // column expands to flush table window right DATA lRePaint AS LOGICAL // bypass paint if false DATA nFreeze AS NUMERIC // 0,1,2.. freezes left most columns DATA oDbf AS OBJECT DATA oCtx AS OBJECT DATA lColDrag, lLineDrag AS LOGICAL DATA nDragCol AS NUMERIC DATA lAutoCtx AS LOGICAL DATA hBmpCursor AS NUMERIC // bitmap cursor for first column DATA bSeekChange AS CODEBLOCK // added tws 5/15/95 DATA cSeek AS String // added tws 5/15/95 DATA nColOrder AS NUMERIC // added tws 5/15/95 DATA nOClrForeHead AS NUMERIC // added tws 5/15/95 DATA nOClrBackHead AS NUMERIC // added tws 5/15/95 DATA cOrderType AS String // added hmvt DATA aImages // array with bitmaps names DATA aBitmaps // array with bitmaps handles METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeigth, bLine, aHeaders, ; aColSizes, oWnd, cField, uVal1, uVal2, bChange,; bLDblClick, bRClick, oFont, oCursor, nClrFore,; nForeBack, cMsg, lUpdate, cAlias, lPixel, bWhen,; lDesign, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD ReDefine( nId, bLine, oDlg, aHeaders, aColSizes, cField, uVal1,; uVal2, bChange, bLDblClick, bRClick, oFont,; oCursor, nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate,; cAlias, bWhen, bValid ) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD Destroy() INLINE If( ::oCtx != Nil, ::oCtx:Destroy(), nil ), ; Super:Destroy() // destroy ClipMore filter METHOD GotFocus() INLINE If( ::oCtx != nil, ::oCtx:Restore(), nil ), ; Super:GotFocus() // get context first METHOD Inspect( cData ) METHOD LoadFields() METHOD LostFocus( hCtlFocus ) INLINE Super:LostFocus( hCtlFocus ), ; // save context last If( ::oCtx != nil, ::oCtx:Save(), nil ) METHOD BeginPaint() INLINE If(::lRepaint, Super:BeginPaint(), 0 ) METHOD Paint() METHOD EndPaint() INLINE If(::lRePaint, Super:EndPaint(), ; (::lRePaint := .t., 0) ) METHOD Default() METHOD DrawLine( nRow ) METHOD DrawSelect( ) METHOD DrawHeaders( ) METHOD ResetSeek() // added tws 15/5/95 METHOD SetOrder(nColumn) // added tws 15/5/95 METHOD GoDown() // added tws 15/5/95 METHOD GoUp() // added tws 15/5/95 METHOD Seek( nKey ) // added tws 15/5/95 METHOD PageUp(nLines) // added tws 15/5/95 METHOD PageDown(nLines) // added tws 15/5/95 METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) // restored to support seek on pressing a key METHOD LButtonDown( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) METHOD LButtonUp( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) METHOD LDblClick( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) METHOD lEditCol( nCol, uVar, cPicture, bValid, nClrFore, nClrBack, ; cMsg, cError ) METHOD nAtCol( nColPix, lActual ) METHOD MouseMove( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) METHOD Report( cTitle, lPreview ) METHOD Reset() INLINE ::nRowPos := 1, ::nColPos := 1, ; If(::oVScroll != nil, (; ::oVScroll:SetRange( 1, ::nLen := Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) ), ; ::oVScroll:SetPos( 1 ) ), nil), ::Refresh(.t.) METHOD ResetBarPos() METHOD SetArray( aArray ) METHOD SetoDBF( oDbf ) METHOD SetContext( oCtx ) INLINE If( oCtx == nil, ; ::lAutoCtx := .f., ::oCtx := oCtx ) METHOD VertLine( nColPos, nColInit ) METHOD AddColumn( oColumn ) INLINE AAdd( ::aColumns , oColumn ), ; AAdd( ::aColSizes, oColumn:nWidth ),; oColumn METHOD SwitchCols( nCol1, nCol2) METHOD Exchange( nCol1, nCol2) INLINE ::SwitchCols( nCol1, nCol2), ; ::Refresh(.f.), ::SetFocus() ENDCLASS //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeigth, bLine, aHeaders, aColSizes, oWnd,; cField, uVal1, uVal2, bChange, bLDblClick, bRClick,; oFont, oCursor, nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, cAlias,; lPixel, bWhen, lDesign, bValid ) CLASS TCBrowse DEFAULT lDesign := .f., aColSizes := {} // I asked AL to Chg TWBrowse:New() change ::sStyle = nOr(... to // DEFAULT ::nStyle := nOr(... so we can modify the style // NS HMVT you gotta take WS_HSCROLL out otherwise you always get it ::nStyle := nOr( WS_CHILD, WS_VSCROLL, ; // WS_HSCROLL,; WS_BORDER, WS_VISIBLE, WS_TABSTOP,; If( lDesign, WS_THICKFRAME, 0 ) ) ::lAutoCtx := .t. ::lRePaint := .f. ::lNoHScroll := .f. ::lNoLiteBar := .f. ::lNoGrayBar := .f. ::lLogicDrop := .f. ::lColDrag := .f. ::lLineDrag := .f. ::nFreeze := 0 ::aColumns := {} ::nColOrder := 0 ::cOrderType := "" ::aImages := {} ::aBitmaps := {} DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .f. Super:New( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeigth, bLine, aHeaders, aColSizes, oWnd, ; cField, uVal1, uVal2, bChange, bLDblClick, bRClick, ; oFont, oCursor, nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, cAlias, ; lPixel, bWhen, lDesign, bValid ) #ifdef __XPP__ #undef New #endif Return self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD ReDefine( nId, bLine, oDlg, aHeaders, aColSizes, cField, uVal1, uVal2,; bChange, bLDblClick, bRClick, oFont, oCursor,; nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, cAlias,; bWhen, bValid ) CLASS TCBrowse DEFAULT aColSizes := {} ::lAutoCtx := .t. ::lRePaint := .f. ::lNoHScroll := .f. ::lNoLiteBar := .f. ::lNoGrayBar := .f. ::lLogicDrop := .f. ::lColDrag := .f. ::lLineDrag := .f. ::nFreeze := 0 ::aColumns := {} ::nColOrder := 0 ::cOrderType := "" ::aImages := {} ::aBitmaps := {} Super:Redefine( nId, bLine, oDlg, aHeaders, aColSizes, cField, uVal1, uVal2, ; bChange, bLDblClick, bRClick, oFont, oCursor, ; nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, cAlias,; bWhen, bValid ) Return self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD LoadFields() CLASS TcBrowse local n, oCol for n = 1 to ( ::cAlias )->( FCount() ) ::AddColumn( oCol := TcColumn():New( ( ::cAlias )->( FieldName( n ) ),; FieldSetGetBlock( ::cAlias, n ) ) ) oCol:lEdit = .t. oCol:cData = ::cAlias + "->" + FieldName( n ) if ( ::cAlias )->( ValType( FieldGet( n ) ) ) == "N" oCol:nAlign = 2 // RIGHT endif next return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// static function FieldSetGetBlock( cAlias, n ) return { | u | If( PCount() == 0,; ( cAlias )->( FieldGet( n ) ),; ( cAlias )->( FieldPut( n, u ) ) ) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD nAtCol( nColPixel, lActual ) CLASS TCBrowse local nColumn := ::nColPos - 1 local aSizes := ::GetColSizes() local nI, nPos := 0 DEFAULT lActual := .f. if ::nFreeze > 0 if lActual nColumn := 0 else for nI := 1 to ::nFreeze nPos += ::GetColSizes()[ nI ] next endif endif while nPos < nColPixel .and. nColumn < Len( aSizes ) nPos += aSizes[ nColumn + 1 ] nColumn++ end return nColumn //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Paint() CLASS TCBrowse local nI := 1 local nLines := ::nRowCount() + If( ::lNoHScroll, 1, 0 ) local nSkipped := 1 local nRecs local aInfo := ::DispBegin() FillRect( ::hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush ) // check to bypass area paint routines if ! ::lRePaint ::DispEnd( aInfo ) return 0 endif if ::lIconView ::DispEnd( aInfo ) ::DrawIcons() return 0 endif if ::nRowPos == 1 .and. ( ! Empty( ::cAlias ) ) .and. ; ::cAlias != "ARRAY" ( ::cAlias )->( DbSkip( -1 ) ) if ! ( ::cAlias )->( BoF() ) ( ::cAlias )->( DbSkip() ) endif endif ::DrawHeaders() if ! ::lFocused .and. ::oCtx != nil ::oCtx:Restore() // window not in focus but needs repainting endif if Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) == 0 ::DispEnd( aInfo ) return 0 endif ::Skip( -::nRowPos + 1) // If(::lNoHScroll, 0, 1 ) ) while nI <= nLines .and. nSkipped == 1 ::DrawLine( nI ) nSkipped = ::Skip( 1 ) if nSkipped == 1 nI++ endif end ::Skip( ::nRowPos - nI ) if ( nRecs := Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) ) < ::nRowPos ::nRowPos = nRecs endif ::DrawSelect() if ! ::lFocused .and. ::oCtx != nil ::oCtx:Save() endif ::DispEnd( aInfo ) return 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD DrawHeaders( ) CLASS TCBrowse Local nI, nJ, nBegin, nStartCol, oColumn, nLastCol Local nMaxWidth := ::nWidth() Local aColSizes := ::aColSizes // use local copies for speed Local aColumns := ::aColumns Local hFont := If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) Local hWnd := ::hWnd, hDC := ::hDC Local nClrForeHead := ::nClrForeHead Local nClrBackHead := ::nClrBackHead Local nOClrForeHead := if(::nOClrForeHead = Nil, ; nClrForeHead,::nOClrForeHead) Local nOClrBackHead := if(::nOClrBackHead = Nil, ; nClrBackHead,::nOClrBackHead) if ::aColSizes == nil .or. Len( ::aColSizes ) < Len( ::aColumns ) ::aColSizes = {} for nI = 1 to Len( ::aColumns ) AAdd( ::aColSizes, ::aColumns[ nI ]:nWidth ) next aColSizes = ::aColSizes endif nJ := nStartCol := 0 nLastCol := Len(aColumns) // last col width -1 is flag for TCDrawCell nBegin := Min(If(::nColPos <= ::nFreeze, (::nColPos := ::nFreeze+1,; ::nColPos-::nFreeze),::nColPos-::nFreeze), nLastCol ) if Empty( aColumns ) return Self endif for nI := nBegin to nLastCol if ( nStartCol > nMaxWidth ) Exit endif nJ := If( nI < ::nColPos, nJ+1, nI) oColumn := aColumns[ nJ ] TCDrawCell( hWnd, hDC, ; 0, nStartCol, If( nJ < nLastCol, aColSizes[ nJ ], -1), ; oColumn:cHeading, oColumn:nAlign, ; if(!Empty(oColumn:cOrder),nOClrForeHead,nClrForeHead), ; if(nJ = ::nColOrder,nOClrBackHead,nClrBackHead), ; hFont,,, LINES_3D ) // if(nJ = ::nColOrder,nOClrForeHead,nClrForeHead), ; nStartCol += aColSizes[ nJ ] next Return( Self ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD DrawLine( xRow ) CLASS TCBrowse Local nI, nJ, nBegin, nStartCol, oColumn, lBitMap, cPicture Local nClrFore, bClrFore, nClrBack, bClrBack Local nMaxWidth := ::nWidth() Local nRowPos := ::nRowPos // use local copies for speed Local aColSizes := ::aColSizes, nLastCol Local aColumns := ::aColumns Local hFont := If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) Local hWnd := ::hWnd, hDC := ::hDc if Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) > 0 nJ := nStartCol := 0 nLastCol := Len(aColumns) // last col width -1 is flag for TCDrawCell nBegin := Min(If(::nColPos <= ::nFreeze, (::nColPos := ::nFreeze+1,; ::nColPos-::nFreeze),::nColPos-::nFreeze), nLastCol ) for nI := nBegin to nLastCol if ( nStartCol > nMaxWidth ) Exit endif nJ := If( nI < ::nColPos, nJ+1, nI) oColumn := aColumns[ nJ ] cPicture := oColumn:cPicture lBitMap := oColumn:lBitMap if (bClrFore := oColumn:bClrFore) == nil nClrFore := ::nClrText else nClrFore := bClrFore endif if ValType( nClrFore ) == "B" nClrFore := Eval( nClrFore, If( xRow == nil, nRowPos, xRow ), nJ ) endif if (bClrBack := oColumn:bClrBack) == nil nClrBack := ::nClrPane else nClrBack := bClrBack endif if ValType( nClrBack ) == "B" nClrBack := Eval( nClrBack, If( xRow == nil, nRowPos, xRow ), nJ ) endif TCDrawCell( hWnd, hDC , ; If( xRow == nil, nRowPos, xRow ) , nStartCol ,; If( nJ < nLastCol, aColSizes[ nJ ], -1) , ; if( cPicture == nil, ; If( lBitMap, If( ! Empty( ::aBitmaps ),; ::aBitmaps[ Eval( oColumn:bData ) ], Eval( oColumn:bData ) ), ; cValToChar( Eval( oColumn:bData )) ), ; Transform( Eval( oColumn:bData ), cPicture ) ), ; oColumn:nAlign , ; nClrFore, nClrBack, ; hFont,; If(lBitMap, 1, 0),, ::nLineStyle ) nStartCol += aColSizes[ nJ ] next endif Return( Self ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD DrawSelect() CLASS TCBrowse local nI, nJ, nBegin, nStartCol, oColumn, nLastCol, lBitMap, cPicture local bClrFore, bClrBack, nClrFore, nClrBack, lNoLite, uData local nMaxWidth := ::nWidth() local nRowPos := ::nRowPos // use local copies for speed local aColSizes := ::aColSizes local aColumns := ::aColumns local hFont := If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) local hWnd := ::hWnd, hDC := ::hDc, lFocused := ::lFocused local nClrForeFocus := ::nClrForeFocus local nClrBackFocus := ::nClrBackFocus if ( ::lNoLiteBar .or. (::lNoGrayBar .and. !::LFocused) ) ::DrawLine() // don't want no hilited cursor bar of any color elseif Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) > 0 nJ := nStartCol := 0 nLastCol := Len(aColumns) // last col width -1 is flag for TCDrawCell nBegin := Min(If(::nColPos <= ::nFreeze, (::nColPos := ::nFreeze+1,; ::nColPos-::nFreeze),::nColPos-::nFreeze), nLastCol ) for nI := nBegin to nLastCol if ( nStartCol > nMaxWidth ) Exit endif nJ := If( nI < ::nColPos, nJ+1, nI) oColumn := aColumns[ nJ ] if nJ == 1 .and. ! Empty( ::hBmpCursor ) uData := ::hBmpCursor lBitMap := .t. lNoLite := .t. else uData := Eval( oColumn:bData ) cPicture := oColumn:cPicture lBitMap := oColumn:lBitMap lNoLite := oColumn:lNoLite endif if lNoLite if (bClrFore := oColumn:bClrFore) == nil // text nClrFore := ::nClrText else nClrFore := bClrFore endif if ValType( nClrFore ) == "B" nClrFore = Eval( nClrFore, nRowPos, nJ ) endif if (bClrBack := oColumn:bClrBack) == nil // backgnd nClrBackFocus nClrBack := ::nClrPane else nClrBack := bClrBack endif if ValType( nClrBack ) == "B" nClrBack = Eval( nClrBack, nRowPos, nJ ) endif else if ! ::lCellStyle .or. ::nColAct == nJ nClrFore := nClrForeFocus else if (bClrFore := oColumn:bClrFore) == nil // backgnd nClrBackFocus nClrFore = ::nClrText else nClrFore = Eval( bClrFore ) endif if ValType( nClrFore ) == "B" nClrFore = Eval( nClrFore, nRowPos, nJ ) endif endif if ! ::lCellStyle .or. ::nColAct == nJ nClrBack := nClrBackFocus else if (bClrBack := oColumn:bClrBack) == nil // backgnd nClrBackFocus nClrBack = ::nClrPane else nClrBack = Eval( bClrBack ) endif if ValType( nClrBack ) == "B" nClrBack = Eval( nClrBack, nRowPos, nJ ) endif endif endif TCDrawCell( hWnd, hDC, ; nRowPos, nStartCol, If( nJ < nLastCol, aColSizes[ nJ ], -1), ; if( cPicture == nil, ; If( lBitMap, If( ! Empty( ::aBitmaps ),; ::aBitmaps[ uData ], uData ), ; cValToChar( Eval( oColumn:bData ) ) ), ; Transform( uData, cPicture ) ), ; oColumn:nAlign, ; nClrFore, ; If( lFocused .or. lNoLite,; nClrBack,; If( ::lCellStyle, If( nJ == ::nColAct, CLR_GRAY, nClrBack ), CLR_GRAY ) ),; hFont, ; If(lBitMap, If(lNoLite, 1, 2), 0),, ::nLineStyle ) nStartCol += aColSizes[ nJ ] next endif Return( Self ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetoDbf( oDbf ) CLASS TCBrowse ::oDbf = oDbf if ( Upper( oDbf:ClassName() ) == "TMULTIDBF") // setup for the parent as the controlling oDbf ::oCtx := oDbf:oCtx ::oDbf:oParent:bBof = nil ::oDbf:oParent:bEof = nil else ::oDbf:bBof = nil // get rid of those pesky ::oDbf:bEof = nil // dialog boxes endif ::nRowPos := 1 // reinitialize for multiple calls to this method ::nColPos := 1 ::cAlias = "DBFOBJECT" // don't change name, used in method Default() ::bLogicLen = { || ::oDbf:RecCount() } ::bGoTop = { || ::oDbf:GoTop() } ::bGoBottom = { || ::oDbf:GoBottom() } ::bSkip = { | nSkip | ::oDbf:Skipper( nSkip ) } return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetArray( aArray ) CLASS TCBrowse DEFAULT aArray := {} ::aArray = aArray // NS HMVT added this, it's NICE to have ::nAt = 1 ::cAlias = "ARRAY" // don't change name, used in method Default() ::bLogicLen = { || Len( ::aArray ) } ::bGoTop = { || ::nAt := 1 } ::bGoBottom = { || ::nAt := Eval( ::bLogicLen ) } ::bSkip = { | nSkip, nOld | nOld := ::nAt, ::nAt += nSkip,; ::nAt := Min( Max( ::nAt, 1 ), Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) ),; ::nAt - nOld } ::nRowPos := 1 // reinitialize for multiple calls to this method ::nColPos := 1 if ::oVScroll != nil ::oVScroll:SetRange( 1, ::nLen := Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) ) ::oVScroll:SetPos( 1 ) endif if ::oHScroll != nil ::oHScroll:SetPos( 1 ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Default() CLASS TCBrowse local nI, nTemp, nWidth := 0 local nMaxWidth := ::nWidth() - 16 ASize( ::aColSizes, Len( ::aColumns ) ) // make sure they match sizes If( Empty(::nOClrForeHead), ::nOClrForeHead := CLR_HRED, ) If( Empty(::nOClrBackHead), ::nOClrBackHead := CLR_HBLUE, ) // rebuild build the aColSize, it's needed to Horiz Scroll etc // and expand selected column to flush table window right for nI := 1 to Len( ::aColumns ) nTemp := ::aColSizes[nI] := ::aColumns[nI]:nWidth if !Empty(::nAdjColumn).and.(nWidth + nTemp > nMaxWidth) if ::nAdjColumn < nI ::aColumns[::nAdjColumn]:nWidth := ; ::aColSizes[::nAdjColumn] += (nMaxWidth - nWidth) endif ::nAdjColumn := 0 endif nWidth += nTemp if (::nColOrder == 0) .and. (::cAlias != "ARRAY") .and. ; ( !Empty(::aColumns[nI]:cOrder) ) ::SetOrder( nI ) // establish a default if one exists endif next // now catch the odd-ball where last column doesn't fill box if !Empty(::nAdjColumn).and.(nWidth < nMaxWidth).and.(::nAdjColumn < nI) ::aColumns[::nAdjColumn]:nWidth := ; ::aColSizes[::nAdjColumn] += (nMaxWidth - nWidth) ::nAdjColumn := 0 endif ::nLen = Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) IF ::nLen == nil ::nLen = 0 ENDIF DEFINE SCROLLBAR ::oVScroll VERTICAL OF Self ; RANGE Min( 1, ::nLen ), ::nLen #ifdef USE_CONTEXT if ::oCtx == nil .and. ( !Empty(::cAlias) .and. ::cAlias != "ARRAY" ) ; .and. ::lAutoCtx // a context hasn't been established, and not browsing arrays if ::cAlias == "DBFOBJECT" ::oCtx := TWAContext():New( ::oDbf:cAlias ) else ::oCtx := TWAContext():New( ::cAlias ) endif endif #endif // if ::oCtx != nil .and. !Empty(::oCtx:uRecNo) // ::oVScroll:SetPos( ::oCtx:uRecNo ) // endif ::ResetBarPos() if !::lNoHScroll DEFINE SCROLLBAR ::oHScroll HORIZONTAL OF Self ; RANGE Min( 1, Len( ::GetColSizes() ) ), Len( ::GetColSizes() ) endif if ::oFont == nil ::oFont = ::oWnd:oFont endif return self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD MouseMove( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TCBrowse local nI, nColPixPos := 0, lHeader, lMChange, lFrozen := .f., nIcon DEFAULT ::lMouseDown := .f. if ::lIconView if ( nIcon := ::nAtIcon( nRowPix, nColPix ) ) != 0 if ::nIconPos != 0 .and. ::nIconPos != nIcon ::DrawIcon( ::nIconPos ) endif ::nIconPos = nIcon ::DrawIcon( nIcon, .t. ) CursorHand() return 0 endif endif lHeader := nTCWRow( ::hWnd, ::hDC, nRowPix,; If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) ) == 0 if ::lDrag return Super:MouseMove( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) endif if ::nFreeze > 0 for nI := 1 to ::nFreeze nColPixPos += ::GetColSizes()[ nI ] next if (nColPix < nColPixPos) lFrozen := .t. endif endif if lFrozen .or. !lHeader .or. !::lMChange // don't allow MouseMove to drag/resize columns // unless in header row and not in frozen zone CursorArrow() if ::lCaptured if ::lLineDrag ::VertLine() ::lLineDrag := .f. endif ReleaseCapture() ::lColDrag := ::lCaptured := ::lMouseDown := .f. endif lMChange := ::lMChange // save it for restore ::lMChange := .f. Super:MouseMove( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) ::lMChange := lMChange return 0 endif if ::lDrag return Super:MouseMove( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) else if ::lMChange if lHeader if ::lColDrag CursorCatch() else if ::lLineDrag ::VertLine( nColPix ) CursorWE() else if AScan( ::GetColSizes(),; { | nColumn | nColPixPos += nColumn,; nColPix >= nColPixPos - 2 .and. ; nColPix <= nColPixPos + 2 }, ::nColPos ) != 0 CursorWE() else CursorHand() endif endif endif else CursorArrow() endif else CursorArrow() endif endif return 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD VertLine( nColPixPos, nColInit ) CLASS TCBrowse local oRect static nCol, nWidth, nOldPixPos := 0 if nColInit != nil nCol = nColInit nWidth = nColPixPos nOldPixPos = 0 endif if nColPixPos == nil .and. nColInit == nil // We have finish draging ::aColSizes[ nCol ] -= ( nWidth - nOldPixPos ) ::aColumns[ nCol ]:nWidth -= ( nWidth - nOldPixPos ) // HMVT added ::Refresh() endif oRect = ::GetRect() ::GetDC() if nOldPixPos != 0 InvertRect( ::hDC, { 0, nOldPixPos - 1, oRect:nBottom, nOldPixPos + 1 } ) nOldPixPos = 0 endif if nColPixPos != nil .and. ( nColPixPos - 1 ) > 0 InvertRect( ::hDC, { 0, nColPixPos - 1, oRect:nBottom, nColPixPos + 1 } ) nOldPixPos = nColPixPos endif ::ReleaseDC() return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD lEditCol( nCol, uVar, cPicture, bValid, nClrFore, nClrBack, ; cMsg, cError ) CLASS TCBrowse local oDlg, oGet, oFont, oBtn local nWidth := ::aColSizes[ nCol ] local uTemp := uVar, aDim, lOk := .f. local lDropBox := ( ValType( uVar )== "L" .and. ::lLogicDrop ) local nI, nStartCol := 0, lLogicDrop := ::lLogicDrop if ::nFreeze > 0 for nI := 1 to Min(::nFreeze , nCol - 1 ) nStartCol += ::GetColSizes()[ nI ] next endif for nI := ::nColPos to nCol - 1 nStartCol += ::aColSizes[ nI ] next DEFAULT nClrFore := ::nClrText, nClrBack := ::nClrPane if ValType( Eval( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:bData ) ) == "M" if MemoEdit( @uTemp, "Editing: " + ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cHeading ) uVar = uTemp return .t. else return .f. endif endif if ::oFont != nil .and. ! Empty( ::oFont:nHeight ) // added default font of system 14 500 weight oFont = TFont():New( ::oFont:cFaceName, ::oFont:nInpWidth,; If( Abs( ::oFont:nInpHeight ) < 14, 14, ::oFont:nInpHeight ), .f., ; ::oFont:lBold, nil, nil, If(::oFont:lBold, nil, 500) ) endif aDim := aTCBrWPosRect( ::hWnd, ::nRowPos, nStartCol, nWidth, ; If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) ) DEFINE DIALOG oDlg OF ::oWnd FROM aDim[ 1 ], aDim[ 2 ] TO aDim[ 3 ], aDim[ 4 ] ; STYLE nOR( WS_VISIBLE, WS_POPUP ) PIXEL if ( lDropBox ) uTemp = If( uVar, "Yes", "No" ) oGet := TComboBox():New( 0, 0, bSETGET(uTemp), { "Yes", "No" }, ; aDim[ 4 ] - aDim[ 2 ], 32, oDlg, , , bValid, nClrFore, ; nClrBack, .t., oFont, cMsg ) // 32 was 100 oGet:oGet := oGet oGet:cError := cError else oGet := TGet():New( 0, 0, bSETGET( uTemp ), oDlg, ; aDim[ 4 ] - aDim[ 2 ], aDim[ 3 ] - aDim[ 1 ], ; cPicture, bValid, nClrFore, nClrBack, oFont ) oGet:cMsg := cMsg oGet:cError := cError endif @ 10, 0 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "" ACTION ( oBtn:SetFocus(), oDlg:End(), lOk := .t. ) OF oDlg oBtn:nStyle = nOr( WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON ) ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg ; ON INIT ( oDlg:Move( aDim[ 1 ] + 1, aDim[ 2 ] + 1,; aDim[ 4 ] - aDim[ 2 ], aDim[ 3 ] - aDim[ 1 ] ),; If( lDropBox,; oGet:Move( -5, -2, aDim[ 4 ] - aDim[ 2 ] + 3, 22 ), ;// 22 was 80 oGet:Move( -2, -1, aDim[ 4 ] - aDim[ 2 ] + 3, ; aDim[ 3 ] - aDim[ 1 ] + 6 ) ) ) if lOk if ( lDropBox ) uVar = ( uTemp == "Yes" ) else uVar = uTemp endif endif return lOk //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD LDblClick( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TCBrowse local nClickRow := nTCWRow( ::hWnd, ::hDC, nRowPix,; If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) ) local nCol local uTemp if nClickRow == ::nRowPos if ::aColumns[ nCol := ::nAtCol( nColPix ) ]:lEdit .and. ::lAutoEdit uTemp = Eval( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:bData ) if ::lEditCol( nCol, @uTemp ) if ! Empty( ::cAlias ) .and. ::cAlias != "ARRAY" if ( ::cAlias )->( RLock() ) Eval( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:bData, uTemp ) ( ::cAlias )->( DbUnLock() ) else MsgStop( "Record in use", "Please, try again" ) endif else Eval( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:bData, uTemp ) endif ::DrawSelect() endif endif if ::bLDblClick != nil Eval( ::bLDblClick, nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) endif elseif nClickRow == 0 ::SetOrder( ::nAtCol( nColPix ) ) endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD LButtonDown( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TCBrowse local nClickRow, nSkipped, nI local nColPixPos := 0, nColInit := ::nColPos - 1 local oRect, nIcon if ::nFreeze > 0 for nI := 1 to ::nFreeze nColPixPos += ::GetColSizes()[ nI ] next endif if ::lDrag return Super:LButtonDown( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) endif nClickRow = nTCWRow( ::hWnd, ::hDC, nRowPix,; If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) ) ::SetFocus() if ::lIconView if ( nIcon := ::nAtIcon( nRowPix, nColPix ) ) != 0 ::DrawIcon( nIcon ) endif return nil endif if ::lMChange if nClickRow == 0 if AScan( ::GetColSizes(),; { | nColumn | nColPixPos += nColumn,; nColInit++,; nColPix >= nColPixPos - 2 .and. ; nColPix <= nColPixPos + 2 }, ::nColPos ) != 0 ::lLineDrag = .t. ::VertLine( nColPixPos, nColInit ) else ::lColDrag = .t. ::nDragCol = ::nAtCol( nColPix ) endif if ! ::lCaptured ::lCaptured = .t. ::Capture() endif return nil endif endif if ::nLen < 1 return nil endif if nClickRow > 0 .and. nClickRow < ::nRowCount() + 1 //EMG ::DrawLine() nSkipped = ::Skip( nClickRow - ::nRowPos ) ::nRowPos += nSkipped ::oVScroll:SetPos( ::oVScroll:GetPos() + nSkipped ) if ::lCellStyle ::nColAct := ::nAtCol( nColPix ) if ::oHScroll != nil ::oHScroll:SetPos(::nColAct) endif endif ::DrawSelect() ::lHitTop = .f. ::lHitBottom = .f. if ::bChange != nil Eval( ::bChange ) endif else return nil endif if nClickRow == ::nRowPos if ::lCellStyle ::nColAct := ::nAtCol( nColPix ) if ::oHScroll != nil ::oHScroll:SetPos(::nColAct) endif ::DrawSelect() endif endif Super:LButtonDown( nRowPix, nColPix, nKeyFlags ) return 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD LButtonUp( nRowPix, nColPix, nFlags ) CLASS TCBrowse local nClickRow, nDestCol, nAtCol if ::lDrag if ::lColDrag ::lDrag := .f. else return Super:LButtonUp( nRowPix, nColPix, nFlags ) endif endif nClickRow = nTCWRow( ::hWnd, ::hDC, nRowPix,; If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) ) if ::lCaptured ::lCaptured = .f. ReleaseCapture() if ::lLineDrag ::lLineDrag := .f. ::VertLine() else ::lColDrag := .f. nDestCol := ::nAtCol( nColPix ) // we gotta be on header row within listbox and not same colm if nClickRow == 0 .and. nColPix > ::nLeft .and. ; nColPix < ::nRight - 16 .and. ::nDragCol != nDestCol ::Exchange( ::nDragCol, nDestCol) endif endif endif if nClickRow == 0 .and. ::aActions != nil .and. ; ( nAtCol := ::nAtCol( nColPix ) ) <= Len( ::aActions ) if ::aActions[ nAtCol ] != nil Eval( ::aActions[ nAtCol ], Self, nRowPix, nColPix ) return nil endif endif Super:LButtonUp( nRowPix, nColPix, nFlags ) return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD GoDown() CLASS TCBrowse local nSkipped local nLines := ::nRowCount() if ::nLen < 1 return nil endif ::ResetSeek() if ::bSeekChange != Nil eval(::bSeekChange) endif if ! ::lHitBottom ::DrawLine() if ::Skip( 1 ) == 1 ::lHitTop = .f. if ::nRowPos < nLines ::nRowPos++ else ::lRePaint := .f. TCBrwScroll( ::hWnd, 1, If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) ) ::nRowPos := nLines endif else ::lHitBottom = .t. endif ::DrawSelect() if ::oVScroll != nil ::oVScroll:GoDown() endif if ::bChange != nil Eval( ::bChange ) endif endif return nil //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD GoUp() CLASS TCBrowse local nSkipped local nLines := ::nRowCount() if ::nLen < 1 return nil endif ::ResetSeek() if ::bSeekChange != Nil eval(::bSeekChange) endif if ! ::lHitTop ::DrawLine() if ::Skip( -1 ) == -1 ::lHitBottom = .f. if ::nRowPos > 1 ::nRowPos-- else ::lRePaint := .f. TCBrwScroll( ::hWnd, -1, If( ::oFont != nil, ::oFont:hFont, 0 ) ) ::DrawLine() endif else ::lHitTop = .t. endif ::DrawSelect() if ::oVScroll != nil ::oVScroll:GoUp() endif if ::bChange != nil Eval( ::bChange ) endif endif return nil //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // The following method is dedicated to John Stolte by the 'arry METHOD SwitchCols( nCol1, nCol2 ) CLASS TcBrowse local oHolder, nHolder, nMaxCol := Len(::aColumns) if nCol1 > ::nFreeze .and. nCol2 > ::nFreeze .and. ; nCol1 <= nMaxCol .and. nCol2 <= nMaxCol oHolder := ::aColumns[ nCol1 ] nHolder := ::aColSizes[ nCol1 ] ::aColumns[ nCol1 ] := ::aColumns[ nCol2 ] ::aColSizes[ nCol1 ] := ::aColSizes[ nCol2 ] ::aColumns[ nCol2 ] := oHolder ::aColSizes[ nCol2 ] := nHolder if ::nColOrder == nCol1 ::nColOrder := nCol2 endif endif return self //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// static function GenHead( aArray, nPos ) ; return {|| aArray[nPos]:cHeading } static function GenData( aArray, nPos ) ; return {|| ; If( aArray[nPos]:cPicture!=nil, ; Transform( Eval(aArray[nPos]:bData), aArray[nPos]:cPicture), ; cValToChar(Eval(aArray[nPos]:bData))) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Report( cTitle, lPreview ) CLASS TCBrowse local oRpt, oColumn, cPicture local nRecNo, nI DEFAULT cTitle := ::oWnd:GetText(), lPreview := .t. if ::cAlias != "ARRAY" if ::cAlias == "DBFOBJECT" nRecNo := ::oDbf:RecNo() else nRecNo := ( ::cAlias )->( RecNo() ) endif endif if lPreview REPORT oRpt TITLE cTitle PREVIEW ; HEADER "Date: " + DToC( Date() ) + ", Time: " + Time() ; FOOTER "Page: " + Str( oRpt:nPage, 3 ) else REPORT oRpt TITLE cTitle ; HEADER "Date: " + DToC( Date() ) + ", Time: " + Time() ; FOOTER "Page: " + Str( oRpt:nPage, 3 ) endif if Empty( oRpt ) .or. oRpt:oDevice:hDC == 0 return nil else ::GoTop() endif for nI = 1 to Len( ::aColumns ) if !(::aColumns[nI]:lBitMap) oRpt:AddColumn( TrColumn():New( { GenHead( ::aColumns, nI ) },, ; { GenData( ::aColumns, nI ) },,,,,, ; If(ValType(Eval(::aColumns[nI]:bData))$"DN","RIGHT", nil) ; ,,,, oRpt ) ) endif next ENDREPORT oRpt:bSkip = { || oRpt:Cargo := ::Skip( 1 ) } oRpt:Cargo = 1 ACTIVATE REPORT oRpt ; WHILE If( ::cAlias == "ARRAY",; oRpt:nCounter <= Max( ( Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) ) - 1, 1 ),; oRpt:Cargo == 1 ) if ::cAlias != "ARRAY" if ::cAlias == "DBFOBJECT" ::oDbf:GoTo( nRecNo ) else ( ::cAlias )->( DbGoTo( nRecNo ) ) endif endif return nil //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) CLASS TCBrowse local cKey := upper( chr(nKey) ) local cSeek := ::cSeek if ::bKeyChar == nil if ( nKey >= 33 .and. nKey <= 126 ) .or. nKey == K_BS if ::cAlias != "ARRAY" ::Seek( nKey ) endif endif else Super:KeyChar( nKey, nFlags ) endif return 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD PageDown(nLines) CLASS TCBrowse ::ResetSeek() if ::bSeekChange != Nil eval(::bSeekChange) endif Super:PageDown(nLines) return nil //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD PageUp(nLines) CLASS TCBrowse ::ResetSeek() if ::bSeekChange != Nil eval(::bSeekChange) endif Super:PageUp(nLines) return nil //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Seek( nKey ) CLASS TCBrowse local lFound := .t. local lEof := .f. local lTrySeek := .t. local nRecNo := 0 local cSeek := ::cSeek local xSeek := cSeek local oColumn local nIdxLen if ::nColOrder > 0 lTrySeek := .t. if ::cOrderType == "C" // nIdxLen := Len( Eval( &("{||"+ ordSetFocus()+"}") ) ) nIdxLen := Len( Eval( &( "{||" + OrdKey(OrdSetFocus()) + "}" ) ) ) endif if nKey == K_BS if ::cOrderType == "D" cSeek := DateSeek(cSeek,nKey) else cSeek := Left(cSeek, Len(cSeek) - 1 ) endif else if ::cOrderType == "D" cSeek := DateSeek(cSeek,nKey) elseif ::cOrderType == "N" /* only 0..9 */ if nKey >= 48 .and. nKey <= 57 cSeek += upper(chr(nKey)) else tone( 500 ,1 ) lTrySeek := .f. endif elseif ::cOrderType == "C" if Len(cSeek) < nIdxLen cSeek += upper(chr(nKey)) else tone( 500 ,1 ) lTrySeek := .f. endif endif endif if ::cOrderType == "C" xSeek := cSeek elseif ::cOrderType == "N" xSeek := val(cSeek) elseif ::cOrderType == "D" xSeek := dtos(ctod(cSeek)) else xSeek := cSeek endif if ! ( ::cOrderType == "D" .and. len(rtrim(cSeek)) < Len(DtoC(Date())) ) ; .and.lTrySeek if ::cAlias == "DBFOBJECT" nRecNo := ::oDbf:recno() lFound := ::oDbf:Seek( xSeek,.t. ) lEof := ::oDbf:eof() if lEof .or. ( ::cOrderType == "C" .and. ! lFound ) ::oDBf:Goto( nRecNo ) endif else nRecNo := ( ::cAlias )->( recno() ) lFound := ( ::cAlias )->( DbSeek( xSeek,.t. ) ) lEof := ( ::cAlias )->( eof() ) if lEof .or. ( ::cOrderType == "C" .and. ! lFound ) ( ::cAlias )->( DbGoTo( nRecNo ) ) endif endif if ( ::cOrderType == "C" .and. ! lFound ) .or. lEof tone( 500 ,1 ) if ::cOrderType == "D" DateSeek(cSeek,K_BS) else cSeek := Left(cSeek, Len(cSeek) - 1 ) endif else // only refresh if record pointer was moved if ::cAlias == "DBFOBJECT" if nRecNo != ::oDbf:recno() ::ResetBarPos() //::nRowPos := 1 ::Refresh() endif elseif nRecNo != ( ::cAlias )->( recno() ) ::ResetBarPos() //::nRowPos := 1 ::Refresh() endif endif endif ::cSeek := cSeek if ::oCtx != Nil ::oCtx:Save() endif if ::bSeekChange != Nil eval(::bSeekChange) endif endif return nil //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD SetOrder( nColumn ) CLASS TCBrowse local lReturn := .f. local oColumn := ::aColumns[ nColumn ] if !Empty(oColumn:cOrder) if ::cAlias != "ARRAY" if ::cAlias == "DBFOBJECT" ::oDbf:SetOrder( oColumn:cOrder ) // ::oDbf:GoTop() else ( ::cAlias )->( OrdSetFocus( oColumn:cOrder ) ) // ( ::cAlias )->( DbGoTop() ) endif if Empty(ordSetFocus()) ::cOrderType := "" else // ::cOrderType := ValType( Eval( &("{||"+ ordSetFocus()+"}") ) ) ::cOrderType := ValType( Eval( &("{||"+ OrdKey(OrdSetFocus()) + "}" ) ) ) endif if ::oCtx != Nil ::oCtx:ReNew() endif ::ResetBarPos() //::nRowPos := 1 ::Refresh() ::nColOrder := nColumn ::ResetSeek() ::SetFocus() if ::bSeekChange != Nil eval(::bSeekChange) endif lReturn := .t. endif endif return lReturn //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// static func DateSeek(cSeek,nKey) local cChar := chr(nKey) local nSpace := at(" ",cSeek) local cTemp := "" /* only 0..9 */ if nKey >= 48 .and. nKey <= 57 if nSpace <> 0 cTemp := left(cSeek,nSpace-1) cTemp += cChar cTemp += substr(cSeek,nSpace+1,len(cSeek) ) cSeek := cTemp else cSeek := cSeek tone(500,1) endif elseif nKey == K_BS if nSpace = 4 .or. nSpace = 7 cTemp := left(cSeek,nSpace-3) cTemp += " " cTemp += substr(cSeek,nSpace-1,len(cSeek) ) elseif nSpace == 0 cTemp := left(cSeek,len(cSeek)-1) elseif nSpace == 1 cTemp := cSeek else cTemp := left(cSeek,nSpace-2) cTemp += " " cTemp += substr(cSeek,nSpace,len(cSeek) ) endif cSeek := padr(cTemp,10) else tone( 500 ,1 ) endif return cSeek //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD ResetSeek() CLASS TCBrowse local oColumn if ::nColOrder > 0 if ::cOrderType == "D" ::cSeek := " / / " else ::cSeek := "" endif endif return ::cSeek //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD ResetBarPos() CLASS TCBrowse static bCxKeyNo, bCmKeyNo local cRDDName local cOrderName , nRecNo local lClipMore local nLogicPos // logical record no position within index local nLogicLen // for the future when move into Conatext Class if Used() cRddName = RddName() else cRddName = RddSetDefault() endif if ::cAlias != "ARRAY" .and. ! Empty( ::cAlias ) if cRDDName == "COMIX" .or. cRDDName == "ADSDBFCDX" // must macro the Comix functions since link error if not present if cRDDName == "COMIX" DEFAULT bCxKeyNo := &("{ | cTag | cmxKeyNo( cTag ) }") else DEFAULT bCxKeyNo := &("{ | cTag | OrdKeyNo( cTag ) }") endif if (lClipMore := ( Type("cmKeyNo()")=="C".or. ; Type("cmKeyNo()")=="UI" ) ) DEFAULT bCmKeyNo := &("{ | cTag | cmKeyNo( cTag ) }") endif endif if ::cAlias == "DBFOBJECT" cOrderName := (::oDbf:cAlias)->(ordSetFocus()) if Empty(cOrderName) // no active index nLogicPos := ::oDbf:RecNo() elseif cRDDName == "DBFNTX" // cure a little quirk in NtxPos if eof gives 0 as LOGICAL pos nRecNo := If( ::oDbf:Eof(), ::oDbf:RecNo() - 1, ::oDbf:RecNo()) nLogicPos := NtxPos( (::oDbf:cAlias)->(IndexOrd()), nRecNo ) elseif cRDDName == "COMIX" if lClipMore nLogicPos := Eval( bCmKeyNo, cOrderName ) else nLogicPos := Eval( bCxKeyNo, cOrderName ) endif else nLogicPos := ::oDbf:RecNo() endif else cOrderName := ( ::cAlias )->( OrdSetFocus() ) if Empty(cOrderName) // no active index nLogicPos := (::cAlias)->(RecNo()) elseif cRDDName == "DBFNTX" // cure a little quirk in NtxPos if eof gives 0 as LOGICAL pos nRecNo := If( (::cAlias)->(Eof()), (::cAlias)->(RecNo()) - 1, ; (::cAlias)->(RecNo()) ) nLogicPos := NtxPos( (::cAlias)->(IndexOrd()), nRecNo ) elseif cRDDName == "COMIX" if lClipMore nLogicPos := Eval( bCmKeyNo, cOrderName ) else nLogicPos := Eval( bCxKeyNo, cOrderName ) endif else nLogicPos := (::cAlias)->(RecNo()) endif endif if cRDDName == "ADSDBFCDX" ::bLogicLen = &( "{ || OrdKeyCount() }" ) endif ::nLen := Eval( ::bLogicLen, Self ) if ::oVScroll != nil ::oVScroll:SetRange( 1, ::nLen ) ::oVScroll:SetPos( nLogicPos ) endif if (nLogicPos > 0) .and. (nLogicPos < ::nRowPos) ::nRowPos := nLogicPos endif endif return nil //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// METHOD Inspect( cData ) CLASS TCBrowse do case case cData == "aColumns" return { | aColumns | MsgBeep(), aColumns } endcase return nil //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
  7. Marcelo, MinhaFuncao() é apenas um exemplo, ela simplesmente retorna FALSO. No entanto, com xHarbour, o browse avança para o próximo campo, com o Clipper ele permanece no mesmo. ************************************* static function MinhaFuncao( o ) ************************************* return .F. Obrigado pela atenção, Luciano.
  8. Marcelo, Na verdade esse GET é gerenciado pela próprío Browse, eu não o Defino. Ele é gerado pelo ADD COLUMN quando eu adiciono a clausula VALID, como no exemplo abaixo: ADD COLUMN TO BROWSE oBrw ; DATA FieldWBlock("BAKIYE", Select("Stok")) ; HEADER "Bakiye" ; PICTURE "###,###.##" ; EDITABLE ; WIDTH 70 PIXELS ; VALID {|o| MinhaFuncao( o:varGet() ) } Mas isso eu consegui dessa forma: trocando: VALID {|o| MinhaFuncao( o:varGet() ) } por: VALID IF MinhaFuncao( o ) Só que o problema persiste. Luciano.
  9. Ok, mas como faça para obter o objeto get que preciso em MinhaFuncao()? Obrigado, Luciano
  10. Bom dia! Estou com o seguinte problema: Utilizo o TcBrowse/TwBrowse e valido alguns dos campos quando add as colunas do browse, como segue: ADD COLUMN TO BROWSE oBrw ; DATA FieldWBlock("BAKIYE", Select("Stok")) ; HEADER "Bakiye" ; PICTURE "###,###.##" ; EDITABLE ; WIDTH 70 PIXELS ; VALID {|o| MinhaFuncao( o:varGet() ) } Esse é um exemplo do próprio FiveWin (\Samples\Browse.prg). O que ocorre é que se MinhaFuncao() retornar falso ele avança para o próximo campo mesmo assim. Estou utilizando Fivewin for xHarbour 2.7 April 2006 Release + xHarbour October 2006 + WinXP. O mesmo programa no Clipper 5.2e + Fivewin 2.4 funciona corretamente, ou seja, quando MinhaFuncao() retorna falso ele não sai do get, aguardando a digitação de um valor válido. O que eu posso fazer neste caso para resolver o problema? Obrigado, Luciano Iuri Pereira Birô 2000 Serviços Integrados S/A
  11. Bom dia! Estou com o seguinte problema: Utilizo o TcBrowse/TwBrowse e valido alguns dos campos quando add as colunas do browse, como segue: ADD COLUMN TO BROWSE oBrw ; DATA FieldWBlock("BAKIYE", Select("Stok")) ; HEADER "Bakiye" ; PICTURE "###,###.##" ; EDITABLE ; WIDTH 70 PIXELS ; VALID {|o| MinhaFuncao( o:varGet() ) } Esse é um exemplo do próprio FiveWin (\Samples\Browse.prg). O que ocorre é que se MinhaFuncao() retornar falso ele avança para o próximo campo mesmo assim. Estou utilizando Fivewin for xHarbour 2.7 April 2006 Release + xHarbour October 2006 + WinXP. O mesmo programa no Clipper 5.2e + Fivewin 2.4 funciona corretamente, ou seja, quando MinhaFuncao() retorna falso ele não sai do get, aguardando a digitação de um valor válido. O que eu posso fazer neste caso para resolver o problema? Obrigado, Luciano Iuri Pereira Birô 2000 Serviços Integrados S/A
  12. Marcelo, o teste com a alteração na Classe TWindow() foi apenas um dos testes, o ultimo. E com essa alteração fica mais rápido do que sem ela. Se eu tirar a TWindow() fica ainda mais lento. Obrigado, Luciano
  13. Bom dia, Gilmer, Sim,estou usando o xBuild do xHarbour. Marcelo, Li o seu e-mail e testei. Realmente a versão que vc me enviou ficou tão rápida quanto a do Fivewin. No entanto, quando recompilei aqui, voltou a ficar lenta. Será isso algum problema com a máquina? O que ocorre é que testei em 3 micros com configurações e SOs diferentes e continuou lento. Quanto ao item do projeto [L] MYC_FLAGS = MYDEFINES = MYPRG_FLAGS = Trata-se da classe TWindow.prg do Fivewin, com os methods DispBegin() e DispEnd() alterados para VIRTUAL. Obrigado pela atenção e auxilio, Luciano.
  14. Olá Gilmer, Sim, recompilei. Usei o project do site do xHarbour.com quando atualizei o xHb. Estou utilizando o xBuild. Não seria algum problema de versão do Fivewin isso? Fiz 2 alterações no meu código, como sugestões que encontrei no forum do fivewin, mas mesmo assim continua lento: 1) redefinir a função AppIsthemed() retornando sempre .f. 2) redefinir os methodos DispBegin() e DispEnd() da classe TWindow() como VIRTUAL. Ambas as alterações aumentam a performance, mas não resolvem de todo o problema, vc tem alguma outra sugestão? Esse problema ocorre como vc tb? Obrigado, Luciano
  15. Olá Gilmer, Estou compilando com o xHarbour Project Builder, atualizado em Julho/2005, com Fivewin 2.5 adquirido em Dezembro/2004. Apenas adiciono o programa acima no projeto e compilo... e ele já fica mais lento que em Clipper 5.2e + Fivewin 2.4. []´s Luciano.
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